

Effects of Different Fertilizer Application on the Fertility of Alkali Soil and the Proposed Minimum Data Sets for It

【作者】 王帅

【导师】 周东兴; 刘志华;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 生态学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 以肇东市宋站镇碱化土壤为供试土壤,研究了施用化肥、厩肥、有机-无机复混肥、有机肥、生物肥对碱化土壤物理、化学等肥力指标的变化及生物学指标的影响效果,探索不同培肥方式对碱化土壤肥力调控机理,建立最佳施肥模式。采用主成分分析法,对影响碱化土壤的物理、化学、生物学指标进行权重分析、排序,筛选出对碱化土壤质量(主要指肥力)影响关键的土壤参数,建立评价耕地土壤质量的最小数据集(MDS)。所得结果如下:1、各处理均能提高碱化土壤的有机质和全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、全磷、速效磷、等指标,对碱化土壤的改良均起到一定效果,其中,处理4有机肥对碱化土壤改良效果最佳。2、与对照相比,有机肥使碱化土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、速磷、速钾分别增加1.47倍、1.3倍、1.28倍、2.97倍、3.24倍、1.62倍,说明施用有机肥对改良碱化土壤肥力效果显著。3、各处理均能降低碱化土壤的pH值,降低幅度在0.2-0.4之间。其中,有机肥的效果最显著,降低幅度最大,说明有机肥在改良土壤酸碱度,保障土壤酸碱平衡方面有较大优势。4、土壤中速效磷、速效钾在玉米生长各时期的变化规律与施用肥料种类无关,只是因施入肥料的不同,导致土壤速效磷和速效钾含量的增加程度不同,有机肥表现出更大优势。有机肥对速效磷的提升作用最为明显,在植物生长的各个时期均表现出很大的优势,对速效钾的提升优势也很显著,增加了62%,可以得出,有机肥在提升土壤速效成分方面效果显著。5、本研究通过2008年和2009年所得数据,分别建立最小数据集,最后从参数中剔除相关性达到极显著水平的土壤参数并从自然界中土壤理化性质之间总是存在相关性的角度出发,确定耕地质量评价最小数据集MDS。但2008年与2009年略有不同,2008年为有机质、全氮、全磷、碱解氮、速效钾、阳离子交换量,2009年为有机质、全氮、全磷、脲酶、含水量、细菌、真菌、放线菌,最终这些进入最小数据集的土壤肥力指标都能较好的解释研究区的土壤肥力质量状况。

【Abstract】 The experiment carried out in the Song Station Town, Zhaodong city, Heilongjiang province. The soil belongs to the aline-alkali soil. Within two-year experiments, we conducted soil’s physical-chemical characteristics to compare the differences between five fertilizers (chemical fertilizer, manure, organic-chemical compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer and bio-fertilizer) in the test, and physical-chemical and biological characteristics were conduced to propose Minimum Data Sets (MDS). The part involved indicators for the fertility are organic matter, total N, available N, total P, available P, pH, available K. Excepting this, we also conduced the biological characteristics to set up MDS for evaluate the soil fertility quality. The principal component analysis (PCA) was used for MDS. The results are as follows:1. All tested fertilizers improved the soil chemical characters, including organic matter, total N, available K, total P, available P, pH, and the treatment 4 (manure) has the best function.2. Compared to the control, manure increased organic matter, total N, available nitrogen, total P, available P, and available K at the times of 1.47, 1.3, 1.28, 2.97, 3.24, and 1.62, respectively.The resules showed organinc matters has the best function to improve the aline-alkali soil.3. All tested fertilizers decreased the soil pH in the range of 0.2 to 0.4. These results showed the fertility can improve the characteristics of aline-alkali soil. Within the fertilizers, organic fertilizer has the best effectives.4. The tendency for available P and available K did not change followed the maize growth period for five fertilizers.The differences existed in the increasing tendency. The organic fertilizer had the advantages than other fertilizers.5. We proposed the MDS based on the two-year data, 2008 and 2009. There was little difference between the two MDS. Based on the data of 2008, we proposed organic matter, total N, available nitrogen, total P, and available K, and the cation exchange capacty as the MDS. The MDS of 2009 is organic matter, total N, total P, urease, water content, bacteria, fungus, and actinomycete. At last, organic matter, total N and total P composed the MDS.


