

【作者】 文国勋

【导师】 李昆声;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 考古学及博物馆学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 不对称形铜钺是古代遍及中国南方和东南亚的一种典型青铜器,种类繁多,纹饰精美。在中国南方和越南的铜鼓、铜桶、铜钺等青铜器表上都能看到古代先民使用不对称铜钺的图像,不对称形铜钺使用的时间也几乎贯穿整个中国南方地区的青铜时代。本文综合中国南方地区至今出土的不对称形铜钺进行类型学分析,通过对比中国南方地区早期青铜时代的不对称形铜钺,认为中国南方的不对称形铜钺非单中心起源,而是大致可以分成甲、乙两大系统,两大系统不对称形铜钺并有着不同的起源地:甲类系统不对称形铜钺应是仿江浙地区良渚文化时期的靴形石刀形制而来,乙类系统不对称形铜钺则是仿广西境内不对称形有肩石器形制而成。并且两大系统各自有着不同的演化传播路线,最后在广西、云南和越南中北部这一区域重合。共形成了杭嘉湖地区、长江中游地区、岭南地区、滇池地区、怒江中游地区、越南中北部地区几大极具地方特色不对称形铜钺分布区。同时,伴随不对称形铜钺的演化传播,其赋予的功能也发生了转变,由最初的实用器转化为丧葬礼器,成为中国南方青铜文化中的重要组成部分。

【Abstract】 The asymmetric shape copper axe was a typical bronze all over South China andSoutheast Asia in ancient times. It had a great variety and exquisite sculptures. We canalso find that our ancient ancestors used the images of the asymmetric copper axes onthe bronze drums, copper buckets, and copper axes in the Bronze culture in SouthChina. They were used throughout the whole Bronze Age in the south area of China.Synthesizing the asymmetric shape of copper ax unearthed up to now in South China,and comparing with the asymmetric shape copper axes in early Bronze Age, the authorthinks the asymmetric shape copper axes of South China was not just originated fromonly one place. Its origin can be roughly divided into A and B systems. And the twosystems have different original places. The early asymmetric shape copper axes ofsystem A must be the imitation of the stone knives with hilt during the period ofSongze、Liangzhu culture in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area. Those belonging to system Bcopied the asymmetrical shoulder stone in Guangxi area. Moreover, the two systemshad different evolution transmission lines. However, they got together in Guangxi,Yunnan and North Vietnam and formed several distribution areas for the asymmetricalshape copper axes with unusual local characteristics.Formed a total of Zhejiang in theYangtze River region, South region, Dianchi Lake area, the Nu River area,north-central area of Vietnamese local features several highly asymmetric shape bronzedistribution.Meanwhile, with the evolution and transmission of the asymmetrical shapecopper axes, its original functions also changed from initial utility implement intosacrificial vessel. The asymmetrical shape copper axes gradually became an importantpart in the bronze culture of South China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】K875
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】222

