

【作者】 卢勇

【导师】 罗群;

【作者基本信息】 云南大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 晚清以降,遭遇“数千年未遇之强敌”,面临“数千年未有之变局”,重大突发事件屡见不鲜。其中除了传统的灾疫、民变外,还有频繁发生的外患及介于民变和外患之间的教案。而在教案中,天津教案以其起因之复杂、爆发之突然、关注之广泛等而最为典型。对这一重大突发事件,晚清政府在传统的政治体系下采取了一系列的应对举措,如缉拿真凶、力保府县、调兵布防、遣使求和等,以化解危机,维护其统治。在这些举措中,亦不乏可取之处,但同时也暴露出不少问题和失误,如决策中枢的平庸乏力、舆论引导失控、中介力量的利用和参与不够等。从应对的过程中和具体举措上可以看出,晚清政府缺乏相应的应对机制和综合实力,缺乏系统的制度安排,面对与传统危机迥然不同的异质危机,仍沿用旧的方式和手段应对处置,故在实践中往往捉襟见肘。由于外国列强的胁迫、条约制度的掣肘以及晚清政府自身的缺陷等,使晚清政府应对这一重大突发事件的努力,不但没能化危为机,反而在应对诸多重大突发事件中日渐倾颓,终至坍塌。从结果上看,晚清政府应对重大突发事件的活动,可以说是失败的,它既没有在西方文明主导下的世界生存格局中谋得一席之地,也没有成功地摆脱始终不断的内部危机。本文尝试通过对重大突发事件应对的相关理论的阐释,联系相关的客观史实,以天津教案为个案考察晚清政府对重大突发事件的应对,评析其应对得失,根究其制约因素,希翼能起到管窥蠡测的作用,对同样处在历史转型期的今天,对重大突发事件仍然频发的今天,有所裨益。

【Abstract】 Emergencies used to take place in late Qing Dynasty. The government had not met such strong foes before, facing unexpected changes in the situation. Apart from the usual epidemics, civil commotions, foreign aggressions, the emergencies included church incidents. Tianjin Incident was typical because of its complicated causes and sudden outbreak and widespread effect. Faced with the emergency, in order to end the crisis, maintaining its rule, late Qing government in the traditional political system took some steps such as tracking down the murderers, protecting Sheriff’s officers, deploying troops, suing for peace. Although some of the steps were good, they still exposed many problems, such as the mediocrity of the decision-making center, loss of controlling and guiding public opinion, the little use of participation of intermediaries and so on. It can be seen from the process and measures that the late Qing government lacked appropriate response mechanisms and comprehensive strength, systematic institutional arrangements. When came across unusual crisis, it still followed the old ways. That is to say, their efforts had been cast in the pattern of an outworn tradition. Due to the powers and treat’s coercion of foreign countries, the late Qing government failed to turn adversities into opportunities, but finally collapsed.Judging from the late Qing government‘s response to emergencies, it is a failure. late Qing government didn’t find a place in the world dominated by Western civilization, or got rid of the internal crisis either. This article attempts to explain theories related to emergencies through the case of Tianjin Incident, and assesses the gains and losses of late Qing government. Today, the society is transforming. So we wish the glimpse could benefit for dealing with the frequent incidents.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 云南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期
  • 【分类号】K252
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】230

