

The Analyses on Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in the Advantage of Backwardness Perspective

【作者】 王立会

【导师】 姜凌;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 世界经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的发展,国际投资也得到极大的发展。但在过去的历史进程中,国际投资一直是发达国家占居主导地位,并明显地成为最大的受益者;后发国家大多处于被动的不利地位。在经济全球化不可逆转、国际分工和投资交往日益密切的趋势下,后发国家应当变被动为主动,发挥自身的优势,积极通过国际投资活动加快经济发展,迎接全球化挑战。世界经济史是一部发展不平衡、后发国家赶超先进国家的历史,其理论依据是后发优势理论。后发优势存在于落后国家的各个方面,本文仅讨论了后发优势与对外直接投资之间的关系,笔者认为落后国家要想实现对外投资方面的赶超,必须充分发挥后发优势。但是目前学术界对后发优势的理论研究及其实践价值缺乏深入地探讨,而对外直接投资方面的后发优势更是微乎其微,中国对外投资方面的后发优势的研究几乎是一片空白。受国际金融危机等外部因素影响,以及我国外汇储备剧增,到2009年9月达到2.27亿美元,人民币面临巨大升值压力等内部因素影响,中国经济自2008年秋天起,出现了比较大的调整。从温总理的政府工作报告看,今年及今后一段时间,在经济安排上,政府将采取一系列强有力措施,力求扩内需、保增长、调结构、重民生,实现经济平稳较快发展。在利用外资方面,一要推动利用外资和对外投资的协调发展:一方面,引导外资投向高新技术产业、先进制造业、节能环保产业和现代服务业;另一方面,继续实施“走出去”战略。本文在提出“对外直接投资后发优势”的基础上,实证分析了后发优势对对外直接投资的促进作用,不仅为后发优势假说提供了支撑,而且将后发优势假说引入对我国对外直接投资领域,构建了中国发挥对外投资后发优势的实现机制,为中国企业更好更快的走出去提供了理论支持和政策建议。本文共分了两部分,绪论和正文,正文分为三章。第一章首先对后优势理论做了理论综述,归纳和简要评价了国内外关于后发优势理论研究成果;其次对后发优势进行了定量和定性的度量,并实证验证了后发优势对对外直接投资的促进作用。第二章首先简要的介绍了我国对外投资的现状,指出存在的问题,在此基础上,结合“后发优势假说”,将后发优势引入我国对外直接投资领域,具体分析了我国对外直接投资所具有的后发优势。第三章在分析我国对外直接投资后发优势发挥所面临的障碍的基础上,探讨我国对外直接投资后发优势发挥实现的路径,并构建我国发挥后发优势的实现机制。本文创新之处有以下三点:1)本文融合了后发优势理论和对外直接投资,用后发优势理论来指导中国企业的对外投资。2)对后发优势进行了定性和定量度量,实证分析了后发优势对对外直接投资的促进作用,得出了处于不同发展阶段的后发国家,在后发优势发挥上存在着差异。3)论证了中国后发优势所处的阶段,分析了中国对外投资所具有的后发优势,以及如何发挥这些优势,把潜在的后发优势转化为现实的后发优势,来促进中国对外直接投资的发展。当然文章也有诸多不足:1)搜集到的数据有限,文中只搜集到了36个国家的人均国民收入和对外投资增长率的数据,可能不能很好的反映回归结果。2)中国的后发优势在对外直接投资中起到的作用没有找到量化的指标,后发优势在中国对外直接投资中具体作用有多大没能实证说明。

【Abstract】 With the development of economic globalization, international investment also develops greatly at this period. But in the past historical process, the developed countries had been the dominance in the area of international investment, and obviously became the largest beneficiaries. Most underdeveloped countries are at the disadvantageous position. In this trend of that economic globalization and the international division of labor and investment, the backward countries should change from passive to active, playing to their own advantages and actively through international investment to accelerate economic development, facing the challenges of globalization.The history of world economy is uneven development, and the backward countries catch up with the advanced countries in history. The theoretical basis is the theory of Advantage of Backwardness. Advantage of Backwardness exists in the various aspects of backward countries. This article will discuss the relationship between the Advantage of Backwardness and foreign direct investment. The author thinks that the backward countries must fully exploit its advantage in order to catch up with the developed country.By the financial crisis and other external factors, and the rapid accumulation of China’s foreign exchange reserve, and appreciating in the RMB and other internal factors, Chinese economy has been a major adjustment from 2008. Studing on the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s Government Work Report, the government will adopt a series of strong measures to boost domestic demand, maintain economic growth and make structural adjustments. On the capital market, the use of foreign capital and foreign direct investment will develop in step.However, the theory of Advantage of Backwardness in academia is still not researched deeply. The research of FDI is even slimmer. On the basis of the Advantage of Backwardness of FDI, the article analyzes empirically that the Advantage of Backwardness improve FDI. The analysis not only provides support for the Advantage of Backwardness, but also can be applied in China’s FDI, constructing the realizing mechanism of China’s FDI. The analysis provides theoretical support and policy proposal to Chinese enterprises acquiring abroad.There are three innovations of this article:firstly, this article combines the theory of Advantage of Backwardness and foreign direct investment, to guide foreign investment in Chinese enterprises; secondly, the article analyzes empirically that Advantage of Backwardness improve FDI; finally, the article argues for the stage of China’s Advantage of Backwardness, and analysis that which Advantages of Backwardness of China’s foreign investment, and how to play these advantages.Of course, there are many inadequacies in the article: firstly, the data collected is limited, so the regression results may not be well reflected; secondly,the article didn’t find the quantitative indicators for China’s Advantage of Backwardness in FDI. It’s difficult to prove the specific role of Advantage of Backwardness in FDI.

【关键词】 后发优势对外投资中国
【Key words】 Advantage of BackwardnessFDIChina

