

Zoogeographical Significance of Freshwater Crabs Family Potamidae and Parathelphusidae in Wuyi Moutain Region

【作者】 朱春潮

【导师】 周宪民;

【作者基本信息】 南昌大学 , 病原生物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:对武夷山脉地区淡水蟹类物种进行系统整理,分析武夷山脉地区淡水蟹类物种多样性及其滋生地的特点,探讨其动物地理学意义。方法:基于检视与比对武夷山脉淡水蟹类模式标本(Holotype)的工作基础并参考文献资料,实地采集了武夷山脉全境99个样点标本,并采用形态学方法进行分类与整理。结论:研究发现,武夷山脉地区分布有淡水蟹类5属33种,其种数占中国地区淡水蟹总量的11.7%(33/282),其中87.9%(29/33)的淡水蟹,有29种淡水蟹仅见于分布在山脉的东西两侧,可能是因为受海拔较高的武夷山脉阻隔的影响,从而印证了淡水蟹大多以山(水)系分布为主要特征的地理分布格局,显示山脉对淡水水生生物一淡水蟹具有明显的阻隔与生殖隔离作用。研究还显示,有4种淡水蟹可分布于武夷山脉的两侧,分析可能的原因之一,在该种淡水蟹分布地域的山体间,均存在低海拔隘口,并且此地两侧的水系均相连通,客观上造就了淡水蟹沿水系扩散的自然条件。同时,实地考察和对资料的分析都表明,武夷山脉不同海拔高度所形成的地势、地貌及其植被、气候、温度等的不同与变化,也对淡水蟹种群的滋生繁衍具有明显的影响,从而使不同种属的淡水蟹选择性地存在于其适宜的特定微生态自然地理环境中。

【Abstract】 Objective:Systematic analyze the freshwater crab species in Wuyi Mountains area, summarize the diversity and breeding ground of freshwater crab species in Wuyi Mountains area, discuss their zoogeographical significance.Methods:Based on review and comparison the freshwater crab type specimens (Holotype) in the Wuyi Mountains and historical reference materials, field-collect samples from the 99 locations throughout Wuyi Mountains, using morphological classification and sorting.Results:.The ongoing study found that the geographical distribution of Wuyi Mountains has 5 genera and 33 species of freshwater crabs, and the species of freshwater crab accounts for 11.7%(33/282) of total in China; of which 87.9%(29/33) of the freshwater crab, were found only distributing in the mountains of east or west sides, probably because of higher altitude Wuyi mountains by blocking effects which confirms distribution pattern of geographic distribution that the freshwater crabs mostly mountains (water),and implies that the mountains have disctinct impact on ranges of freshwater aquatic creatures-fresh water crab in reproductive isolation.Study found that 4 species fresh water crabs can be distributed in the Wuyi mountains on both sides, and one of the reasons may be, in the geographical distribution of certain species freshwater crab,as the existence of low-altitude mountain access, and both sides of the river here, homogeneous connectivity objectively created a freshwater crab spread along the river natural conditions.Plus, field researchs and analysis of the past reference show that Wuyi Mountains at different altitudes and rugged terrain, topography and vegetation, climate, temperature differences and changes in freshwater crab species also have a significant effect on the breeding of reproduction, so that different species of freshwater crab prefer selecting presence of specific micro-ecological nature geography environment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南昌大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

