

Design and Realization of Finished Product Storeroom Subsystem of the Production Management Information System for BenXi Steel Hot Strip Mill

【作者】 胥祚久

【导师】 李喆;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 计算机技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当今时代,钢铁企业要在信息化发展方面上台阶上水平,就必须采用信息技术,实现从订货合同到生产计划、到制造作业计划、到制造作业指令、到产品入库出厂发运的信息化,生产与销售连成一个整体。即使不改变工艺技术和设备也能减少库存、缩短交货期、提高准时交货率,显著加速生产营销流程。论文针对本钢热连轧厂生产线热轧成品管理进行了详细的系统分析,针对现行系统存在的问题,根据设计任务的要求,提出了一套采用计算机管理取代人工管理的软硬件解决方案,基于面向对象的多层结构,应用C/S架构,充分采用COM技术、XML技术、数据仓库技术、网络通信技术等,将现代信息管理的先进管理思想与热轧厂的具体情况相结合,完成了系统的设计与实现。本系统投入后使热轧成品管理实现信息化,操作人员取消在各个部门间传递的各种传送单及卡片等,提高生产效率.灵活、快速、准确地进行生产数据的统计,第一时间内提供生产缴库、质检和发货等的详细资料,为相关部门提供决策依据。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the steel enterprise which want to make the further progress in the development of information, must realize automation including from order contract to produce plan, to manufacture task plan, to manufacture task dictates, to product handed in storeroom and consignment by info tecnolgy, and it make the production and sale be the all and the one. It can reduce the stock, shorten delivery period, improve the rate of delivery on time, and speedup production and sale flow obviously even though do not change the technics technology or equipments.This thesis gives a detail system analysis on management of production for Benxi Steel Hot Strip Mill. And according to questions existing in the present system and requirement of design task, developer adopts a set of software and hardware resolution that use computer management replacing manual management. And use much new technology such as C/S structure, COM, XML, and Data Store etc the specific measure also is discussed.The information papers and cards that were delivered by operators from one department to another had been canceled. It makes the management of hot strip productions became automatic and more efficiency by using this system. The system can generate the statistic report about the productions agility quickly well and truly. The system also can supply the detail information about the product handed in storeroom quality checking and consignment etc…for some department to make decision.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】64

