

【作者】 徐建文

【导师】 乔世明;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 经济法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年来,随着我国工业化、城市化的大规模推进和经济的迅猛发展,我国的环境问题日趋严重,环境污染事件也日益增多,污染带已从沿海地区向内陆转移,环境污染事件已在全国遍地开花,因工业化所导致的环境污染和对环境污染受害者的救济将成为今后的一大社会问题。本文对我国环境污染受害者利益补偿机制进行了初步分析,探讨了诉讼补偿制度、环境责任保险制度、环境损害补偿基金制度对维护环境污染受害者补偿的得失。我国对环境污染者补偿机制的现实情形是诉讼补偿机制为主,环境责任保险为辅,环境损害补偿基金制度尚未建立。环境污染诉讼可以为受害者提供传统的救济途径,但是其诉讼成本较高,诉讼风险也比较大,即使胜诉,也可能会出现无法执行的问题,诉讼方式可以对受害者损失进行补偿,但并不全面。环境责任保险是通过风险责任社会化的方式解决这一问题的有效途径之一,它一方面有助于受害者得到及时、有效的救济,另一方面又使得污染企业对其所造成的损害承担合理的责任,不致因巨额赔偿而陷入破产的境地,实现各方利益的平衡,但该机制也存在着一定的局限性。另外本文还介绍了环境损害补偿基金制度,目前我国环境损害补偿基金制度还未开始,对其理论研究明显不足,故本文借鉴了国际上的一些成熟经验,作为我国未来建立环境损害基金补偿制度的参考。因此,本文运用历史分析、比较分析等多种研究方法,对三种补偿机制的内涵、特征和功能进行了比较系统的分析和论述,并对前两种制度在现状中存在问题及其原因加以分析并提出了一些立法方面的完善建议,另外、也借鉴国际上关于损害赔偿基金的成熟运作制度,结合我国实际情况,提出了建立环境损害基金补偿制度的构想。本文通过构筑一道保护环境污染受害者利益保障的立体网络,以期实现充分维护受害人的合法权益的功能,维护社会和谐、稳定,促进社会的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 During the past three decades, Chinese environmental pollution became serious with its high economic growth when China begun reforming and opening to the world. Environmental pollution accidents happened continually in recent years in China. Polluted area is transferring from coastal region to the inland areas. Pollution Events have bloomed all over the place in China. The environmental pollution and relieving victims of pollution will be serous social problems which caused by Industrialization. This article makes a preliminary study on the theme of helping the victims of environmental pollution. This article discusses the superior and inferior between the system of compensation by a lawsuit, the system of environmental liability insurance and the system of compensation fund on victims of environmental pollution. The compensation by a lawsuit is the major measures, with the support of environmental liability insurance so as to compensate the necessary appliance place of victim. Environmental damage compensation fund hasn’t been established in China. Environmental litigation provides traditional relieving means for the victims of environmental pollution, but its cost is high and risks is also relatively large. Even if it won the case, it may occur the problem that the verdict can not be implemented. Litigation can compensate the losses for victims, but it’s not comprehensive. Environmental liability insurance is effective way to solve this problem to the responsibility of the community through risk-based approach. On one side it make the victims receive relief timely and effective, on the other hand it makes the polluters bear the damage caused by its reasonable responsibility, pveventing pulluter into bankruptcy because of huge compensation and keep the balance of all party’s interests, but the mechanism also exist some limitations. This article also describes the environmental damage compensation fund system, the system of environmental damage compensation fund has not begun in China and it is lack of theoretical research on the subject. So the author plant to establish a system of China environmental damage compensation fund in the future according to drawing on the mature foreign experience. The article makes a systematic analysis of meaning, characteristics and function among the three types of compensation mechanism, then analyses the problems and the reasons of the first two systems in reality, and proposes some advice on the improvement of compensation mechanism legislation. In the light of our current national situation, this thesis suggests that we should have the legal system of environmental damage compensation fund by drawing on mature foreign system. In order to protect the interests of the injured party, we should establishing a three-dimensional protection networks for the victims, so as to keep the society have sustainable development and keep society harmonious and stable in future.

【关键词】 环境污染受害者补偿机制
【Key words】 environmental pollutionvictimcompensation mechanism
  • 【分类号】D922.68
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】249

