

Study on Effects of Water-Saving and Increase Production under the Covering Film with Spray Irrigation in Western Sandy Area of Heilongjiang

【作者】 原万坤

【导师】 刘庆华;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 土壤水分是生态系统重要的影响因子,决定着土壤的演化和土地生产力,制约着植被的生长。对土壤水分动态的研究,有利于我们了解土壤水分时空分布变化规律,为土壤水分的预测及模拟更接近农田土壤水分变化的实际情况提供了有效途径。在黑龙江西部风沙土质半干旱农业区,如何合理地开发利用有限的降水资源成为本区农业生产发展的关键所在。地膜覆盖因其能改善耕层土壤的水热状况而在我国北方半干旱地区大面积应用。2009年在大庆杜蒙地区进行了改进的大垄双行覆膜结合喷灌集水技术栽培玉米试验,在玉米全生育期内记录气象资料和玉米植株生长状况,同时,定期取土烘干测定计算玉米根系各深度土层的土壤质量含水率。本文进行田间试验,将改进的大垄双行覆膜喷灌种植技术与常规小垄无膜喷灌种植技术相比较,在对比地温和分析土壤水分垂直空间分布的基础上,将土壤水分动态研究与玉米生育动态相结合,研究不同处理的水分动态及温度、产量效应,试验结果表明:(1)覆膜与不覆膜日均地温呈现出相同的动态变化规律,并且在观测期内膜下每日日均地温均高于不覆膜地温。覆膜条件下的不同时刻、不同土层深度处的增温效果及观测期的日均增温效果均不同。从各时刻来看,14:00增温效果最好,增温值为2.53℃。生育期前段的增温效果好于后期。就深度来说,0cm处增温效果最好,增温值达到3.92℃,总体为土层深度值越大,增温效果越小。(2)增产增收效果显著。改进的大垄双行覆膜种植技术能显著改善玉米穗部性状,使玉米产量增加。大垄双行覆膜结合喷灌补水技术的平均产量比无膜常规种植提高了16.28%;水分利用率比无膜常规种植法提高了4.48kg/mm·hm2。(3)改进的大垄双行覆膜种植技术具有明显的集雨增墒效应。改进后大垄双行覆膜技术在整个生育期0~100cm土层的平均含水量较常规对照区有所提高。改进大垄双行覆膜条件下,玉米根系层土壤水分垂直变化较大,其中,0~30cm土层变化最为剧烈,30~50cm土层变化较剧烈并且极为复杂,50~90cm土层变化较小。

【Abstract】 Soil water is of critical importance to soil evolution and land productive forces, furthermore, can restrict formation and development of vegetation. The research about soil moisture dynamics is the foundation of temporal and spatial correlation of soil moisture. Studying and investigating soil moisture dynamics ,is not only useful for us to further understand the distribution law of temporal and spatial distribution of soil moisture, but also can provide some effective ways to forecast and simulate soil moisture change of more closer actual situation.In western semi-arid and aeolian sandy soil area of Heilongjiang province, rational development and utilization is the key of agricultural development in this area. film mulching is widely used in the semi-arid areas of northern China Because of this measure can improve water and ground temperature conditions of the tilth soil .Thus , improved two rows of maize on a big ridge and covered with plastic film is made in Dumeng Country, Heilongjiang Province in 2009, recording the meteorological data and growth performance of maize in whole growth period. Meanwhile, use drying method to investigate the volumetric moisture content of every root zone soil mixture. In this field experiment, the measure of improved two rows of maize on a big ridge and covered with plastic film is compared with the conventional tillage in sprinkler irrigation condition. Base on the vertical spatial distribution of soil moisture, combination of soil water dynamics and dynamic growth in maize, research the water dynamics and yield, the result indicated that:(1)Film coated and non-daily temperature shows the dynamic changes of the same, and under the observation of endometrial daily temperature higher than the daily average temperature is not coated. Laminating conditions at different times, different soil depths and the observed warming effect of the average daily temperature had different effects. From the perspective of all time, 14:00 the best temperature, warming the value 2.53℃.The warming effect of the preceding birth is better than later. In the depth, 0cm Department warming effect of the best temperature value reached 3.92℃, the greater the overall depth of the soil, the smaller the warming effect.(2) Increasing yield and income results are obvious. Big ridge double line mulching techniques can significantly improve the ear, corn production increased. Big ridge double line film technology combined with the average yield of irrigation supply water than conventional cultivation method without membrane were increased by 16.28%; water use efficiency than the conventional cultivation method without membrane were increased by 4.48 kg / mm·hm2.(3)Improved double-wide ridge mulching technology has obvious effect of rainwater harvesting by entropy. Irrigation amount of double-coated large ridge in the whole growth period of 0~100cm, the average soil water content than the conventional control area increased. Big Ridge double-coated condition, the vertical root zone soil moisture vary greatly, 0~30cm soil most intensively, 30~50cm deep the change more dramatic and complex, 50~90cm soil layers changed little .


