

Research on the Countermeasures of Faculty Education-related Structure Optimized of Chinese Research University

【作者】 颜艳

【导师】 史万兵;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 知识经济时代,研究型大学作为高等教育发达程度的重要标志,以培养创新型人才为己任,对国家发展和社会进步起到举足轻重的作用。我国的研究型大学产生于上个世纪九十年代,与世界顶尖的一流大学相比,在许多方面还存在着不足。如何弥补这些不足,使我国的研究型大学在激烈的国际竞争中占有一席之地,是高等教育管理者面临的重要课题。而我们必须做的第一件事情就是建立一支高水平的师资队伍,它是研究型大学成功的基础和前提。学缘结构作为衡量师资队伍质量高低的重要指标,对整个师资队伍的学术活力、科研能力、创新能力都起到重要的影响作用,研究型大学的管理者在建设高质量的师资队伍过程中已必须对其加以重视。由于种种原因,我国研究型大学师资学缘结构不甚合理,这些不合理抑制了研究型大学的发展、阻碍其迈向世界一流大学的步伐。本文从研究型大学师资队伍的学缘结构入手,运用了文献法、比较法和实证分析法对北京大学、兰州大学、北京师范大学、哈尔滨工业大学和中国人民大学这五所不同类型的、具有代表性的研究型大学的25个学院师资的学缘情况进行了研究。根据所得数据,总结出研究型大学师资学缘结构中存在的不足,在借鉴国外一流大学成功经验的基础上,遵循人力资源管理与开发的客观规律,结合高校自身的实际情况,从国家、研究型大学和教师三个行为主体出发,提出相应的对策优化研究型大学的师资学缘结构,旨在推动我国研究型大学的进步与发展。本文主要有三个创新点。首先,本文专门从“学缘结构”的视角,探索我国研究型大学师资队伍的建设;其次,本文提出个研究型大学师资学缘结构的优化标准应根据大学的自身情况有所区别;最后,本文提出政府应健全相关法规、提供财政支持,保障研究型大学师资学缘结构的优化。

【Abstract】 With the coming of knowledge economy, Research University, as an important index of higher-educational level, nourishes innovative talents for the development of country and society. The Research University in our country emerged in 90’s of last century. Comparing with those international famous universities, there are many shortages on many fields. How to make up for these shortages so that our research university can stand side by side with those famous universities is an important task faced by the managers of Research University at present. And the first thing which we must to do is building one high-level faculty. It is the promises and foundation of all success that Research University can do.Education-related structure is a key index which is used to measure the faculty quality of Research University. It deeply affects some essential factors of faculty, such as academic energy, science-researched and innovative ability. Therefore, higher educational managers must think highly of it in the process of building high-level faculty. But now, due to some reasons, it is not reasonable so that restrains the development of Research University. Beginning with the faculty education-related structure, the present paper investigates five Research Universities that are different styles, Peking University, Lanzhou University, Harbin Institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University and Renmin University of China, by the literature search, comparing method and positive search. According to the statistics and combining relevant theories, on the basis of the successful experience of foreign universities and the objective situation, the paper supports some countermeasures for the faculty education-related structure optimized of Research University on three views,’government, Research University and every faculty. The purpose is to promote the development and advancement of Research University.There are three innovations in the paper. First, the paper explores the faculty building of Research University on the view of education-related structure; second, the paper supports that the optimized aims of faculty education-related structure should be different; third, government should revise laws and provide capital to optimize the faculty education-related structure of Research University.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

