

Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Lodging Resistance and Yield of Rice in Cold Area

【作者】 张明聪

【导师】 彭显龙;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 植物营养学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻倒伏已经成为高产的主要限制因子之一,如何提高水稻抗倒伏能力是水稻高产的关键。针对这一问题,本文采用田间小区试验方法,通过养分综合管理形成不同产量群体,测试水稻茎秆物理性状、力学特性和茎秆碳氮比等指标。研究养分管理与寒地水稻抗倒伏性能的关系,探明高产条件下水稻抗倒伏能力强的主要原因,揭示养分综合管理提高寒地水稻抗倒伏能力的机制,为寒地高产稻田合理施肥提供理论依据。主要研究结果如下:基部第二节间的长度、横截面积、茎粗、叶鞘重与抗折力呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。与习惯施肥(FFP:Farmers Fertilization Practice)相比,优化施肥(OPT:Optimal FertilizationPractice)株高增加了3.2%,一、二节间长度分别降低13%、6%,穗长增加3.7%,均达到了5%的显著水平;与FFP-H (FFP-H:Farmers Fertilization Practice for High yield)相比,OPT-H (OPT-H:Optimal Fertilization Practice for High yield)的一、二节间长度分别降低12%、4%,达到了5%的显著水平。在较高的密度条件下,与FFP相比,OPT-H株高增加3.3%,二节间的长度降低6%,达到5%显著水平。大维管束面积、薄壁细胞层数与抗折力达到了极显著正相关(P<0.01)。OPT和OPT-H与同密度条件下FFP和FFP-H相比,大维管束面积增加31%、6%,大维管束壁厚增加27%、38%,均达到了5%的显著水平;较高密度的条件下,与FFP相比,FFP-H和OPT-H的大维管束面积增加37%、45%,OPT-H的大维管束壁厚增加46%,达到5%的显著水平。基部第二节间的可溶性糖含量、碳氮比与倒伏指数达到了极显著负相关(P<0.01),淀粉含量与倒伏指数达到了显著负相关(P<0.05),钾含量与倒伏指数呈二次曲线关系(P<0.05)。与FFP相比,OPT的可溶性糖含量增加了156%,C/N增加了170%,淀粉增加150%,钾含量增加14.3%;与FFP-H相比,OPT-H的可溶性糖含量增加了16.5%,C/N增加了18.5%,钾含量增加14.7%,以上结果均达到了1%的显著水平。抽穗后10天和抽穗后30天,与FFP相比,OPT抗折力增加32.8%-41.3%,倒伏指数降低了12.3%-14.18%,均达到5%显著水平。与FFP-H相比,OPT-H倒伏指数降低了8.14%-6.19%,达到5%显著水平。在较高的密度条件下,与FFP相比,FFP-H的倒伏指数减少3.03%,OPT-H减少9.42%(P<0.05)。OPT-H和OPT间倒伏指数没有显著差异。在相同密度条件下,与FFP处理相比,OPT处理水稻产量提高了11.6%,实现了预定增产目标。FFP-H处理水稻产量比FFP处理提高了15.2%,也实现了预定的增产目标。OPT-H处理产量达到10.58 t·hm-2,比FFP处理增加23.5%,比FFP-H处理增加7.2%,达到了水稻高产的目标。以上结果表明,养分综合管理,可缩短基部第一、二节间长度、增加茎粗、壁厚,提高了基部第二节间叶鞘的重量,改善基部节间的显微结构;提高了碳氮比,促进了基部第二节间的物质充实,增加了同化物质的产出率,促进了粗壮茎秆的形成,虽然株高和重心高度增加,但倒伏指数显著降低。在较高的密度条件下,养分综合管理,可显著降低倒伏指数,在提高水稻产量的同时,保证水稻具有一定的抗倒伏能力,不增加倒伏风险。

