

【作者】 韩林林

【导师】 李锦芳;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以汉藏语系壮侗语族仡央语支的中越边境的红仡佬语为研究对象。仡佬语是分布在我国西南地区的一种濒危语言,对仡佬语的调查研究,不仅有助于加深对仡佬语共识面貌的认识和了解;还为仡佬语系属的划分提供了新的线索;同时,从抢救濒危语言,帮助仡佬族人民客观地认识和了解自己的母语,保存仡佬族语言文化遗产,都具有十分重要的意义。国内外许多知名学者,曾对越南仡佬语进行过研究,但是记录材料较少。本文以共时描写为主,以田野调查法、分析法和比较法为辅。首先通过田野调查法、濒危语言记录研究法和社会语言学方法进行语言调查和资料收集;其次,对红仡佬语的语音、词汇、语法作系统的描写和分析;最后运用比较的方法,对比分析红仡佬语和其它方言点的异同,确定其方言系属。文章正文分为五章。第一章概述仡佬语族情和中越边境红仡佬语的语言使用情况,综述本领域的研究现状,说明语料来源和发音合作人简介,以及本文的研究对象、内容、意义和理论研究方法。第二章介绍红仡佬语的音系,描写红仡佬语的声母、韵母和声调的构成、数量和特点。第三章对红仡佬语的词汇进行研究:词的音节特征,词汇的构成,同音词和多义词,同义词(近义词)以及借词的类型。第四章分析红仡佬语的语法特点,包括词类、短语结构、句子成分、句型、句式、句类六部分。第五章从常用词汇同源比例,语音对应,形态三个方面进行比较,归纳红仡佬语的方言系属。本文的创新点如下:材料上,李锦芳教授带领我们两次对红仡佬语进行调查,收集了大量、丰富的中越边境红仡佬语的语言资料,不仅包括词汇,还记录了一些语法例句。内容上,本文对红仡佬语的语音、词汇和语法作了全面、系统的描写,还从常用词汇同源比例,语音对应,形态三方面与其它语言点进行比较,归纳其方言系属。

【Abstract】 The thesis aims to synchronically make a comprehensive and systematic study of Red Gelao language in Northern Vietnam, one of Geyang branch of Kan-Tai language group in Sino-Tibetan family.Gelao is one of endangered languages, mainly distributing in Southwest of China. A survey research of Red Gelao language not only help us have a common knowledge but also help provide new clues to its affiliation. Meanwhile it’s of great significance that to rescue endangerment would help Gelao people know of their own native language and protect their heritage of language and culture.So far, some researchs on the China-Vietnam border’s Gelao language have been made by domestic and overseas scholars, but recording materials are less. The method of Synchronic description is main, the method of field survey, analytic approach and comparative method are subsidiary. First of all, we collected datas by field survey method and sociolinguistics method. secondly, describe and analyze the voice, vocabulary and grammar. Thirdly, compared to the other languages, determine the dialect attribution of the China-Vietnam border’s Red Gelao language.The body of this thesis constitutes of five chapters.Chapter one is an introduction of situation of Gelao ethnic group and Red Gelao language used in Northern Vietnam, literature reviews, data source and informants, and objective, content, value, and theory of this research.Chapter two is an introduction of sound system of Red Gelao in Northern Vietnam, which includes constitution, number, and feature of its initials, finals and tones.Chapter three makes a presentation of vocabulary of the language, including the main characters of the vocabulary, the basic types of word-building process, homophone and polysemy, synonyms. The type of the loadwords,of the Gelao language are introduced in the unit five.Chapter four is an introduction of grammar of Red Gelao in Northern Vietnam, which covers six parts, namely, word class, phrase, sentence element, sentence model, sentence type, sentence form.Chapter five is an introduction of affiliation of Red Gelao language in Northern Vietnam, mainly compared through the homologous proportion of the Common words, phonetic correspondence and the morphology.Some points are found creatively new in this thesis. Material-speaking, so far it is found to be the most comprehensive data which we collected under the guide of Professor Li Jinfang twice to Red Gelao in Northern Vietnam, including lexicons and some grammatical sentences. And content-speaking, not only have we made a comprehensive and systematical description to sound, lexicon, and grammar of Red Gelao in Northern Vietnam but also have a study of its affiliation.

【关键词】 红仡佬语语音词汇语法系属
【Key words】 Red Gelao languagevoicevocabularygrammarlanguages department

