

Research of the XG-1 Autonomous Vehicle Navigation Systems Based on the Integrated for INS/GPS

【作者】 褚玲玲

【导师】 赵一丁;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自主车辆是具有人工智能和先进的传感技术、能够自主行驶和自动执行作战任务的地面无人车辆,是地面无人车辆发展的关键阶段,在民用和军用领域都发挥出了明显的优势,有着很强的应用价值。但是,自主车辆在自主导航、目标搜索与识别等关键技术领域还存在许多问题,因此,针对自主车辆存在的不同技术缺陷进行优化研究,成为了当前的研究热点,也是提高自主车辆智能性、稳定性和机动性必要举措。本文介绍了自主车辆的现状及发展趋势,分析了沈阳航天新光集团自制的XG-1自主车辆研制的关键技术及特点,针对其暂无导航功能的研究现状,为XG-1自主车辆设计了导航控制系统,详细阐述了XG-1导航系统的应用背景及关键技术,深入研究了其技术实现方式,提出了将惯性导航系统和全球卫星定位系统组合制导的方法,并通过仿真证明了组合导航控制系统的优势。惯性导航导航系统具有抗电子辐射干扰、大机动飞行、隐蔽性好等优点,但是其导航参数的误差(尤其是位置误差)随时间而积累,不适合长时间的单独导航;全球定位系统GPS明显优点是能够进行全球、全天候和实时导航,其定位误差与时间无关,且有较高的定位和测速精度,但是GPS全球定位系统的非自主、卫星信号易受干扰、卫星在有些地方受遮挡而影响定位或丢失信号,因此,单独使用惯性导航系统或GPS导航系统均不利于达到精确定位的目的,而将二者以适当的方法进行组合构成组合系统,可以取长补短,综合发挥各种导航系统特点,大大提高系统的整体导航精度及导航性能。本文通过位移、速度的组合方式组成了XG-1自主车辆导航系统,以达到了对自主车辆精确定位导航的目的。最后,设计了导航控制器对组合制导得到的最优定位导航信息进行了解析,通过判断偏航角与偏航距的大小及方位等来确定最终的导航控制指令,并研制了驱动控制模块对导航控制指令进行解调、放大、驱动,输出XG-1自主车辆转向角度控制量可以准确驱动XG-1执行机构,实现了导航系统对自主车辆的导航控制。

【Abstract】 The autonomous vehicle is an unmanned ground vehicle that can steer independent and can execute campaign mission by itself,it has artificial intelligence and the advanced sensor technoloy.Atuonomous vehicle is the important stage in the development of the unmanned grouned vehicle,and plays an importment part both in the military field and in the civil field.Whereas,autonomous civil has some problems in the key technology fields,such as the auto-navigation,target acquisition and identification.Hence,optimizing research on the technology limitation of autonomous vehicles becomes the hotspot,also,it is the necessary measure that improves the intelligent and the stability.The paper interprets the autonomous vehicles’status quo and the trend of development, analyses the charcteristic and the key technology of the XG-1,designs the navigation controlling system,expatiates the applicate background and the technology backstopping on the navigation system of XG-l,intensivily studys the technology implementations,demonstrat-es the advantage of the XG-1 navigation system.Inertial navigation system has the virtue of the anti-interference electron irradiation,flying in big power-driven,good shielding,but the errors of the navigational parameter can accumulate along with the times,so it’s not suitable for navigating depended for a long time.The exident virue of the global position system is that it can all-weather and globaly navigate in real time,and its positional error does not matter to time,yet,the involuntary satellite signals is easy to be interfered,and the signals can miss when it is sheltered.So,using alone INS or GPS is not benifit to locate accuracy,integrating the two naigation systems in proper ways to compose an integrated system can to make up for each other’s deficiencies,exert each other’s virtue suffiieney,advance the navigation system’s precision and capability.The paper adopts loose coupling ways of displacement and velocity to integrate theXG-1 autonomous vehicle navigation system to achieve the target of navigate accuracy.Finally,the paper resolves the navigation message that is received by integrating,decides the navigation control instruction by the way of estimating the sizes and the areas of the yaw and the crosstrack error, designs the driven controlling module to demodulate,magnify and drive,and at last output the cornor controlling quantity to drive the XG-1’s actuator,realize the navigation controlling for XG-1 autonomous vehicle.

【关键词】 自主车辆导航GPSINS组合偏航角H桥
【Key words】 autonomous vehiclenavigationGPSINSintegrateyawH birdge
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

