

Study on Improving Mo Grade of Certain Refractory Cu-Mo Polymetallic Ore in Anhui

【作者】 周长志

【导师】 杨洪英;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 有色金属冶金, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 长期以来由于铜钼矿石的工艺矿物学性质因素,造成分离困难,是选矿工艺中的难题。安徽省某铜钼矿浮选厂生产已经近二年了,但由于矿石性质比较复杂,铜钼分离效果不理想,指标不稳定,产品质量不高,造成很大浪费。销售的产品铜精矿和钼精矿难以达到满意的指标。铜精矿的品位通常在14~16%左右;钼精矿经过8道精选,通常在23~26%左右。按照标准规定:11级铜精矿含铜要求20%,而目前的产品含铜量14~18%,只能属于14~12级铜精矿;钼精矿钼含量要求最低达到40%以上,低品位钼精矿钼含量要求最低35%。可见产品未达到合格的要求。本试验主要是以安徽某铜钼矿作为试验的对象,论文对以下几个方面进行了研究,包括矿石的工艺矿物学分析,铜钼混合精矿的分离工艺试验,钼精矿精选工艺试验以及结合实验室的结论进行现场条件试验研究。对矿石进行了工艺矿物学研究,钼精矿中含有大量的Si, Mg, Ca, Na, K元素,说明含有大量的脉石矿物石榴子石、透辉石、帘石、透闪石、白云石、石英等。矿石中辉钼矿和黄铜矿密切交生,给铜钼分离带来极大困难。辉钼矿天然成为细小鳞片状,与黄铜矿和脉石分离困难;脉石石榴石、透辉石、白云石、闪石和帘石与辉钼矿在药剂的作用下,表面性质很相近,难于将辉钼矿与脉石分离,所以钼精矿提高品位的难度比较大。为了改善铜钼混合精矿分离的效果,试验对影响铜钼分离的各种因素进行了条件试验,结论如下:磨矿时间为未磨效果最好,矿浆浓度为20%,抑制剂硫化钠最佳用量为40kg·t-1,水玻璃最佳用量为1kg·t-1,煤油最佳用量为0.5kg·t-1,此后,试验在各个因素的最佳条件下,进行了铜钼分离的综合开路试验,工艺流程为一粗一扫四次精选,最终得到钼的品位和回收率分别达到24.56%和65.01%,铜精矿中Cu的品位和回收率为20.92%和91.46%。两者都达到了试验预期的结果。为了提高钼精矿的品位,试验又对钼精矿进行了精选试验,首先对各个因素做条件试验,结论如下:磨矿时间为10min。矿浆浓度为15%,浮选时间为17min,水玻璃最佳用量为10kg·t-1,煤油最佳用量为1kg·t-1,然后是铝精矿的综合开路试验,工艺流程为再磨二次精选,最终得到钼精矿品位和回收率分别达到48.10%和74.18%,其中只有0.22%的铜,效果显著。为了将实验室结论能更好的应用于现场,在现场做了三组对比试验,分别是生产中未磨铜钼混合精矿和已磨铜钼混合精矿的对比,生产中未磨钼精矿和再磨钼精矿对比以及生产中回水和清水的对比试验,结论如下:生产中,有无磨矿对铜钼混合精矿的品位和回收率影响不大,在分离浮选前进行磨矿作业效果不显著。钼精矿再磨浮选得到的钼精矿品位和回收率要优于未磨的钼精矿,应用回水浮选得到钼精矿的回收率为76.19%应用清水的得到钼回收率为92.04%。

【Abstract】 Copper-molybdenum separation has been a difficult problem in the beneficiation technology for its mineralogy for a long time.A copper-molybdenum flotation plant has been ran for nearly two years.But the complex mineralogy characteristic results in the poor effect of copper-molybdenum separation、the instable result、the low quality of production. The Cu concentrate and Mo concentrate for sale are hard to satisfy the request for grade. The grade of Cu concentrate is usually between 14% and 16%.The grade of Mo concentrate is usually between 23% and 26% after eight cleaning. According to standard criterion. The grade of ll-level Cu concentrate is 20%, but the grade of present production is about between 14% and 18%,which only belongs to between 14-level and 12-levelCu concentrate. The grade of Mo concentrate is at least 40%.The lower Mo concentrate is at least 35%.Obviously, the production doesn’t satisfy the request.The thesis mainly takes the copper-molybdenum concentrate as research object, which focuses on several aspects including ore mineralogy, the test for copper-molybdenum separation, the test for Mo concentrate cleaning and the test applying conclusion in lab into practice.With the research on ore mineralogy, it is knowed that Mo concentrate includes a large quantity of Si, Mg, Ca, Na, K, which show that Mo concentrate includes a lot of gangue with garnet, diopside, zoisite, tremolite, dolomite, quartz and so on.The molybdenite and chalcopyrite accrete together in the ore, which brings the large difficulty to the copper-molybdenum separation. The molybdenite is hard to be separated from chalcopyrite and gangue for its scalelike. Because molybdenite has the similar surface characteristic with garnet, diopside, dolomite, amphibole and zoisite under the reagent. It is hard to separate molybdenite from gangue. It is hard to upgrade the Mo concentrate grade.In order to improve copper-molybdenum separation. The condition tests are done on several factors affecting copper-molybdenum separation.The conclusion as follows:Omin for grinding time,20% for pulp concentrate,40 kg·t-1 for the dosage of Na2S,1 kg·t-1 for the dosage of Na2Si03,0.5 kg·t-1 for the dosage of coal oil.Under the foundation of these the most optimum value, The compositive open circuit test of copper-molybdenum concentrate is done, one roughing, one scavenging and four cleaning is adopted to get Mo flotation concentrate with 24.56% for Mo grade and 65.01% for Mo recovery and to get Cu flotation concentrate with 20.92% for Cu grade and 91.46% for Cu recovery.In order to improve Mo concentrate grade,The condition tests are done on several factors affecting Mo concentrate cleaning.The conclusion as follows:10min for grinding time,15% for pulp concentrate,17min for flotation time,10 kg·t-1 for the dosage of Na2SiO3,1 kg·t-1 for the dosage of coal oil. Under the foundation of these the most optimum value,The compositive open circuit test of Mo concentrate is done, regrinding and two cleaning is adopted to get Mo flotation concentrate with 48.10% for Mo grade and 74.18% for Mo recovery and 0.22% for Cu grade.In order to put the conclusion into the practice, three comparative test are done in the plant, including no-grinded and grinded copper-molybdenum concentrate, no-grinded and grinded molybdenum concentrate and circle water and water in practice. The conclusion as follows:Whether grinding has little effect on Mo grade and recovery of copper-molybdenum concentrate,before separation flotation,grinding isn t important.the Mo grade and recovery of regrinded Mo concentrate in is better than no-grinded.the Mo recovery of applying circle water is 76.19%, while Mo recovery of applying water is 92.04%.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
  • 【分类号】TD952
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】124

