

【作者】 艾渊源

【导师】 李玉子;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民商法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,随着城市住房问题的日益严峻,城市商品房价格的不断飙升,使得大量城镇人口把目光转向农村房屋。农村房屋买卖合同不断订立,各种各样的纠纷层出不穷,法院在审判有关案件时困惑很多,其判决结果也是全然不同,有承认此类买卖有效的,有否决其法律效力的,也有采取各种折中办法的,由此,引发的社会影响和法律影响让人深思。一方面国家不停地采取堵的措施,希望通过出台各种政策来防止农村房屋买卖引发的土地流失现象的加剧,另一方面经济的发展和城镇化进程的加快致使农村房屋买卖越来越兴盛。本文通过分析经典案例得出农村房屋买卖主要面临的法律问题,一是农村房屋买卖合同的效力认定问题,二是城镇人口是否可以成为农村房屋买卖主体问题。理论与司法实践对这两个问题都有不同的看法,存在争议。笔者通过分析得出,农村房屋买卖所面临的法律问题主要是我国的房地一体原则以及宅基地使用权的限制流转所造成,为了使农村房屋买卖所面临的法律问题得到有效的解决,笔者从给房地一体原则松绑和宅基地使用权自由流转两个方面进行了探讨,希望对解决农村房屋买卖所面对的法律问题有所帮助。文章共分为三个部分。第一部分为我国农村房屋买卖法律问题现状。要研究农村房屋买卖的法律问题首先要明确农村房屋买卖的相关概念,本文所指的农村房屋是狭义上的概念,即位于宅基地之上,村民私有的住宅房屋。讨论的主体是农民和城镇人口,农村房屋买卖的内容是农村房屋所有权以及宅基地使用权;其次,本文通过对经典案例的讨论得出农村房屋买卖所面临的主要法律问题为两个方面。第二部分重点讨论我国农村房屋买卖面临的法律问题。笔者认为我国农村房屋买卖面临的法律问题主要有两个方面,一是城镇居民不能购买农村房屋违反民法公平原则。农民享有农村房屋的完全所有权,其可以选择出卖的主体,而城镇居民享有购买农村房屋的权利。二是农村房屋买卖合同被认定无效不利交易安全。首先,农村房屋买卖合同无效的法律后果与现行合同法中相关规定相互矛盾,即认定农村房屋买卖合同无效的法律后果存在矛盾;其次,有条件的认定农村房屋买卖合同有效;最后,登记并不影响合同的效力。第三部分为我国农村房屋买卖法律问题解决途径的探析。笔者在研究案例的同时发现,造成我国农村房屋买卖法律问题产生的根本原因有两点,一是坚持房地一体原则,二是宅基地使用权流转受限。在坚持房地一体原则的基础上,农村房屋的买卖必须与宅基地使用权的买卖捆绑在一起,又因为宅基地使用权的主体受限性,使得作为独立交易客体的农村房屋也有了一定的“身份性”,这是使得农村房屋买卖合同的效力不好确定以及城镇人口不能成为农村房屋买卖的购房主体的主要原因。笔者认为既然坚持房地一体原则和宅基地使用权的流转受限是造成农村房屋买卖的法律问题不易解决的主要原因,那么把房地一体原则松绑,选择房屋与土地使用权的二元流转模式或者支持宅基地使用权自由流转,这两种方式都可以达到目的。因此,笔者从房地一体原则本身就存在冲突,与宅基地使用权的流转也有其必要性和可行性两个方面进行了论证,希望能够为解决我国农村房屋买卖法律问题提供一个新的思考方式和解决途径。

【Abstract】 The rural houses had been caught more and more eyes by urban people. This is because the price of urban house is becoming higher and housing problem in urban area is becoming bigger now. More and more rural house sale contact had been signed. At the same time, more and more related entanglement appears. The court often felt confused when judge these kind of cases, thus making different judgements. These different judgements mainly consist of commiting the contact to be legal, denying its force of law or just taking some halfway actions. As a result, it makes a very bad sociaty impact which provoked lots of introspection. At one side, the country keeps taking lots of action to prevent loss of national land; At another side, the rual houses’ sale becomes more and more hot with the rapid economy development. In this paper, we make conclusions to law related problem of rural house sale through analyzing some typical cases. The first is the contact effect judgement problem. The second is the problem whether urban people could be the buyer of rural houses. Currently, there are lots of contentions bewteen practice judicature and theory law. In our opinion, the problem that rural house sale is facing is mainly caused by land-house connection rule and the limitaion to homestead transferring. In order to solve these two problems, we analyze the possibility of throwing land-house connection rule and making homestead be able to transfer freely. We hope this analysis will be helpful to solve the rural house sale related law problem. There are totally three parts in this paper.The first part mainly introduce the definition of China’s rural house sale. We should firstly make it clear exactly what the rural house is before we begin to research rural house sale problem. In this paper, we adopt the defition of rural house from the narrow sense aspect, which means the private house of rural people and at the same time being placed upon the homestead. In addition, we should also know the owner of rural house in rural house sale is the man who is using the house, and know that the ownership structure mode of rural house consists of ownership of rural house plus the right to use it. To make these related definitions clear are the precondition of researching related law problem in rural house sale.The second part mainly descripe the related law problem in rural house sale. We begin with some typical cases’ analysis, and select two of them which had a large influence to make further understanding. We conclude the main law related problems in rural house sale, which are mainly embedded in contact effect judgement and main body in rural house sale sides. Besides, the reasons from the practice judicature prospect mainly refer to increasement of urban house price and the vague definition of the rural house by the law.The third part analyze the root causes of those related law problems in rural house sale. In our opinion, there are generally two kind of reaons. One is keeping persisting on land-house connection rule and the other is limitation to the use of homestead transferring. Firstly, There should be a firm connection between rural house and use right of homestead due to the land-house connection rule. Secondly, the rural house becomes identifiable due to the limetation of use right transferring. This is he reason why it is hard to confirm the force of rural house sale contact and the reason why urban people cannot buy rural house. Then try to find ways to solve the related law problem in rural house sale. We think the reason why it is hard to solve rural house sale law problems mainly because the persistence to land-house connection rule and the limitation to homestead use right. Then, we think to throw the land-house connection rule and try another transferring mode in rural house sale will be two ways that make sense. Therefore, we argue from the prospect that land-house connection rule having self-conflct and the necessity and feasiblity to enable transferring of homestead use right, aiming to provide a new way to solve the current law related problem in rural house sale.

  • 【分类号】D923.2;D922.32
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】605

