

Plantar Pressure Distribution Research on Normal Speed Gaits of Young Overweight Girl Wearing Different Heel Height Shoes

【作者】 单子罡

【导师】 冯玉蓉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林体育学院 , 运动人体科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以20名浙江红蜻蜒鞋业公司青年员工为研究对象。根据国家体育总局规定的正常成年人BMI指数划分标准为依据(24≤BMI<28超重、18.5≤BMI<24标准),将所研究的实验对象平均分为超重组和标准组。在红蜻蜓鞋科技实验室,应用Rscan足底压力测试鞋垫分别测得受试者穿着7cm、5cm和平跟鞋自然步速下行走时足底压力动态数据。对所取得的数据应用spss11.0软件进行统计分析。根据数据比较结果,探讨不同BMI指数的青年女性穿着不同高度鞋行走时的足底压力分布差异,为设计出更加符合人体力学规律的高跟鞋提供数据参考。本研究结果表明:1.随着鞋跟高度的升高,双侧足底支撑时间随着鞋跟高度的升高而增加,且肥胖组平均支撑时间大于标准组。提示出随着鞋跟高度的增高和体重的增加,行走的稳定性逐渐降低,因此足底支撑时间逐渐增高。2.人体穿着7cm、5cm和平跟鞋行走时在足底缓冲效果方面存在差异,但并无不可接受的显著性差异。但是在足底平均压力值上存在着较为显著的差异,当足跟高度差异大于5cm时呈现出较大的差异,但足跟高度差异在2cm时其差异并不明显。3.足底分区压力结果显示,穿着不同鞋跟高度的鞋子行走时在足跟区域内压力随鞋跟高度的升高而逐渐降低。穿着高、中跟鞋行走时足底压力主要集中于前脚掌,而平跟鞋主要集中于足跟及足底中间区域。由前脚掌区域内压力对比知,前脚掌中心压力大于内侧和外侧压力。由足底各区压力大小对比得出,女性穿着三种鞋行走时其足底各区压力为:足跟区>前脚掌中心区>前脚掌内侧区>前脚掌外侧区>足中区。且随着鞋跟高度降低,前脚掌中心和内侧区域内压力与外侧区压力有较大的差异。两组实验对象足底各区压力对比分析得出,超重组各区足底平均压力均大于标准组。4.足底峰值压力及平均压强结果显示,两组女性穿着高跟鞋行走时,前脚掌的M3和M2区呈现出显著性差异(P<0.05)。足后跟H1和H2区域内的压强随着鞋跟高度降低而逐渐增高。以上数据表明,随着鞋跟高度的增加,前脚掌趾区第1、2、3跖趾关节处及大脚趾的压强变化显著。两组实验对象对比分析知,穿着同一高度鞋子行走时超重组各区压强均大于标准组。这种差异在足底前脚掌区域的M2、M3区尤为显著。提示随着体重的升高,穿着高跟鞋行走时前脚掌区域内的压强有着明显增大的趋势。足底冲量结果显示,在M3区域内冲量值变化较为明显,前脚掌区域内足底稳定性较差。5.足底压力中心轨迹显示,随着鞋跟高度的增高足底压力中心逐渐前移动,并且在前后方向的位移逐渐减小,跖骨区域主要承担着身体的重量。

【Abstract】 In this paper,20 Red Dragonfly Footwear Co. young girls as volunteer participate in the experiment. According to the provisions of the State Sports General Administration of the normal adult BMI criteria for the classification index is based on (24<BMI<28 Overweight,18.5<BMI<24 Normal).The author divided the studied subjects into two groups-overweight and normal. In the Red Dragonfly Footwear Technology Laboratory, the author applied Rscan insole system to measure plantar pressure wearing 7cm,5cm and flat heel shoes in the speed of normal walking. Using SPSS 11.5 software analyze the dynamic data. According to the comparison results, the author discussed the Body Mass Index effect on differences of plantar pressure distribution among wearing 7cm,5cm and flat heel shoes. In order to design high-technique high heel shoes conforming to the law of human biomechanics.Comparing the results of the data to explore the young women of different BMI index, wearing walking shoes of different heights when the difference in plantar pressure distribution, in order to design more in line with the law of the human body mechanics high-heeled shoes to provide data for reference. The results of this study show that:1. With a high degree of elevated soles touch the ground at the foot of time with the higher heel height increased. Tip out with the heel height increased, the stability of walking gradually reduced, so foot forward to increase gradually over time. 2. The human body wearing 7cm,5cm of peace when you are walking in the plantar heel cushioning effect of the existence of some differences, but no significant difference between unacceptable. But in the mean plantar pressure values on the existence of a more significant differences, when the difference is greater than 5cm heel height when showing a large difference, but differences in heel height 2cm when those differences were not significant.3. Plantar pressure area results show that wearing high heel shoes of different walking pressure area in the heel with the heel height increased gradually reduced. Wearing high-heeled shoes when walking in plantar pressure focused on pre-feet, while the flat heeled shoes mainly in the middle of the heel and foot area. The first comparative analysis of foot pressure in the region, the former foot center is greater than the pressure inside and outside pressure. By comparing the size of plantar pressure on the district concludes that the heel area "before the foot center of pre-foot medial area "before the soles of the feet lateral" foot in the area. As the heel height and the lower, the former foot centers and medial and lateral pressure within the region a greater difference in pressure. Two groups of subjects obtained comparative analysis of plantar pressure on the district, super-re-district the average plantar pressure were greater than the standard group.4. Plantar pressure peak and the average results show that two groups of women wearing high heels walking, the first foot of the M3 and M2 zones show significant differences (P<0.05). Heel H1 and H2 in the region with the heel height to reduce the pressure gradually increased. The above data show that, with the heel height increases, the former Area 1,2,3 soles toe metatarsophalangeal joints and the big toe of the pressure changed significantly. Comparative analysis of two groups of subjects known to wear shoes when walking the same ultra-high pressure re-districts were greater than the standard group. This difference in the foot before the foot region, M2, M3 district is particularly notable. Tip With the increase of body weight, wearing high heels before walking foot pressure within the region there is a clear trend of increasing. Plantar impulse results show that, in the M3 money changes within the region more obvious Chong, the former foot plantar region less stable.5. Plantar pressure center track shows that with the heel height gradually increased plantar pressure center before the move, and in the direction of displacement before and after gradually reducing the metatarsal region’s main bear the weight of the body.


