

General Synchronization Research on Mechanical Dynamic System of Robots

【作者】 杨晓光

【导师】 韩清凯;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 机械电子工程, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 同步现象作为事物运动内在联系的一种表征,广泛存在于自然与生命科学、工程科学与技术、社会经济活动等领域。在现代机械系统中,由多个部分组成的系统需要同步、协同和合作来完成统一的工作任务,如:装配、运输、喷涂和焊接等。在机器人领域,机器人按照轨迹规划运动,各关节驱动要按规划同步运动。研究机器人机械动力学系统的广义同步问题在现代制造装配和空间工程应用中起着非常重要的作用,对更好的深入研究机器人系统同步理论,拓宽应用领域,服务工程实际都具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。本文主要研究机器人动力学系统的广义同步控制问题,以主从机器人系统的外部同步为目标,主要应用机器人学理论、现代控制理论、系统稳定性理论,对实验室现有的AS-MRobot三自由度刚性机器人进行动力学建模、外部同步控制器设计、控制系统稳定性判别和数值仿真,为进一步的实验与理论对比奠定基础。具体成果如下:以AS-MRobot三自由度刚性机器人为研究对象,分别进行运动学和动力学分析,建立动力学模型。针对机器人系统本身的物理特征,论述构造满足机器人闭环系统全局渐近稳定的李雅普诺夫函数方法。作为后续实验的基础,介绍了机器人系统关节摩擦模型及其补偿方法。为实现机器人系统外部同步控制,本文设计一种基于全状态可观测的主从外部同步控制器。选取可模拟机器人关节摩擦的迟滞非线性系统为主系统,Duffing系统为从系统,应用Lyapunov稳定性判别方法推导出控制器。采用数值仿真方法证明并讨论了主从互换的同步过程。研究表明,控制器参数主要影响实现同步运动的过渡时间。针对机器人动力学系统存在模型误差及干扰等因素,本文提出机器人鲁棒同步轨迹跟踪控制方法,设计了鲁棒同步轨迹跟踪控制器。针对AS-MRobot三自由度刚性机器人,在有无干扰信号和有无鲁棒控制情况下,仿真分析机器人同步轨迹跟踪的效果。本文还论述了一种在混沌动力学系统主从同步控制中较为广泛适用的开闭环同步方法,并尝试将该方法应用于机器人动力学系统同步轨迹跟踪控制,通过理论分析和数值仿真讨论了开闭环控制方法的优缺点。最后,研究主从机器人的自适应同步控制,讨论基于PD增益自适应调节的模型参考自适应控制和鲁棒自适应控制。对参考模型选取、PD增益自适应控制器设计和稳定性判定等进行探讨。应用数值方法论证了该方法对于AS-MRobot的三个关节的同步轨迹跟踪控制的适用性。本文递进地研究了机器人动力学系统三种广义外部同步控制方法,从机器人动力学系统建模、控制器设计方法、稳定性判别和数值仿真等角度对机器人同步控制器的设计过程进行了深入研究。本文将为今后的主从机器人系统内、外部同步,多机器人系统同步等研究提供有力的理论帮助,同时也为实验与理论相对照奠定坚实基础。

【Abstract】 Synchronized phenomena, which exist in nature, life sciences, engineering technology, and social and economical activities vastly, can be characterized by the appearance of certain relations between some functionals for the processes based on time. The significance of synchronization is not only valuable in practice but can be demonstrated by theory. In modern mechnical systems, a multi-composed system usually executes a task by synchronization, coordination and cooperation. For example, assemblage, transportation, spray, jointing, as well as the joints of robot rotating synchronizedly according to track programming. The research on synchronization of robot dynamic system plays a key role in manufacturing and space engineering, whilst it expands the application of robotic synchronization and deepens the understanding of synchronized theory.In this paper, based on robotics, modern control theory, system stability theory, the research focuses on the external synchronization of master-slave system. Dynamic model, external synchronization controller and stability of control system are studied repectively for AS-MRobot system, which pave the road to achieve comparison between experiments and simulation with synchronized control. The main content of this paper is following:Considering the rigid AS-MRobot with 3 freedoms, the dynamic equation is built according to robotic kinematics and dynamics. The Lyapunov function is constructed in order to demonstrate the asymptotical stability of robotic closed-loop control system. As the foundation of following experiment, the friction compensation method and the structure of AS-MRobot control system are introduced.In order to realize the synchronized control goal, a controller based on all states observed is designed. The referred simulation is done on a master-slave system. A nonlinear hysteretic system is chosen as master, which can imitate the friction phenomenon of robotic joint, while a Duffing system is taken as slave. The simulation indicates that the controller is applicable as well as for the inverse process. The influence of controller’s parameters is discovered, which can affect the transfer time of synchronization.With the respect of model error of dynamic mathematic model and disturbance from uncertain element, a kind of robust synchronized track control method is involved in this paper. Furthermore, the OPCL method, which is usually used for complicated dynamic systems, is also involved into the robotic synchronized track control. The above two methods are validated by simulation. Finally, the adaptive synchronized control for robots is studied including the MRAC based on PD gain adaptive tuning and robust MRAC. The design of reference model, PD adaptive controller and stability method are analyzed respectively. Likewise, the joint track of AS-MRobot is simulated using the adaptive method in order to validate its application.In this paper, three generalized methods about robotic external synchronized control are studied. From the aspects of building robot dynamic model, designing synchronized controller, establishing system stability and simulating validation, the whole process of synchronization of robot dynamic system is investigated deeply, which will promote the future work of master-slave robots’internal/external synthronization and multi-robots system synchronization research, meanwhile establish a strong background for the following robot synchronized experiment.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

