

【作者】 许倩

【导师】 党秀云;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 目前,我国各级地方政府正处于向“服务型政府”转型的时期,公共文化服务是建设“服务型政府”的重要组成部分。随着我国社会经济的发展,公民生活水平的提高,人们已不再满足于单纯的物质生活水平的提高,而转向于注重精神生活的提升。而现实中人们对精神文化生活需求的增长与当前的公共文化服务不能满足人们的需求之间的矛盾日益突出。因此,完善与创新公共文化服务成为我国目前文化体制改革的重要内容和文化建设的重要目标,也成为我国地方各级政府建设“服务型政府”的重要方向之一。创新地方政府公共文化服务,对于推动“服务型政府”的建设、提高地方政府公共文化服务能力,保障公民的文化权利,满足人民的精神文化需求,为广大人民群众提供高品质、高效率的公共文化服务有着重要的意义。本文综合运用了文献研究和案例研究等方法,对如何创新地方政府公共文化服务进行了分析与研究。本文首先探究了公共文化服务的相关理论分析,包括公共文化和公共文化服务的内涵及公共文化服务原则,指出创新公共文化服务对提升地方政府公共服务能力,保障公民的基本文化权利,满足人民群众的文化需求有着重要意义。然后以安徽省六安市为例,介绍了我国地方政府公共文化服务现状,分析了其中存在的问题及困难。由于经济发展的限制,虽然近年来六安市公共文化服务整体能力有所提升,但总的来说该市公共文化服务水平还比较低,存在着公共文化供给主体单一,公共文化投入规模小,相关法律、法规滞后、公民缺乏主动参与意识、公共文化服务意识缺失、文化类非政府组织发展程度较低等问题,公共文化服务亟待提高与创新。之后以美国旧金山市、蒙特立公园市和深圳市政府为例,介绍了国内外地方政府公共文化服务的先进经验,从而归纳出对我国地方政府公共文化服务能力研究的启示,并在此基础上提出创新我国地方政府公共文化服务的对策思考:要明确政府的主体作用,为公民提供优质的公共文化服务是各级政府履行公共服务职能的本质要求,因此要加大政府公共文化的资金投入,建立与完善公共文化服务的相关政策、法规,建立公共文化评估体系,创新政府公共文化服务观念;由于政府的有限性,因此在政府力所不能及的地方要充分发挥其它社会组织的作用,积极引导企业、非政府组织、社会以及公民参与公共文化服务中,形成政府与社会共同治理的模式;要创新公共文化服务的内容和方式,扩大公共文化服务的受益人群,促进数字和网络技术在公共文化服务领域的应用,建立公共文化服务网络。总之,创新地方政府公共文化服务要以政府为主体,形成政府与社会互动的局面,开展形式多样、内容丰富、方便群众的公共文化服务。

【Abstract】 At present, the Chinese local government is during the stage in transition to "service-oriented government", and public culture service is the important part of building a service-oriented government. As social and economic of our country development, and living standards of our citizens improvement, people haven’t satisfied with the improvement of material standard of living already, and turn attention to enhance the spiritual life. Actually, the growth mental cultural of people contradict the current public cultural services, which can’t meet people’s needs. So, perfecting and innovating public cultural services become the important subject for cultural mechanism reform and essential aim for cultural construction, it’s also become one of the most important direct of building service-oriented government. Innovating local government’s public culture service has important means to promote service-oriented government’s construction, to improve the capability of the local public cultural services, to meet the needs of people’s spiritual culture, to provide high-quality and high-efficiency public cultural services.By many methods such as documents and case studies research, the thesis gives a deeply research and discuss to how to innovate the local’s public cultural service. At first, the thesis analyzes the theory of public cultural service, including the connotation of public culture and public cultural service and the principle of public cultural service, point out that innovating local government’s public culture service has important means to improve the capability of the local public cultural service, to protect people’s basic cultural rights, to meet the needs of people’s spiritual culture. And then take the city lu’an, AnHui province as sample, introducing the public cultural services’status of our country, analyzing the problem and the difficulty in them. Due to the limit of economic development, although in recent years, the whole capacity of public cultural services in the city of lu’an has improved, totally the level of public cultural services in this city still lowly, for example, the supplier of public cultural services is lonely, the proportion of the money which in the public cultural services is small, cultural laws and regulations are lagged, citizens are short of the active sense of participation, the local’s sense of public cultural service also lack, the development of the cultural non-governmental organization still not maturely, so lu’an government’s public cultural service urgently needs to innovate. And then take the city San Francisco and the city Monterey Park of USA and the city Shenzhen of China for example, introduce the advanced experience, and it will stress to the local government of our country. At last, point out the tactic to promote innovating of local government’s public cultural services:we should clearly that government is the main role in public cultural services, it is the essential requirements for the government to supply high-quality public cultural services, so it must enhance the quantity of the money, built and improve the law of public cultural services, set up the evaluation system of public cultural services, innovate the conception of public cultural services; due to the limit of government, the social organizations,including the business, NGO, social, and the citizen should play a role in the public cultural services; we should innovate the content and the way of public cultural services, expand the limits of the people, which enjoy the public cultural services, promote the internet in the public cultural services. In one word, innovate local government’s public cultural services should clear and definite the main role of government, form the situation of interaction with government and the social, develop kinds of public cultural services.

【关键词】 地方政府公共文化服务创新
【Key words】 local governmentpublic cultural servicesinnovate
  • 【分类号】G124
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1091

