

The Design and Realization of High Efficient Water-Using Control and Management System on Configuration

【作者】 单飞飞

【导师】 孟繁疆;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水资源短缺已对我们的生存环境和经济发展带来了严重的危害,受到了全世界的普遍关注。从人类用水的结构来看,农业用水量最大,约占全球淡水抽取总量的70%,水资源短缺对农业发展起着决定性的制约作用。节水农业是当前国内外农业科技创新研究的重要领域,开展相关研究对节约水资源,促进我国农业的可持续发展具有重要意义。国际上信息技术在农业节水中应用十分普遍,通过信息技术将工程节水、农艺节水和管理节水进行有机集成,形成了土壤墒情监测、作物水分状态诊断、节水灌溉自动化控制,用水集中管理等比较完善的灌溉控制体系。目前我国信息技术在农业节水应用中缺乏实用化的技术产品,主要采购国外产品,成本高难于大面积推广应用,且由于我国农业生产类型复杂,种植品种多样,迫切需要一套系统的信息技术应用于农业节水的解决方案。本文研究分析了当前各种节水方式的发展和特点,针对管理节水的现状和存在的问题,综合采用现代网络通信技术和数据库管理技术,基于组态软件和Modbus协议设计开发了高效用水控制及管理系统。该系统利用气象监测技术、墒情监测技术、阀门自控技术、自动量水技术、水情自动测报技术、泵房监测技术、故障监测技术、自动报警技术等技术对灌区进行多目标综合监测管理,实现多目标优化,并采用计算机网络技术把监测到的数据进行有效整合并共享,通过网络化管理实现对灌区的远程监控。为了验证系统的可靠性和实用性,在国家小汤山精准农业示范基地、朝阳区北小河公园、通州北仪阁、永乐店等地区进行了自动化系统应用示范。目前系统在示范区运行状况稳定,示范实践证明高效用水控制及管理系统的使用效果良好,能够圆满完成灌溉、信息采集监测、自动调水和数据处理等工作,为提高灌区用水效率和日常信息管理水平提供了可靠的保障。

【Abstract】 Water shortage has brought a serious hazard on our living environment and economic development. It has caused wide public concern all over the world. Agricultural water use is the largest one in the human uses in a variety of water, it has accounted for 70% of the total water extraction, therefore, water shortage play a crucial role in agricultural development. Water-saving agriculture is an important areas of science and technology innovation home and abroad. Carry out relevant research on the conservation of water resources has an important significance to promote the sustainable development of China’s agriculture. It is very common the information technology application used in agriculture water-saving. Information organic integration of agronomic water-saving, engineering water-saving and management of water-saving techniques, form more perfect Irrigation control system of Soil moisture monitoring and diagnosis of crop water status, automation irrigation, centralized management of water. At present, China’s information technology applications lack of practical technology products in agricultural water-saving field, products mainly come from foreign, the foreign products are costly, it is difficult to promote the use of it in large area. As the complex types of agricultural production and diversity plant species in our country, it is the urgent need for us to design a information technology system which can be used in agriculture and water-saving field.The paper analyse the current development and characteristics of various water-saving methods, for the status and problems of management of water-saving, utilize modern network communications technology and database management techniques to develop a highly efficient water control and management system,which is designed based on configuration software and Modbus protocol.The paper use meteorological monitoring techniques, soil moisture monitoring technology, valve automatic control technology, automatic water technology, hydrological automatic forecasting technology, pumping stations monitoring technology, fault monitoring technology, automatic alarm technology, irrigation technology for multi-objective comprehensive monitoring, realize Multi-objective optimization, and use of computer network technology to irrigate and share the effective monitoring data, achieve the remote monitoring of the irrigation district through the data network management.In order to verify the reliability and availability of the system, we have had automation system applied research at the Xiao-tangshan national experiment station for precision agriculture, Chaoyang beixiaoghe Park, Tongzhou beiyige and other areas. Currently, system is running stable in the demonstration area, the model proved that use the efficient water control and management system can obtain good results, it is able to successfully complete the irrigation, information collection for monitoring, automatic water transfer and data processing work etc, it provides a reliable guarantee for improving irrigation water use efficiency and daily information management.


