

【作者】 金连玉

【导师】 黄义军;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 考古学与博物馆学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文根据1949年以后公布的江西宋墓考古材料,依照考古类型学的方法,对其墓葬形制、随葬器物组合及纪年墓出土的青白瓷做了分析,力图廓清江西宋墓的葬风葬俗特点,梳理发展脉络,并对形成的基本原因进行初步探讨。本文首先通过对1949年以后,江西宋墓发掘及研究简史的回顾,将其分为4个发展阶段,总结目前学界的研究重点及薄弱环节,指明相关研究的可行性,指出本文研究的目的为增进南方宋墓区域性之研究,创新点是对两宋时期江西地区墓葬特点的系统总结。第一章主要对江西宋墓的墓葬类型做考古学分析,在总结各类型墓葬的流行区域、时间特点的基础上,观察到江西宋墓墓葬类型未有分期特点,不同类型墓葬与使用者的社会身份、家庭财富多寡之间,存在着较为密切的关系。此外,通过对墓葬类型分布的观察,目前在赣南地区未有宋墓报告,这种现象的原因值得进一步探讨。第二章对江西宋墓的出土器物进行分析,指出随葬器物的分期特点主要体现在出土青白瓷的器物组合变化。此外,随葬器物的种类变化,与墓主的社会经济地位关系较为密切。江西宋墓出土的瓷器种类丰富,包含当时南北方不同窑口的产品。第三章对墓葬中出土的瓷器按釉色分类排比,认为来自不同窑口的产品的使用,并未局限于某一特定地区或某一时期,而是发现于两宋时期江西各地墓葬。此外,同一墓葬中经常有不同窑口瓷器并出的现象,体现出两宋时期南北瓷器手工业交流及商品流通发展的盛况。第四章对江西宋墓中出土数量最为丰富的十二类青白瓷器做类型学分析,总结各类器物演变特点,通过对江西宋墓出土的两宋青白瓷的分期研究,将江西宋墓分为五期六段。各期青白瓷发展特点明显,演变脉络清晰。结论部分根据前文对墓葬类型、随葬器物等分析,系统总结了江西宋墓的基本特点,以及体现的葬俗特征,并从社会政治经济、民众信仰以及南北方文化交流等几方面,对江西宋墓的葬俗特点成因进行了探讨。

【Abstract】 Based on the study of archaeological materials about Song tombs in Jiangxi province which published after 1949, I make an archaeological analysis of tomb structures and relics, then conclude local funerary culture and developing way of Jiangxi. What is more, make relative research about reasons which contribute to the local ritual culture.First, I provide a researching history of archaeological excavations and study of Jiangxi Song tombs. I divide it into four periods and show the important point of common academic research. At the same time, I also indicate the aim of this paper is contribute to the Song tombs study of southern of China.The first chapter is the structural study of tombs in Jiangxi, Song dynasties. In general, the occupants of stone tombs have higher social statues than earth-pit tombs and brick tombs. The users include of social officials and their families, the local elites. Hence, compared of spatial and time reasons, the different social statues and family economy lead to the dissimilar types of tombs in Jiangxi.Chapter II concentrates on the study of articles combination which unearthed from Jiangxi Song tombs. I make a summary of the plot and combination of different period features. In this part, I indicate the socio-economic statuses of tomb occupants are closely related with articles combination and types of tombs.Jiangxi Song tombs have influential porcelain variety which produces from different ceramic kilns spread from south and north of China. Chapter III makes a discussion of glaze classification, carried out in parallel, and reveal the use of products which from different kilns is not restricted to a particular region or a certain time period, the products were discovered all over the graves around the Song Dynasty in Jiangxi. In addition, dissimilar ceramics from north or south of China often found in a tomb. What is more, the phenomenon shows that handicrafts of north and south in Song Dynasties have a closer communication and exchanging than before.Chapter IV makes archaeological typology for shadowy blue wares which excavated from Song tombs of Jiangxi abundantly, summarized the evolution of characteristics of various types, thereby make a basic research stage study for shadowy blue wares in Song tombs. It can be divides into five periods. In addition to the first phase, characteristics of other developing phases of shadowy blue wares have a clear evolution.In Conclusion, the thesis concludes the characters of Song tombs in Jiangxi, and the funerary customs of this region. Furthermore, based on the social policy and economy, folk belief and cultural communication of south and north China, this paper also try to find the reasons for the special burial customs in Jiangxi Song tombs.In summary, due to the archaeological materials which published after 1949, this paper makes a study of Song tombs of Jiangxi region, the deeper studies of Jiangxi Song tombs also need more and more archaeological work in the future.

【关键词】 江西两宋墓葬葬风葬俗
【Key words】 JiangxiSong dynastiestombfunerary culture
  • 【分类号】K878.8
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】759

