

Study on Influncing Factors of Direct Sale Enterprise’s Customer Trust

【作者】 赵海丹

【导师】 张兰霞;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 直销是一种古老的营销方式。这种方式使商品生产者直接与最终顾客进行交易,它的市场目标范围大,同时又是一种消耗最少的营销模式。在现代社会中,直销方式对开拓商品经济市场发挥着越来越大的作用。但企业在通过直销这种营销模式获得更多竞争优势的同时,也面临着这种销售模式所带来的挑战。直销企业的诚信问题越来越多的暴露在大家的面前。曾经无数风光无限的企业走向落寞,其很大一部分原因就是没有意识到诚信对于一个企业的重要,没有真正意识到顾客信任的重要性,更不知道哪些因素会影响顾客信任,直销企业又应该如何去建立顾客信任,最终造成了顾客对直销企业的信任缺失。于是直销企业如何树立自己的诚信形象成了当务之急,而要树立诚信形象就要去理解顾客信任,找到影响顾客信任的影响因素。本文就是在这种背景下,通过对直销企业顾客所做的实证分析,研究影响直销企业顾客信任的主要因素。全文共分五章。第一章为导论部分,主要介绍了问题是如何提出,并介绍了论文的主要内容、研究框架及所采用的研究方法。第二章为相关理论及文献综述。首先界定了直销及其相关概念和直销企业的定义,然后界定了顾客信任的定义并对顾客信任的影响因素进行了研究综述。这章为本研究后续理论模型的构建奠定了坚实的理论基础。第三章在相关文献并结合笔者访谈的基础上提出本研究的假设并构建模型。第四章为论文的主体部分,对上一章建立的模型进行实证研究。第五章为全文的结论与启示。

【Abstract】 Direct selling has been known as an old type of marketing, in which way commodity producers can trade with final customers directly. It is less consuming with more market. In modern society, direct selling plays a more and more important role of developing commodity economy market. This new type of selling brings many companies more competitive strength as well as challenges, such as credibility problem, which has been exposed seriously. Lack of customer trust is the direct reason that many successful companies can’t continue. They are not aware of the importance of customer trust and how to establish it. It’s urgent to set up a trust image for the enterprise which demands us to recognize customer trust and find out which factors have effect on it. In this background, this paper reseaches the factors which effects customer trust through experimental analysis.The author divided the development of this study into five parts. The first chapter is introduction, which refers to putting forward a question. Also it introduces main content, research frame and method. The second chapter is reference review. Firstly, it gives the definition of direct selling and direct selling company. Then, it discusses what customer trust is. At last, it summarizes effect factors of customer trust. This chaper lays a strong theorical foundation for the whole paper. The third chapter puts forward research theory hypothesis and establishes model. The forth chapter has demonstration research. The fifth chapter is conclusion and enlightenment.

【关键词】 市场营销直销顾客信任影响因素
【Key words】 marketingdirect sellingcustomer trustinfluncing factor
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

