

Turn-milling Complex Processing Researches on Variable Pitch and Depth Scraw

【作者】 仲小正

【导师】 史家顺;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着化工、医药、注塑等以聚合物材料为基础的工业迅速发展而且广泛传播,聚合物加工过程如挤出、注射成型和热成型等需要特定的螺杆。但是,螺杆的加工在目前依然是一个难点,在多种螺杆的制造过程中,经常会遇到变导程、变槽宽、变槽深的螺杆,这类螺杆在实际机械中的应用有着不可缺少的作用。变导程变深度螺杆加工受到普通机床缺乏连续变速运动功能和需要多道工序加工的限制,普通设备很难或是根本无法加工。即使在普通设备上能通过工装夹具或刻线等手段实现加工,但加工的零件很难达到高精度的要求。从而制约了变导程变深度螺杆的应用和推广。现代数控机床技术的发展,为机床实现连续变速运动、匀变速运动和多轴联动控制提供了可靠保证,可方便地实现变导程变深度零件的加工。为此,我们针对这种变导程变深度螺杆的特点,提出了采用先进的车铣复合加工中心进行加工的方法。本文对螺杆的加工仿真和加工工艺进行了研究,主要工作包括以下几个方面:(1)本文根据实际生产情况和研究的需求,使用Pro/E软件进行螺杆螺旋曲面建模。从分析螺杆类型入手,以应用广泛的变导程、变深度螺杆为例,研究了这类螺杆采用螺旋扫描切口建模、仿真和加工方法。(2)文中针对变导程变深度异形螺杆的难加工性,结合实际经验,进行了加工工艺研究。确定了采用日本MAZAK五轴四联动的车铣复合加工中心作为螺杆加工设备,刀具轨迹采用“自曲面等值线”方式。(3)借助于Pro/E软件进行螺杆的刀具轨迹仿真,对异型螺杆加工的数控加工程序的修改、刀具的选择、加工参数的优化。对于利用车铣复合加工中心加工异型螺杆具有十分重要的参考价值。(4)以变导程变深度的异形螺杆为例,进行了螺杆的加工实验。实验的结果表明:采用先进的车铣复合加工中心,是提高生产效率、改善工件表面质量的先进加工方法。

【Abstract】 With the chemical,pharmaceutical,polymer injection molding,and other materials-based industries and the rapid development of widely disseminated, polymer processing such as extrusion,injection molding,plastic moulding and casting specific needs,such as screw.However,the screw is still in the processing is a difficult host,Screw in a variety of the manufacturing process,often encountered,such as variable pitch trough,such as tendons width,variable diameter at the end of the screw,Variable lead screw depth of the change in the actual machinery applications are an indispensable role.Lead changed variable depth of the screw machine processing by the general lack of continuous variable speed motor function and needs more cumbersome procedures for processing process,ordinary equipment is not difficult or processing.Even in ordinary devices through the fixture or carved lines,and means to achieve processing,but it is very difficult to high-precision machining of parts.Thereby constraining variable lead changed parts of the depth of application and promotion.Modern CNC technology development,and achieve continuous variable motion machine with variable motion control even provide a reliable guarantee,can be easily changed to achieve variable lead depth parts machining.For this reason,our response to this screw processing,the practice by some manual processing methods and the preparation of the screw processing.Heterotypic screw against,the use of advanced composite car milling machining centers for processing experiments,the paper screw machining simulation and CNC machining technology research,the principal tasks include the following:(1)Based on actual production and demand study,the use of Pro/E software screw spiral surface modeling.From the start of screw type for the application of a wide range of variable lead,and change deep trough screw example,the study used such screw spiral scan incision modeling methods and processes.(2)With Pro/E software screw machining tool path simulation and simulation,on the NC machining process changes,tool selection,tool path planning,optimization of processing parameters,a very important reference value.(3)In this paper variable lead screw variable groove depth contour of the difficult processing,combining practical experience,the processing research.Four interrelated using 5-axis machining center as a screw processing equipment,a tool path "Since the surface contour" approach to ensure that tool path along the direction of spiral curves,a tool for the protection role,and determine a reasonable processing parameters.(4)Lead changed to variable groove depth contour screw example,a screw processing experiments.Experimental results show that:the use of advanced composite car milling machining center,and is very fast in the actual production, production methods and more efficient processing.

【关键词】 车铣螺杆工艺仿真编程
【Key words】 turn-millingscrewsimulationprocessing
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TG659
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244

