

【作者】 杨仁忠

【导师】 展江;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着当今世界全球化程度的日益加深,跨文化传播研究的重要意义逐渐突显出来。在跨文化传播过程中,大众媒介扮演着重要的角色,它改变着传统的文化边界、拓展了文化空间,促进着文化的融合。然而,不同的文化观念本身引发了相异文化间的碰撞与交锋,自我文化与“他者”文化的本质差异造成了跨文化传播的信息栅栏。新闻媒体在报道“他者”文化时,本身的文化身份与所传播信息的所属文化身份并不相同,这种不同很可能会造成文化间的冲突,新闻媒体常常会在应该遵循何种报道原则,新闻伦理规范应当如何协调冲突的疑问中徘徊。思索和分析这一问题也就成了本文研究的目的所在。本文主要依据文化身份理论这一跨文化新闻传播中少用的理论视角,运用文本分析、个案分析的方法,就若干相关案例进行逐一研究,考查新闻媒体在报道“他者”文化时所遭遇的新闻伦理问题,并探索解决之道。之所以选择文化身份为理论支撑,是因为其已较多地被运用在文学研究领域,有了相对成熟的理论基础。虽然在新闻伦理方面被应用得很少,却可以深入解析跨文化新闻传播中媒体职业道德失范的缘由,清晰了解文化冲突的产生过程。本文第一章沿着文化身份中“他者”的产生过程,分析了不同文化间的差异、当今全球化中跨文化传播作用下的“自我”与“他者”的产生。第二章详细叙述了“他者”对新闻传播的影响、跨文化新闻传播的过程、跨文化新闻传播中文化误读产生的原因:文化无知、文化漠视、对信息本身的文化误读,以及跨文化新闻传播中的新闻伦理探讨。第三章以拉什迪与穆罕默德事件为例,探究宗教问题引发的新闻伦理问题。第四章则针对跨国文化传播过程中出现的新闻伦理问题,分析出现的原因、“他者”文化身份的影响,并以《纽约时报》对华报道为例来进行具体分析。总结部分对全文研究成果做出阐述和期望,媒体在跨文化传播中应该尽可能的保持传播主体的平等地位和内容的客观性,寻求普遍伦理与新闻职业伦理的“中庸”之点,以期尽可能避免跨文化传播中相异文化间冲突的产生,达到新闻媒体有效传播信息、不同文化和谐交流的预期目的。

【Abstract】 The studying on intercultural communication is more and more important as the globalization increasingly deepens by degrees. Mass media, taking a vital role in the process of intercultural communication, has changed the range of the traditional culture, expanded the cultural space, improved the intercultural communication, as well as fastened the integration of various cultures. However, the cultural diversity brings about the conflicts of cultures, and the essential differences between "the Self and "the Other" hinder the information dissemination. Mass media is lost in how to coordinate the conflicts and what kinds of journalistic principles it should follow when reporting "the Other". This is the studying aim of this essay as well.This essay studies the journalistic ethics problems emerging in reporting "the Other", and searches the solving methods through discourse analysis and case study by applying the theory of culture identity.The theory of culture identity, as a complete one, has been generally used in literature. However, it will benefit us in understanding the reasons why Medias don’t follow the journalist ethics, as well as the cultural conflicts process. Medias should insist on the equality of the Medias and audiences, as well as the objectivity of the contents. In terms of the production process of "the other" in cultural identity, the first chapter analyzes the distinctions between various cultures and the birth of "the Self and "the Other" under the influence of intercultural communication. The second chapter elaborates on the effects of "the Other" on news dissemination, the process of cross-cultural news dissemination, and the causes that lead to misunderstandings in cross-cultural news dissemination. The causes consist of cultural ignorance, cultural neglecting, cultural misunderstanding in terms of information itself and news ethics in cross-cultural news dissemination. Taking Rushdie and Mohammed event as an example, the third chapter explores the religious issues triggered by news ethics. In chapter four the causes are analyzed why there are news ethics issues in the process of international cultural communication. Besides, as a case study chapter four analyzes the effects of "the Other" cultural identity according to the report from The New York Times on China.In conclusion, we summarize the significant outcomes of this thesis and look forward to the further study. The Doctrine of Mean is the key part to balance ethics and journalistic ethics. Hence Mass media can fulfill the responsibility smoothly and successfully avoiding the conflicts during the intercultural communication.

  • 【分类号】G206
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】924

