

【作者】 黄侃

【导师】 李克强;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 区域经济学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 平等地享受基本公共服务是社会成员的基本权利,这已经成为现代社会的共识。然而,当前我国基本公共服务依然存在着明显的非均等化特征,表现为区域、城乡及社会不同群体之间基本公共服务分配的失衡。作为当前经济社会发展的热点问题,基本公共服务均等化的相关经济学研究成果不断涌现,但当前国内对公共服务均等化的量化研究主要集中于省际之间和城乡之间,针对民族地区公共服务均等化的量化研究较少。而作为一个统一的多民族国家,民族地区与非民族地区、发达地区公共服务差异的日益扩大,必然对民族团结带来不可忽视的损害,影响我国各族人民的平等,影响到构建和谐社会的进程。因此,较为准确地把握我国民族地区公共服务均等化程度,了解政府在“哪些方面已经取得了实效”、“哪些方面尚有欠缺,需要改进”的信息,为加强民族地区公共服务管理,合理规划人力、财力和物力资源的供给提供科学依据,具有重要的现实意义。财政部刘高希研究员曾指出:“贫困地区的基本公共服务与发达地区是不同的。民族地区公共服务到底是什么状况,外界不知道;要加强调查研究,把基本事实让外界知道。”在本文中,笔者对民族地区所独有的基本公共服务均等化涵义予以解释,把基本公共服务界定为基础教育、公共医疗、基础设施建设和社会保障等方面进行研究。希望能通过本论文的研究找出我国民族地区基本公共服务供给严重不足的原因,并提出一些解决对策,为早日实现民族地区基本公共服务均等化提供一些理论支持和政策建议。本文共分为四个部分,对研究议题进行全面阐述和分析。导论和第一章是本研究的理论基础。在简要指明本研究的选题背景、研究现状、思路方法和主要创新之后,对基本公共服务均等化的基本理论进行了系统阐述。从基本公共服务均等化的理论出发,把握基本公共服务的性质、特征和供求,为基本公共服务均等化寻找理论支点。在此基础上,对民族地区基本公共服务均等化的核心概念予以明确界定,为下面的分析论证过程做理论铺垫。第二章是提出问题。在理论分析之后,本文通过构造一种衡量均等化水平的计算式框架,比较全国和民族地区的统计数据,尝试对民族地区基本公共服务的均等化水平予以量化比较。然后,通过实证分析当前民族地区基本公共服务供求现状和差异的变化情况,得出结论:民族地区基本公共服务投入不高,效率偏低。第三章是分析问题。在对民族地区基本公共服务非均等的动态趋势和现状进行实证分析之后,对“投入不高,效率偏低”的原因进行深入分析。从根源、主导因素和民族地区自身因素三方面,探寻民族地区基本公共服务非均等的影响因素。第四章是解决问题。在影响因素分析的基础上,提出实现民族地区基本公共服务均等化的基本思路;具体从财力投入和政府效率两方面总结尚存的问题,并针对问题提出均等化的实现模式。

【Abstract】 Equal access to basic public services is the basic right of members of society which has become the common consensus of modern society. However, the current basic public services in our country still exists an obvious feature of the non-equalization, which showed as the imbalance of distribution of basic public services of the regional, urban and rural areas and different social groups. As the hotspot issue of current economic and social development, economic-based equalization of basic public services research findings are emerging, but the current China’s quantitative research of equalization of public services mainly focuses on inter-provincial and between urban and rural, quantitative research of the equalization of public services for the ethnic areas is seldom. As a unified multi-ethnic nation, the difference of public services between ethnic regions and non-minority areas and developed areas, is widening, which will definitely bring the damage can not be ignored to the national unity, affect equality of all nationalities as well as the process of building a harmonious society. Thus, accurately grasping the equalization degree of public services in ethnic regions and understanding the information that on which aspect government has made effective and which aspect that is still lacking and needs to be improved provide a scientific basis for strengthening the management of public service in ethnic areas and planning of human resources, financial and material resources supplying reasonably, which has important practical significance.The researcher of Ministry of Finance once pointed out:" basic public services in poor areas and developed regions are different. What on earth the status of public service is in ethnic regions, the outside do not know; strengthening the research, let the outside know the basic facts." In this paper, the author explains the unique meaning of the equalization of basic public services in ethnic regions, which defines the basic public service as the basic education, public health, infrastructure, social security and so on. Hopefully identify the reasons why the basic public services supplying in ethnic regions is seriously inadequate through this research, and then propose some solution countermeasures, which provide some theoretical support and policy advices for the early realization of the equalization of basic public services in ethnic regions.This paper is divided into four parts which set a comprehensive elaboration and analysis on the research issue.Introduction and first chapter are the theoretical basis of this study. After a brief specified the background topics, situation of study, thinking and methods and the main innovations of the research issue, this paper states the basic theory of the equalization of basic public services systematically. Starting from the theory of the equalization of basic public services and grasping the property, features and supply and demand of basic public services to search the theoretical points for the equalization of basic public services. On this basis, giving clear definition about the core conceptions of the equalization of basic public services in ethnic regions which is to be the theoretical groundwork for the following analysis and appraisal process.The second chapter poses a question. After the theoretical analysis, this paper, by constructing a formula framework which can measure the equalization level, compare the national and ethnic regional statistics, tries to do the quantitive comparison of the equalization level of basic public services in ethnic regions. Then, draw the conclusion through the empirical analysis of the current status on supply and demand and changes in the difference in ethnic regions:the input of basic public services in ethnic regions is not high and low efficiency.The third chapter is to analyze the problem. After empirical analyzing the non-equal dynamic trends and current status of the basic public services in ethnic regions, do the depth analysis on the reason of "not high input, low efficiency ". From the following three factors—root of the problem, dominant factor and the factors of ethnic areas themselves, explore the influence factor for the non-equal of basic public services in ethnic areas.Chapter IV is to solve the problem. On the basis of affecting factors analysis, propose the basic thinking to realize the equalization of basic public services in ethnic areas;Specifically summarize the remaining problems from the two issues-- financial input and government efficiency, and put forward the realization mode for equalization problem.


