

【作者】 张磊

【导师】 林超民;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 专门史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 嘉靖十年(1531)开始,莽瑞体、莽应龙及莽应里在西方殖民势力的支持下,利用手中的武器,统一了整个缅甸。在这一过程之中,莽氏对今云南西部傣族地区进兵,并征服了该地区,对这里社会生活和经济文化造成了严重破坏,造成了明代的西南边疆危机。尽管万历十一年及以后明王朝用兵于此半个世纪,甚至修关筑堡开屯驻兵,但内侵并没有因此而停止。而这一冲突,直至阿那毖隆时才告一段落。但是冲突的结果却是三宣外土司渐疏远于中央,最终在清末八关半入缅甸,中国边界大大的内缩。中国边疆也遭受到了巨大影响。本文认为这一边疆危机,在相当程度上是明王朝统治思想或者说统治政策长期以来的结果。东吁王朝不过是个外在催化剂。明初,朱元璋对西南土司确立了“守在四夷”、“以静治之”的统治思想。具体来讲,就是不断地将大土司分割成一个一个的小土司。在他们看来,只有这样才能在不动用大规模武装力量的前提下较为容易的控制这里。明初的“析麓川地”、成化年间的猛密安抚司的设置、万历间蛮莫安抚司的设置,都是这一政策或者说是思想贯彻于明朝整个历史时期的具体表现。但统治者不能有效控制并整合该地区的势力,以至于原本以为容易控制的“小土司”,却为明中期以后的明代边疆带来了无穷的隐患。他们各自为政,都追求自身的利益和土地并逐渐产生了矛盾,并由矛盾进而引发更进一步的冲突和争斗,而加深矛盾,如此往复循环交叉;同时诸土司间相互利用、相互联合,争取共同的利益或打击共同的敌人,这一切都直接导致了边疆土司间不断地纷乱。而明王朝还对这繁复的纷争推波助澜。它经常利用某一或某些的土司对付另外的土司,已达到其“以夷制夷”目的,并认为这样子是“以静治之”的好方法。在这一过程中“小土司”对明王朝逐渐产生了不满情绪。此外,明王朝不但掠取这一地区的资源,而且不能公正处理土司间的纷争。经常收受贿赂从而偏袒一方,使得明前中期建立起来的正直公正强大的王朝形象被摧毁了;而诸土司的利益也没有得到满足。于是在东吁王朝兴起后,就开始有土司投效之;同时在已投降土司的教唆下,又有很多的土司背汉向缅。并在东吁王朝的统一指挥下,开始侵入中国腹地,最终导致了万历年间边疆危机的产生。并产生了巨大的深远的影响。可以说明末西南边疆危机完全是明王朝一杯自酿的苦酒。

【Abstract】 Since Jiajing the Tenth, 1531 AD,Tabinshwehti started building Toungoo Dynasty with the helps from the western colonists and the weapons from the foreigners. During this process, leaders advanced the troops into the area, where now is on the west of YunNan province border, the Dai area, they conquered this district after nearly half-a-century’s war with Ming. The war had caused the heavy damages to the live, the culture and the economic there. Until the Anaukbetlun times, the war wasn’t ended. Results of the war were that the three Xuanweisi were beginning to be alienated with Ming. At last, the border between Myanmar and China was shrinking in, and four of the eight passes of China were get into Myanmar at the end of Qing Dynasty. The southwest border area of China was been influencing since then.In my opinion, the southwest border crisis was mostly caused by the ideas and the politics of Ming dominators, but Toungoo Dynasty. In fact, Toungoo Dynasty was just a catalyst, which activated the revolting elements here made by Ming’s domination. Since Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Ming established the idea to make the Dai people and other minorities, who live in the southwest, peaceful and the area easily controlled. Especifically, they tried to weaken the local minority forces by cutting the relative large ones up into the small ones. They thought that minority forces were able to be controlled fast only in this way without the troops sent. The Luchuan’s cutting up, and the set of Mengmi Anfusi and Manmo Anfusi, which happened in Hongwu, Chenghua and Wanli Dynasties, was all the specific cases of the Cutting-up politics. But out of the governors’mind, small forces, which ought to be controlled easily, brought lots of serious hidden troubles to the Ming Dynasty at last.They, small forces, only minded themselves’affairs, and tried to go after their benefits and territory. During this process, contradictions between and among them had been shaping. And then, they always tried to kill their opponents, so the wars among the small forces began. Results of the wars were the more serious contradictions. After the more serious contradictions were the more serious wars. Wars and contradictions were happened again and again, till this area was in the disorderly and chaos situation.When Ming Dynasty faced this situation in the area, she didn’t try to stop the wars, but prompted it. She always used one and some forces to cope with and attack the others to achieve the purpose of minority’s controlling. And they believed that this was the best way to control the minority forces. With this going on, the small forces began the mind of hatred for Ming. Not only provoked the contradictions among the forces, but Ming ravened the resources there and complied with the affairs partially and unfairly. All of these destroyed the great and impartial figure of Ming, which had been shaped in the early times of Ming. When the requirements of the forces could’t be met, they began to find the way to fulfill them. At the same time, Toungoo Dynasty rose suddenly. So, some of them tried to embrace the new dynasty. With the treasures’temptation from the Toungoo Dynasty, many of the others put in the new dynasty. They betrayed the Ming. When Toungoo conquered the Dai area, she began to invade Ming’s territory with helps from the small minority forces. This produced the southwest border area crisis in Wanli Dynasty till the death of Ming. In fact that the crisis influenced China southwest border area for several centuries, even today. All in all, the crisis happened on the southwest of China in Ming is a cup of bitter wine brewed herself.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】K248
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】336

