

Main Agriculture Character Analysis of Maize Inbred Line Mo17 and Its Derived Lines

【作者】 黄磊玉

【导师】 杨德光;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 玉米是世界上分布最广泛的粮食作物之一,玉米育种效率的提高离不开骨干亲本的利用。Mo17是骨干自交系的重要组成之一,由此衍生了一系列自交系,前人用传统分析方法对这些材料在不同区域的农艺性状进行了大量的研究。与传统分析方法相比,GGE双标图以图谱的形式全面显示二向数据表中的信息结果,并将二向指标间的各种关系直观的展现出来,对原始数据提供了更多解释。本研究以Mo17及其衍生的17个自交系为材料,分别在黑龙江、山东利四川三个地点,连续两年试验,采用GGE双标图法分析这些材料的农艺性状,以期对这些材料的地域适应性及稳定性给与评价、明确主要农艺性状之间的关系,同时揭示不同种植区域的主成分因子。主要研究结果如下:1.不同年份间,黑龙江Mo17及其衍生自交系的农艺性状差异较大,四川较小;不同地点间,穗位/株高、总叶片数、穗行数、穗粗、轴径这几个农艺性状在黑龙江的表现较其他两地高,株高、穗位高、茎粗、雄穗分支数、叶向值和双穗率在山东表现较高,雄穗长度、空杆率、秃尖长度和行粒数在四川表现较高。2.参试的18个材料中210、209、315、101、102这几个自交系的综合农艺性状在不同年份不同地点间表现较稳定且数值较高。3.自交系316在黑龙江的总叶片数、穗粗、雄穗分支数、轴径、穗行数、粒深、茎粗均表现最好,其次的排序为212>101>106>213>317>211:自交系210在山东的株高、穗位高、行粒数、单穗粒重、雄穗长、百粒重、穗位/株高的表现最好,其次的排序为102>104>209>103>101;自交系101在四川的穗位高、单穗粒重、行粒数、雄穗长、穗位/株高、粒深、株高、总叶片数、百粒重、茎粗表现最好,其次的排序为210>104>209>317。4.所有环境的品种-性状比较中,不同性状被分到不同扇形区域内,同一扇形区域内的性状表现出相对较大的相关性。这些相关性较强的性状分别为:a穗位高、株高、百粒重、穗位/株高、粒深、单穗粒重、雄穗长、行粒数;b穗粗、雄穗分支、总叶片数、叶向值、穗行数、双穗率、茎粗;c轴径、秃尖长。5.所有环境中,各性状之间相关关系为:株高、穗位高、穗位/株高、茎粗、叶向值、总叶片数之间呈正相关;穗粗、穗行数、轴径、秃尖长之间呈正相关;雄穗长与雄穗分支数则呈负相关;空杆率与双穗率呈负相关。6.主成分分析将累积贡献率达到59.3%的所有性状分成3个主成分:穗部因子、株型因子、产量因子,其各自贡献率为28.4%、20.9%、10.0%。穗部因子起主要作用的性状有:株高、穗位高、雄穗长、行粒数和轴径;株型因子起主要作用的性状有:雄穗分支数、穗位高、叶向值、穗粗:产量因子中起主要作用的性状有:株高、百粒重、单穗粒重和双穗率。

【Abstract】 Maize(Zea Mays L.)was one of the grain crops that most widely distributed in the world.. To improve maize yield and quality, the key was to cultivate new varieties, breeding efficiency, however, can not do without the use of founder parents. Mo17 was an important component of founder inbred lines and produced lots of inbred line. Comparison with traditional method, GGEbiplot showed all information in the datatable by picture and supply more explain. Greatly improved the understanding of data.. In this paper,2008,2009, respectively, grown in Heilongjiang, Shandong, Sichuan and Mo17 inbred lines were derived from analysis of GGE biplot. combined with trait under different environments. For these materials to the regional stability and adaptability to evaluation, the main agronomic characters, and reveal the relationship between different planting area of main component factor. Main result was as follows:1. In the different year, the agronomic characters variance of Mo17 and its derive lines in Heilongjiang is bigger than Sichuan; In the different place, EH/PH, total leaf number, ear rows, ear diameter, axis diameter in Heilongjiang were greater than another places. plant height, ear position, stem diameter, tassel branch, leaf orientation value, Percentage of plants with two ears on same plant in Shandong were greater; tassel length, Percentage of bare plants, ear tip length, row grains in Sichuan were greater.2. In the 18 Experimental materials, the trait of 210,209,315,101,102 in the different place and year is greater than else.3. The trait of total leaf number, ear diameter, tassel branch, axis diameter, ear rows, grain length, stem diameter of inbred line 316 in Heilongjiang was best, next was 212>101>106 >213>317>211;The trait of plant height, ear position, row grains, grain yield per ear, tassel length,100 grain weight, EH/PH of inbred line 210 in Shandong was best, next was 102>104 >209>103>101;The trait of ear position, grain yield per ear, row grains, tassel length, EH/PH, grain length plant height, total leaf number,100 grain weight, stem diameter of inbred line 101 in Sichuan was best, next was 210> 104>209>317.4. In all environments of different Geno-Trait biplot comparison, Strong relevance were a). ear position, plant height,100-grain weight, EH/PH, grain length, grain yield per ear, tassel length, row grains;b). ear diameter, tassel branch, total leaf number, leaf orientation value, ear rows, Percentage of plants with two ears on same plant, stem diameter; c). axis diameter, barren ear tip length.5. In all environments, the relation of trait were that a). plant height, ear position, EH/PH, stem diameter, leaf orientation value, total leaf number was a positive correlation; b). ear diameter, ear rows, axis diameter, barren ear tip length was a positive correlation; c). tassel branch, tassel length was a negative correlation; d). Percentage of plants with two ears on same plant, Percentage of bare plants was a negative correlation.6. Principal component analysis to the cumulative contribution rate to 59.3% of all the characters are divided into 3 principal components:Ear Factor, PlantType Factor,Yield Factor. And their contribution rate was 28.4%,20.9% and 10.0%. Ear Factor contains the traits:plant height, ear position, tassel length, barren ear tip length, ear rows, row grains,100-grain weight, grain yield per ear and axis diameter; PlantType Factor contains the traits:plant height, ear position, tassel branch, leaf orientation value, total leaf number, ear diameter; Yield Factor contains the traits:plant height, EH/PH,100-grain weight, total leaf number, grain yield per ear, ear diameter, Percentage of plants with two ears on same plant, Percentage of bare plants

【关键词】 玉米Mo17衍生系GGE双标图主成分分析
【Key words】 MaizeMo17Derived LinesGGEbiplotPrincipal Component Analysis

