

Study of the Objective and Index System of the Effectiveness of Insurance Management Supervision

【作者】 董辉

【导师】 艾孙麟;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 保险学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 保险伴随着人类社会经济活动发展过程,是风险分散与经济损失转移控制机制需求的必然产物,已成为现代社会制度中不可或缺的有机组成部分,发挥着社会稳定器和经济助推器的作用。为保证保险市场的有效运行,充分发挥保险功能,不仅需要相应监管制度制约保险市场上的垄断、不公平竞争行为和信息不对称等市场失灵问题,以此来对保险机构实施微观的行业监管;而且还需要从维护市场稳定和借助保险市场实现国家整体经济目标出发,实施对保险市场的宏观调控和管理。保险监管本质是一种制度性的安排,监管制度的选择与制定直接决定保险监管作用的发挥;同时,监管实际上是一个强制过程,它迫使被监管的市场参与者牺牲自身利益在社会福利最大化点上进行生产,最终达到资源的优化配置。但是,理性的企业并不会被动地接受与企业利润最大化目标相悖的政府监管,总会采取种种办法来逃避监管,维护自身利益,上述因素往往导致政府目标难以实现,甚至事与愿违。因此,必须明确保险监管目标,通过相应的制度实现保险监管目标,并权衡保险监管的利弊及其可能带来的成本,在既定监管目标实现的前提下追求监管效率的提升,最终实现对保险市场的有效监管,实现保险监管的有效性。本文选取保险经营监管的有效性作为研究对象,主要围绕以下几个方面的问题展开:第一,何谓保险经营监管的有效性?保险经营监管及其监管制度的形成根源及理论依据是什么?第二,实现保险经营监管有效性的目标是什么?如何评判保险经营监管是否有效?如何衡量保险经营监管的有效性?衡量有效性的标准有哪些?第三,中国现行保险经营监管制度的运行效果如何?存在哪些方面的问题?第四,如何改进和优化我国现行保险经营监管制度?据此,本文运用制度经济学、博弈论、委托代理理论、公共选择理论等分析方法和分析工具,探讨保险经营监管的有效性,通过对保险经营监管有效性的经济学、博弈模型及现实分析,丰富和完善保险监管理论体系;结合国情和保险监管制度优化的现实需要,探讨中国保经营险监管制度的目标和改革方向,为建立健全与我国社会政治经济环境和保险制度相适应的有效的保险监管制度,提供具有一定前瞻性和可操作性的政策建议。本文首先对保险监管及保险监管有效性的基本涵义进行了系统研究和探讨,提出保险监管有效性的内涵应包含监管的效益和效率两个方面。通过对保险经营监管有效性的传统理论依据,研究保险经营监管制度的起源及其应有的作用,分析证明了保险监管的必要性与合理性。在此基础上探讨保险经营监管有效性的目标和效率原则,并在定性、定量两个方面提出保险经营监管有效性的衡量标准与指标体系。通过对保险监管有效性的经济学分析,分别从保险监管的垄断性、外部性、公共品特征、信息不对称等方面,详细系统地分析了监管失灵的深刻根源,并且再一步印证了保险监管的必要性。在对保险监管的经济学分析的基础上,通过引入监管的博弈模型,分析保险监管的理性选择,即如何实现效益与效率的双赢,即在达到保险监管目标的前提下,实现成本与收益间的平衡,并引出其政策含义。再者,结合我国的具体国情及保险市场发展状况,考察了中国保险经营监管制度的运行效果,分析了我国保险经营监管的有效性,说明了中国保险监管制度对于促进中国社会经济的发展具有积极的作用,肯定了保险经营监管制度总体上的有效性。但是随着保险业的不断发展、保险产品的不断创新,保险监管势必面对更多新的挑战。同时我国保险监管制度还存在多方面的不足。如保险监管法制不健全、监管越位与缺位并存、监管透明度亟待提高、偿付能力监管问题等。最后,根据前文提到的不足提出提高保险监管有效性的具体改进举措,本文指出,应从宏观、微观两方面进行中国保险监管制度的改进,在加强保险监管基础环境建设的基础上,形成市场行为监管、偿付能力监管和保险公司治理结构监管的现代化保险监管“三支柱”框架。本文力图在以下几个方面进行一些新的尝试和突破:1.国内理论界对于保险监管的研究多数是从制度构建、国际监管制度比较、法律体系、发展趋势等角度进行探讨,并取得了一定的理论成果。但是,对于保险经营监管有效性的分析并不多见。本文以当前我国保险经营监管的现状出发,通过对保险经营监管有效性的经济学、博弈模型及现实分析,提出保险监管有效性的涵义、目标、效率标准及衡量指标,从定性、定量两个方面探讨保险经营监管的有效性,在研究视角上有一定的新意。2.将公共监管理论及委托代理理论等研究成果,应用在保险经营监管有效性的分析中,阐述了现代保险监管理论的理论根源,从理论上分析了保险经营监管效率缺失的根源。将博弈模型的研究成果应用在保险经营监管有效性的分析中,分析保险监管的理性选择,并引出其政策含义。3.在搜集和整理大量统计数据的基础上,应用保险经营监管有效性的目标及效率原则提出保险经营监管有效性的衡量标准,从定性和定量两个方面对我国现行保险经营监管制度的运行效果进行了分析。4.基于中国的现实国情,从宏观和微观两个层面提出提高保险经营监管有效性政策改进建议及举措,强调放松管制与加强管制的统一、监管机构力量与市场力量的均衡,提出了实现中国保险经营监管有效性的建设性建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of human socio-economic activities, the insurance is the inevitable outcome of Risk diversification and the transfer of economic loss. It has become an integral part of the modern social system. It plays a key role of social stabilizer and economic booster.For the purpose of effective operation of the market, giving full play to the insurance, the appropriate regulatory regime constraints the monopolizations, acts of unfair competition and information asymmetry, supervise the insurance sector, and for the purpose of maintaining market stability and achieving the country’s overall economic objectives by insurance market. The nature of government regulation is a kind of institutional arrangements, choice and design of the regulatory regime directly determine the role of insurance. At the same time, regulation is actually a mandatory process. It forces the market participants to product in the point of maximized social welfare. Ultimately, achieve the optimal allocation of resources.But the rational enterprises always avoid regulation, maintaining the self-interest by any ways. These factors often lead to difficult to achieve government targets. So insurance regulatory goals must be clear, to achieve objectives of government regulation by the appropriate system, and weigh the pros arid cons of insurance supervision and the possible costs, for the premise of the established goals, enhance regulatory efficiency. Then achieve the effective regulation of the insurance market and realize the effectiveness of insurance supervision.This paper selected the effectiveness of insurance supervision as the object of study, mainly focus on the following aspects