

Research on Legal States and Responsibility of Pre-incorporation

【作者】 朱丹

【导师】 吴越;

【作者基本信息】 西南财经大学 , 民商法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 观世界各国立法,不难发现对设立中公司的法律地位、权利能力等问题多采回避态度。我国也只确立了发起人在公司设立过程中的法律责任,理论上和实践中都出现了各种难题无法解决,因此有讨论设立中公司法律地位,公司设立过程中的责任机制的必要性。笔者借鉴了世界上较为成熟的公司法制度和理论,对设立中公司的法律地位及责任归属进行了研究,全文共分为以下几个部分:引言部分笔者提出了现行《公司登记管理条例》关于不动产出资设立公司的规定与现行《公司法》关于公司成立时间的规定具有冲突性的问题,该问题的解答对于解决公司设立过程中引发的诸多法律问题具有举足轻重的意义。第一部分:对该法律冲突进行理论分析,认为只有明确设立中公司具有接受不动产的能力才能解决此矛盾,从而探讨研究设立中公司法律地位及责任归属的必要性。第二部分:对设立中公司的概念、起止时间和法律特征等几个基本问题进行了论述,以便进一步分析后面的问题。第三部分:从设立中公司的民事能力和法律性质两个方面进行考察。认为设立中公司具有相应的民事权利能力和行为能力及相对独立的责任能力。在对现有的“无权利能力社团说”、“合伙说”、“非法人团体说”等理论进行批判的基础上,得出设立中公司无论从实体形态上看,还是从民事权利能力的有无和大小上讲,其性质都更接近于法人,“准法人说”能够较为合理地解释公司立法与公司设立实践中出现的问题。第四部分:着重考察设立中公司的法律地位。各国公司法虽然对设立中公司的法律地位没有做出十分明确的规定,但从各国的相关规定及司法判例中均可找到相关的规定,由此看出,赋予设立中公司一定法律地位的做法己渐成公司立法的趋势。本文从发起人和设立中公司、成立后公司的关系以及设立中公司和成立后公司的关系角度进行了分析,认为我国也应明确设立中公司相对独立的法律地位。第五部分:探讨设立中公司责任的归属。首先对设立中公司的行为进行了分类,分析了不同行为下的不同责任,然后以公司设立成功与设立失败两种不同的命运为基点,来考察设立中公司分别以拟成立公司的名义、以设立中公司的名义和以行为人个人的名义所为行为下不同的责任归属。第六部分:分析了我国现有公司法的不足和司法实践的混乱,提出了笔者对我国构建设立中公司制度的建议。

【Abstract】 If we probe into the legislations around the world, it is not difficult to find out they all have taken an evasive attitude towards the legal status, legal capacity and other issues for pre-incorporation companies. Chinese legislations have only defined the legal responsibilities of a sponsor during the establishment of a company, yet there is still a variety of inextricable issues remaining both in theory and in practice. Therefore, it is necessary to have a discussion on the legal status and accountability mechanism of a pre-incorporation company.The author has referred to the relatively mature corporate law system and theory in the world and studied the legal status and accountability of a pre-incorporation company. The paper includes the following parts:In the Introduction, the author puts forward the conflicts between provisions under the existing Regulations on Administration of Corporate Registration regarding establishing of a company with real estates and provisions under the existing Company Law regarding the establishment date of a company. The answer to this issue is of vital importance for resolving a number of legal problems arising from the course of the establishment of a company.Part 1:A theoretical analysis is made on the conflict. The conflict can be resolved only by ascertaining that the pre-incorporation company has the ability to accept real estates. Based on this, a discussion is made on the necessity of studying the legal status and the accountability of a pre-incorporation company.Part 2:this part deals with several basic issues like the meaning of the pre-incorporation company, beginning and ending time as well as the legal characteristics in order to further analyze issues therefrom.Part 3:this part makes an investigation on the civil capacity and legal nature of a pre-incorporation company and states that the pre-incorporation company has the corresponding civil rights, capacity for act and relatively independent capacity for responsibilities. On the basis of criticizing the existing theories like "no legal capacity entity theory", "partnership theory", "non corporate body theory", etc, it is concluded that the nature of the pre-incorporation company is more like a legal person from various perspectives—entity form, existence or non-existence or extent of the civil rights; "quasi-legal person theory" can provide reasonable explanations for issues arising from corporate legislation and the practice of company establishment.Part 4:this part focuses on investigation of the legal status of a pre-incorporation company. Although there are no clear stipulations on the legal status of a pre-incorporation company in the company laws in various countries, corresponding regulations can be found in the related provisions and judicial precedents of various countries. It can be seen that the approach by giving certain legal status of the pre-incorporation company has gradually become the trend of corporate legislation. This paper has analyzed the relationships between the sponsors, the pre-incorporation company and the established company as well as between the pre-incorporation company and the established company, and concluded that China should also clearly define the relatively independent legal status of the pre-incorporation company.Part 5:this part discusses the attribution of responsibility of a pre-incorporation company. Firstly, it classifies the behaviors of the pre-incorporation company and analyzes different responsibilities under various behaviors; then based on the two different scenarios of success and failure of the company, an investigation is made on the different responsibility attributions of the behaviors in the names of to-be established company, pre-incorporation company and individual sponsors.Part 6:this part makes an analysis of the deficiencies of current Company Law and confusions of the judicial practice in China and provides recommendations on formulating a system for pre-incorporation companies in China.

  • 【分类号】D922.291.91
  • 【下载频次】274

