

【作者】 杜玉勇

【导师】 邓建鹏;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 法律史, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国传统法律中没有专门的诉讼程序法律,就意味着也没有诉讼费用收取方面的专门规定。因此司法过程之中必然会存在大量的陋规,这些陋规一方面加重了百姓的负担,另一方面造成了司法秩序的混乱。同时,还触及地方政府的统治秩序,在谈讼色变的年代里,地方官并不总是回避诉讼,他们也尝试着进行一定的制度性变革——通过制度变革来约束陋规的发生,减轻百姓负担。四川三费局就属于这种制度性变革的代表。这一机构是在地方士绅和地方官的共同博弈下成立的,在具体的运作过程中,由官方和士绅组成的团体在支撑着这一制度的运行,其体现了官方和士绅的共同意志。其具有自己独立的章程,并且这些章程都通过某种形式得到官方和百姓的遵守,并具有法律效力。这些章程具有地方规章的性质。通过对三费局性质的论述,我们可以发现三费局作为地方士绅参与地方政务的一种形式,具有地方自治性和官方性双重性质。其作为司法费用的支取与辅助机构能够在实际的运作中减轻命盗等案件当事方和有关主体的费用。但是,在清末,汇通中西的变法思想,以欧陆法系的法律为蓝本的立法,地方士绅阶层的没落,都让这一制度无法继续运行下去。民国建立以后,这一制度也就永远的退出了历史的舞台。本文以陋规为基点,以三费局的运作为出发点,将三费局如何规制司法费用作为核心,从而阐释这一制度如何在实践中规制司法费用。结合国内外学者的研究,本文旨在说明三费局作为规范地方司法费用制度的重要意义。第一章,作为概念性的阐述,首先阐述了什么是三费以及与三费有关的概念,然后阐述了三费局以及夫马局的概念。第二章,首先阐述了三费局在不同地区成立的时间,其次阐述了三费局成立的过程和产生的原因,最后阐述了三费局何以只存在于四川地区。第三章,阐述了三费局如何运作及其经费来源,同时阐述了三费局章程的内容及其性质,还有三费局的性质、三费局与夫马局的比较。第四章,主要阐释了三费局所产生的影响以及三费局在民国之后的命运以及产生这种命运的原因所在。笔者最后得到的结论就是,三费局作为一个制度在如今已经不存在,但是其原创性以及其制度意义对于如今民事诉讼过程中存在的大量的费用的解决或许有着一定的借鉴意义。对于司法费用的地方规制方面,国内外学者尚无专门性的研究。三费局这种制度也没有进入国内外学者的视野,希望通过笔者的研究可以为这一领域填充空白。通过资料的罗列和概念的阐释,笔者希望能将这一制度阐释清楚,并希望这种贯穿历史与现实的思路能够对现在的司法改革思路以启迪。

【Abstract】 The Chinese tradition law does not have the legal procedure aspect stipulation, also does not have the litigation expense collection aspect stipulation. Therefore in the judicial process definitely will have the massive corrupt practices, these corrupt practices aggravated common people’s burden at the same time, on the other hand has created the judicial order confusion. At the same time, but also touches Local authority’s dominant order, in discussed that disputed the discoloration in the age, the local official not always avoids the lawsuit, they also attempt are carrying on certain institutional to transform--restrain the corrupt practices through the system transformation the occurrence, reduces the common people to bear. Sichuan San Fei Ju belongs to representative who this kind of institutional transforms. This organization is establishes in the place gentry and under local official’s common gambling, in the concrete operation process, the association which is composed of the official and the gentry is supporting this system’s movement, it has manifested the official and gentry’s common will. It has the independent regulation, and these regulations through some form to the official and common people’s deference, and legally binding. These regulations have the place rules and regulations nature, through to three expense bureau nature’s elaboration, we may discover that San Fei Ju participates in the place government affairs’ one form as the place gentry, has the place autonomy and the official dual natures. It can reduce case disputing parties and the related main body and so on murder and robbery expense as judicial expense’s drawing out with the auxiliary body in the actual operation. But, at the end of the Qing, collected passes China and the West the political reform thought that take the European land legal system’s law as the main source legislation, the place gentry social stratum’s decline, let this system be unable to continue to move gets down. After Republic of China establishes, this system also forever withdrawal history stage.This article take the corrupt practices as a basic point, take San Fei Ju operation as the starting point, how three spends the bureau to regulate the judicial expense is the core, thus how explains this system to regulate the judicial expense. Unifies the domestic and foreign scholar’s research, is for the purpose of explaining that San Fei Ju takes the standard place ju-dicature expense system’s important meaning. The first chapter, takes the conceptive elaboration, first elaborated anything is three expenses as well as with three spends the related concept, then elaborated San Fei Ju as well as the Fu Ma Ju concept. The second chapter, first elaborated three Fei Ju in the different local tenable time, next elaborated San Fei Ju the tenable process and produces reason. Finally elaborated how San Fei Ju only does exist in the Sichuan area. The third chapter, elaborated how three do spend the bureau to operate and the funds originates,simultane ously elaborated three spend the bureau regulation the content and the nature, but also San Fei Ju nature, San Fei Ju and Fu Ma Ju comparison. The fourth chapter, mainly explained three has spent the in-fluence which as well as San Fei Ju after Republic of China destiny the bureau produced as well as has this destiny reason to be.Regarding the judicial expense’s place rules and regulations aspect, the domestic and foreign scholars still did not have the technicality re-search. San Fei Juzhei plants the system not to enter the domestic and foreign scholar’s field of vision, through author’s research for this domain packing blank.Through the material display and the concept explanation, the author hoped that can be clear this system explanation, and hoped that this kind of penetration history and the reality mentality can enlighten to present’s judicial reform mentality.

【关键词】 陋规三费局司法费用规范化
【Key words】 louguisan fei jujudicial feesStandardization
  • 【分类号】D926;D929
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】106