of the issues:First, what is the effectiveness of insurance supervision? What is the theoretical foundation and the formation of the root causes of insurance supervision and regulatory system. Second, what’s the goal of effective insurance supervision? How to judge the effect of the insurance balance? How to measure the effectiveness of insurance supervision? What are the criteria to measure effectiveness? Third, how about China’s current insurance regulatory system? Fourth, how to improve current insurance regulatory system?This paper explores the effectiveness of insurance supervision by institutional economics, game theory, principal-agent theory, public choice theory and other analytical methods and analytical tools, discuss the objectives of China’s insurance regulatory system and the direction of reform, give some forward-looking advise and feasible policy recommendations.In this paper, I study and explore the system of insurance regulation and the effectiveness of insurance supervision, and I think that the connotation of the effectiveness of insurance supervision should include monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency. By study traditional theory of the effectiveness of insurance supervision, I analyzed the need for insurance supervision and reasonable, and explore the effectiveness of insurance supervision objectives and the principle of efficiency. Then propose the measure the effectiveness of insurance supervision system of criteria and indicators. Through the Economic analysis of the effectiveness of insurance supervision, I analyzed the underlying causes of regulatory failure from the theory of Monopoly, externalities, public goods characteristics, information asymmetries of insurance supervision, and analyzed the rational choice of insurance supervision. Then I examines the operation of China’s insurance regulatory system effects, analyzed the effectiveness of China’s insurance regulators, which based on China’s specific national conditions and insurance market conditions, affirmed the insurance regulatory system, the effectiveness of the overall. With the continuous development of the insurance industry, insurance product innovation, insurance supervision will have to face more new challenges. Meanwhile, there are still many deficiencies in China’s insurance regulatory system. We should improve China’s insurance regulatory system by macro and micro.This paper attempts to have some breakthrough in the following areas:1. Domestic scholars have achieved some success in the study of system construction, Comparison of regulatory regime, the legal system, the development trend of insurance supervision. However, the theories of the analysis of the effectiveness of insurance supervision are rare. By the analysis of insurance regulation effectiveness, the game model and the China status of supervision, I proposed the meaning of the effectiveness, goals, efficiency standards and measurable indicators of insurance supervision.2. I applied public regulation theory and principal-agent theory and other research results to the analysis of the effectiveness of insurance supervision, analyzed the root causes of lack of insurance regulatory efficiency. I used game model in the analysis of analysis of the effectiveness of insurance supervision.3. By collecting and collating a large number of statistical data, I proposed measure of the effectiveness of insurance supervision and analyzed the effects of our current insurance regulatory system from the qualitative and quantitative aspects.4.For China’s insurance regulators in the transition period, I make improvement recommendations to improve the effectiveness of insurance supervision from the macro and micro level, emphasized deregulation and strengthening the unity of the control, the balance of regulation forces and market forces, put forward constructive proposals to achieve the effectiveness of China’s insurance regulators.

  • 【分类号】F842
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】329