【Abstract】 The lodging of rice has become the main limiting factor for high yield, how to improve lodging resistance ability is the key to high yield of rice. To solve this problem, field experiment was conducted with 4 nutrition managements and the physical shape and properties, mechanical features, carbon-nitrogen ratio, as well as indicators of the stems of rice analyzed. The relationship between the nutrient management and the lodging resistance ability of rice were studied to proven the main reason that lodging resistance ability under the conditions of the strong in high yield and find the mechanism of improving lodging resistance ability in cold area to provide a theoretical basis for fertilization. The main results are as follows:There were significantly positive correlations (P<0.05) between the snapping resistance and the length of the second internode of the basal stem, the snapping resistance and the steam diameter, the snapping resistance and the leaf sheath weight, the snapping resistance and the area of cross section. Compared to Farmers Fertilization Practice(FFP), Optimal Fertilization Practice(OPT) increased the plant height by 3.2%(P<5%), the length of the first and second internode of the basal stem were separately reduced by 13% and 6%(P<5%), the length of panicles was increased by 3.7%(P<5%). Compared to Farmers Fertilization Practice for High yield(FFP-H), the length of the first and second internode of the basal stem of Optimal Fertilization Practice fo High yield(OPT-H) were separately reduced by 12% and 4%(P<5%). In the high density conditions, Compared to FFP, OPT-H increased plant height by 3.3%, the length of the second internode was decreased by 6%(P<5%).There were significantly positive correlations (P<0.01) between the snapping resistance and great vascular bundle area, the snapping resistance and number of mechanical tissue cell layers. In the same densities, compared to FFP and FFP-H, OPT and OPT-H great vascular bundle area is separately increased by 31% and 6%(P<0.05), great vascular bundle cell wall thickness is separately increased by 27% and 38%(P<0.05). In the high density conditions, compared with FFP, FFP-H and OPT-H great vascular bundle area was separately increased 37% and 45%,OPT-H great vascular bundle cell wall thickness increased by 46%(P<0.05).There were significantly negative correlations (P<0.01) between the lodging index and the soluble sugar content of the second internode of the basal stem, the lodging index and carbon-nitrogen ratio of the second internode, and significantly negative correlations (P<0.05)between the lodging index and amylum content, and significantly curve correlation (P< 0.05) between the lodging index and k content. Compared with FFP, OPT increased soluble sugar content by 156%, increased carbon-nitrogen ratio by 170%, increased amylum content by 150%, and increased k content by 14.3%. Compared with FFP-H, OPT-H increased soluble sugar by 16.5%, increased carbon-nitrogen ratio by 18.5%, and increased k content by 14.7%,and differences were significant(P<0.01).There were significantly negative correlations(P<0.01) between the lodging index and the snapping resistance. Compared OPT with FFP at the stage of 10 days and 30 days after heading, the snapping resistance separately increased by 32.8%-41.3%(P<0.01), the lodging index separately decreased by 12.3%-14.185%(P<0.05), Compared OPT-H with FFP-H at the stage of 10 days and 30 days after heading, the lodging index separately decreased by 8.14%-6.19%(p<0.05). Compared with FFP, the lodging index of FFP-H and OPT-H separately reduced 3.03% and 9.42% in the high density conditions. Compared with OPT, OPT-H increased the lodging index, but the difference was not significan.In the same density conditions, compared with the FFP, OPT increaded yield of rice by 11.6% by the integrated nutrition management and to achieve the intended output target. Compared with FFP, FFP-H increased yield of rice by 15.2% by increasing crop density and the nutrition optimal management, and also increase production to achieve the intended goal. Through the nutrition optimal management of FFP-H—reduced the amount of the fertilizer for basic and tiller and N application at later stage, yield of OPT-H up to 10.58t·hm-1.Compared with FFP and FFP-H, OPT-H separately increased yield of rice by 23.5% and 7.2%, reaching the high yield of rice objectives.The results of this experiment showed that integrated nutrient management(INM) reduced the length of the first and second intemode of the basal stem, enhanced the second internode of the basal stem’s stem diameter, wall thickness, increased the second internode of the basal the leaf sheath weight and significantly increase the great vascular bundle area, wall thickness, thereby enhancing the microstructure the internode of the basal stem; increased carbon-nitrogen ratio, enhanced the material of the second internode of the basal stem, increased the output rate of assimilation of material and promote the formation of a thick stem; Increased the height of gravity center and plant height, but significantly decreased the lodging index and improved snapping resistance of rice plant. In the high density conditions, the nutrient integrated management may significantly reduced lodging index, resulting in high grain yield and lodging resistance ability of rice plant.


