

Remote Sensing Detection for Subsidence-Resulted Water Body and Solid-Waste Dump in Yanzhou Coal Mining Area

【作者】 马保东

【导师】 吴立新;

【作者基本信息】 东北大学 , 大地测量学与测量工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 遥感在矿区环境监测中发挥了重要作用。兖州矿区地处鲁西南平原,年产原煤超过3000万t。多年高强度的地下采矿活动对矿区地表环境产生了很大影响,主要表现为塌陷区大面积积水和煤堆及固体废弃物占地。本文以美国陆地卫星(LandSat) TM/ETM+图像为信息源,选用1987年9月的TM图像和2002年5月的ETM+图像,对兖州矿区15年间地表水域(主要为塌陷区积水)和煤堆及固废占地的变化信息进行研究。先对两类地物的光谱曲线进行分析,进而找出区分两类地物的特征波段,分别对其进行提取。具体方法是先利用NDWI提取出两类地物信息,再利用5波段取适当阈值将两类信息区分开。根据温度变化特征及热辐射特性均不同,反演了矿区的温度图像对提取信息进行验证。显然,由于存在较大的温度差异(至少10K以上),使本来混在一起的水体和煤堆及固废很容易区分开。对1987年兖州矿区的TM数据采用同样方法进行处理,将两个时相的结果进行对比,2002年兖州矿区的固废堆场占地和地表塌陷区积水面积分别是1987年的1.90倍和3.87倍。塌陷区积水面积变化主要集中在矿区的南屯、兴隆庄、东滩三个煤矿,煤堆及固废堆场变化主要集中在东滩、鲍店和济二矿等地。

【Abstract】 Satellite remote sensing plays an important role in environmental monitoring for mining area. Yanzhou coal mining area, which lies in Luxinan Plain of Shandong Province, has an annual yield of 3000×104t. It makes a strong environmental and ecological impact on surface because of high-intensity mining for many years. Mining subsidence resulted surface water body and coal and solid-waste dump, which take a large area of farmland, are the two main aspects of the impact. This paper selects a group of multi-temporal TM/ETM+images (acquired in 1987 and 2002 respectively) from LandSat as the information source to study the change information of the two aspects during the past 15 years.The images acquired in 2002 are taken as an example. Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) is got firstly; then, water information could be extracted with appropriate threshold value according to NDWI. What is mixed in water is coal and solid-waste dump including coal gangue, and fly ash and so on. After analyzing the spectral characteristics, DN value 40 in band 5 is chosen as threshold value to distinguish coal and solid-waste from water. Mining subsidence resulted water body and coal and solid-waste dump are of different characteristics in temperature change and heat radiation. Using some formula-transformation, the ground brightness temperature is retrieved from DN in thermal infrared band (band 6 of TM/ETM+ images) which could reveal the difference of thermal field of land surface. The result shows that because of great temperature difference (more than 10K), the mixed information of water body and coal and solid-waste dump is easy to be specified. The methods are also applied for the satellite remote sensing images of Yanzhou coal mining area acquired in 1987. It is founded that in Yanzhou mining area, the area of solid-waste dump and mining subsidence resulted water body in 2002 is 0.90 times and 2.87 times greater than that in 1987 respectively. The main changed areas of mining subsidence resulted water bodies are located nearby Nantun coal mine, Xinglongzhuang coal mine and Dongtan coal mine. The main change areas of solid-waste dump are around Dongtan, Baodian and Jier coal mine.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 东北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期

