

Research on Housing Security of the Vulnerable Groups in Jinan City

【作者】 赵海勇

【导师】 张广文;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 土地资源管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,我国房地产业发展迅速,我国居民居住条件得到了较大的改善。然而,在我国社会利益分配格局不平衡、社会保障机制不完善的大背景下,房地产业过度的市场化政策使得城市中低收入者、城市新流入人口买不起房、出现住房难的问题,造成了现代社会名副其实的住房弱势群体。住房保障作为解决住房弱势群体住房困难的一项重要民生工程,作为社会保障体系中的重要组成部分,理应受到政府和社会的重视和关注。对济南市弱势群体住房保障问题的研究,希望引起政府、社会对弱势群体住房问题的关注,加快解决弱势群体住房问题的步伐,实现全社会的住有所居。另外,对于弱势群体住房保障问题的研究,对丰富我国住房保障政策,顺利推进城镇化建设、促进房地产业的持续健康发展有着重要的理论意义;也希望能得到政府、社会的普遍关注,加快解决济南市弱势群体住房问题的步伐,改善济南市弱势群体的住房水平。本文主要由六部分构成:第一部分,引言,包括研究背景和研究目的、意义、内容、方法。第二部分,弱势群体住房保障相关概念及理论的阐述。第三部分,济南市弱势群体住房保障现状的研究。主要包括:一、弱势群体住房现状,住房需求的预测分析;二是济南市住房保障政策的介绍,保障性住房供给现状分析;三是保障性住房需求与供给之间的对比分析。第四部分,分析济南市弱势群体住房保障存在的问题及成因。第五部分阐述我国香港地区及北京市住房保障的一些经验。第六部分提出解决弱势群体住房保障中存在问题的一些对策。本文通过对济南市住房弱势群体的界定,使得住房保障的对象更加明确,保障措施更具有针对性。对研究对象的住房现状,住房压力的阐述,以及对他们在未来一段时期内的保障性住房需求进行简单预测分析,就是想指出这一群体存在强烈的住房保障需求;同时阐述济南市住房保障的现状,包括政策,保障性住房供给情况;在此基础上,通过两者间的对比分析,从中发现其问题所在,并分析其内在原因,进而提出一些解决问题的建议。济南市的住房保障政策应该把济南市农民工群体和留济毕业生涵盖其中,让他们享受住房保障政策,解决他们的住房问题,使得他们更好的服务城市建设;在实施弱势群体住房保障过程中,加快住房保障法律法规建设,为弱势群体住房保障的顺利实施提供法律保障;建立独立的住房保障部门,统一领导各单位、各部门,协调社会各方面的力量参与到住房保障建设中;完善进入和退出机制,使得住房保障工作更有效率。2007年《济南市经济适用住房管理办法》和《济南市城市低收入家庭廉租住房管理办法》的出台,及2008年和2009年济南市在保障性住房建设中取得的一系列成绩,显示了济南市在解决低收入家庭住房问题上的决心。在济南市实施弱势群体住房保障的道路上,本文仅仅是做了一点粗浅的探索,希望能起到参考和借鉴的作用。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and opening policy ,our country have made rapid development in real estate market.One, Our county residents living conditions has made great imprvement;The other ,because of our uneven social benefits distribution pattern, and imperfact social security system, over the real estate market-oriented policies have made low-income cities,urban floating population can not afford housing, difficult housing problems make them truly vulnerable-group housing. Housing support policy, as an important livelihood projects ,in solving the vulnerable groups difficult housing problems ,as an important component of social security , Government and society should pay much attention on it.From study , to attract government, social concern about the vulnerable groups, to solve the housing problems of vulnerable groups as quickly as possible,to realize that every one has a house to live.The other ,it can enrich the housing security policy, make the smooth progress of urbanization,and has a great significance in promote sustainable and healthy development of the real estate industry.This paper, is be made from six parts,the first is instructions, it includs research on background and purpose of the study、meaning、methods; the second is about the vulnerable groups housing security and the related concepts and theories ; the third is about the housing security status of vulnerable groups in Jinan city; the fourth is about the housing support’s policy problems and the causes of the problems; the fifth ia about housing security reference about Hong Kong region and Bei jing City; the sixth is about Solution’s to Counter the vulnerable groups’housing problems. By the definition of vulnerable groups of housing in Jinan city,makes the subject of the protection of housing more explicit ; On this basis, studys it’s housing status, housing pressure, and the contradiction between the housing supply and vulnerable groups demand,to find the problems of Jinan-City housing security policys. On the basis of introducing the foreign and domestic urban’s successful housing security experiences; in the true of actual situation in Jinan city, lists some Solutions to Counter the vulnerable groups’housing problems in Jinan city.Jinan City’s housing policy should cove migrant workers and students , makes them serve urban construction better; Jinan city government should speed up to construct laws and regulations;to establishof an independent housing and social security department;to improve the entry and exit mechanisms,so that Jinan City’s housing policy will be more efficient.In 2007,《Jinan- City, economic housing management approach》and《Jinan City low-income families management approach》, has Shown the Jinan City‘s determination to resolve the housing problems of low-income family. In improving the housing security of the vulnerable groups of Jinan city, This papers just does a little shallow exploration, it hops much attention on the vulnerable groups housing.


