

Study on the Technology of Water-saving and Yield-increaing of Rice in Cold Field

【作者】 魏晓敏

【导师】 司振江;

【作者基本信息】 东北农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上稻米生产和消费的大国,水稻种植面积和总产量在世界各国中均居第一位。同时,水稻的种植需要大量水资源支撑,生产每亩的灌溉用水量高于800m3,生产1kg稻谷需灌溉1~2t水。其耗水量占全国总用水量的54%左右,占我国农业总用水量的65%以上,堪称全社会第一用水大户。而我国又是一个水资源相对贫乏的农业大国,全国年平均水资源总量约为28100亿m3,占世界水资源总量的8%。人均水资源占有量仅约为世界人均水资源占有量的1/4,属于世界上13个贫水国之一。据估算,我国水田灌溉水分利用效率平均值约为0.8kg/m3,仅相当于发达国家的40%。因此加强水稻节水高产技术的研究对缓解水资源危机和实现水稻生产的可持续发展具有重要意义。黑龙江省是我国重要的粮食生产基地,也是北方稻谷种植面积、总产量最大的省份。全省水稻灌溉年用水量达160亿m3,占农业年用水量的93%,灌溉水利用系数平均在0.4左右。因此,研究水稻的增产节水控制灌溉技术,提高水分利用率、降低水稻灌溉用水量,对缓解我省水资源短缺和水田的可持续发展具有重要意义。本研究是在黑龙江省庆安县和平灌区水稻灌溉试验站进行的田间试验,试验采用正交设计,通过研究不同的灌溉技术(控制灌溉技术和常规灌溉技术)模式、栽培模式以及水稻品种对水田节水和水稻产量的影响,以寻求控制灌溉技术模式下寒地水稻节水增产的最佳技术组合,以期为黑龙江省发展水稻节水灌溉技术,尤其是为推广水稻控制灌溉技术提供理论依据。其主要研究结果如下:1、通过对不同控制灌溉模式下水稻生长发育状况的动态分析,得出在控制灌溉模式下对水稻各个生育期适宜的水分控制能有效地改善土壤的水分条件,从而改善了水稻的生长环境,使养分和水分能够合理地分配到水稻生长的各个时期,促使水稻健康成长,具有良好的生理生态特征和群体结构。2、采用控制灌溉模式和适宜的栽培密度及适宜的优良品种的集成模式,能提高水分的利用效率,达到节水增产的效果。

【Abstract】 China is the world’s rice production and consumption power, rice planting area and output in the world, tops the first. Moreover, rice cultivation requires a lot of water support, production per mu of irrigation water than 800m3, 1kg of rice production in irrigated 1 ~ 2t water. Its water consumption accounts for 54% of the total water consumption is about the total agricultural water consumption accounts for 65% or more, is known as the first major water users society. In China, water is a relatively poor agricultural country, the national average of about 2.81 trillion total water resources m3, accounting for 8% of the world’s total water resources.Only about the per capita possession of water resources per capita water resources in the world 1 / 4, belong to the world, one of 13 water-poor countries. It is estimated that China’s average paddy irrigation water use efficiency was about 0.8kg/m3, only about 40% in developed countries. Therefore, high-yield rice water saving technology to strengthen research on the ease water crisis and achieve sustainable development of rice production is important.Heilongjiang Province is an important grain production base, and an area under rice cultivation in North, the largest province in total. In the province of rice irrigation water up to 16 billion m3, accounting for 93% of agriculture in water, irrigation water efficiency on average is around 0.4. Therefore, the study control rice yield saving irrigation techniques, improved water use efficiency, reduce rice water use, to alleviate water shortages in our province and the sustainable development of paddy fields is important.This study is peace Qing’an County Irrigation Irrigation Experiment Station rice field experiments, Orthogonal experimental design, through the study of different irrigation techniques (control irrigation techniques and conventional irrigation technologies) mode, planting patterns and varieties of rice paddy Festival water and rice yield in order to seek control of irrigation mode yield of rice in cold water the best combination of technologies to the development of Heilongjiang Province, rice water-saving irrigation techniques, particularly control of irrigation of rice for the promotion of technology theory. The main findings are as follows:1 through control of irrigation on rice under different growth conditions dynamic analysis, obtained under the control of irrigation patterns in various growth stages of rice suitable for the water control can improve soil moisture conditions, resulting in improved rice growth environment , nutrients and water can be reasonably allocated to each period of rice growth, promote the healthy growth of rice, has a good physiological and ecological characteristics and population structure.2 the use of controlled irrigation and appropriate planting densities and improved varieties suitable for the integration model, can improve water use efficiency, to achieve water yield.


