

Application of Circulating Water Treatment Technique for Eel Cultivating

【作者】 王建明

【导师】 关瑞章;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 水产养殖, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上最大的鳗鲡养殖国。鳗鲡作为我国主要的出口创汇养殖种类而在福建、广东和江西三省被广泛养殖,但养殖模式仍停留在池塘精养模式和土池养殖模式,池塘精养模式换水量大,占用大量淡水资源,给环境造成污染较大,而土池养殖模式占地面积大,养殖密度低,单位面积产出率低。本试验采用引进美国的室内循环水系统和自行设计的循环水养殖系统进行了循环水养殖模式的欧洲鳗鲡苗种培育和商品鳗养成试验,以期达到节水、节能、减排的目的。在集美大学水产试验场利用引进美国的循环水系统进行欧洲鳗鲡苗种的高密度培育,循环水系统分为大桶(1.89m3)和小桶(1.14m3)两种规格,培育密度分别为8256尾/m3和10320尾/m3,经过96d培育,结果显示,大桶和小桶出苗规格分别为5.2±2.4g/尾和5.0±2.4g/尾,共计240471尾,成活率为94.0%。红虫投喂阶段大桶和小桶的饵料转化率分别为17.0%和16.1%,成活率均为95.0%;配合饲料投喂阶段大桶和小桶的饲料转化率分别为55.3%和52.3%,成活率均高达99.0%。如培育相同数量苗种,循环水模式育苗能达到节水97.0%以上,节地88.0%以上,节约育苗成本40.0%左右。培育苗种转至福清国家循环水养殖示范基地进行商品鳗养成。福清国家循环水养殖示范基地的循环水养殖系统可分为养殖系统和养殖污水处理系统两个部分,养殖系统共有10口圆池,2口大池(153m2/口)和8口小池(95m2/口),总养殖水面积为1066m2;养殖污水处理系统水体面积为558m2,养殖污水经过沉淀池初步沉淀,经过水泵抽提后依次流经下行生物膜池、上行生物膜池、下行牡蛎壳滤池和上行牡蛎壳滤池进行生物净化处理,然后流入养殖池循环利用,必要时需经过紫外消毒器消毒处理。循环水养殖系统的曝气充氧均由鼓风机来提供。循环水养殖系统启用前,在无载鱼情况下,对鼓风机充氧效果进行测试, 1台功率为2.2kw.h-1的鼓风机分别对456m3(6口池)、532m3(7口池)、608m3(8口池)、730m3(9口池)、853m3(10口池)水体进行充氧,试验结果显示,1台鼓风机充氧532m3(7口池)水体的增氧效果最好,溶解氧可达到10.0±0.1mg.L-1,饱和率达到97.6%;在有载鱼情况下,均采用外源山溪水,对鼓风机充氧圆形水泥精养池和水车式增氧机充氧方形池塘精养池进行了欧洲鳗鲡的养殖对比试验,结果显示,鼓风机充氧圆形水泥精养池水质较差于水车式增氧机充氧方形池塘精养池,但前者的水质日稳定性好于后者,且前者的饲料转化率为49.6%,成活率为99.9%,而后者的饲料转化率仅为32.8%,成活率为91.4%。循环水养殖系统启动后,在养殖污水日处理量分别为240m3,480m3和672m3三种工况下对养殖污水处理系统的水处理效果进行了研究。结果显示,三种养殖污水日处理量工况下,养殖污水处理系统对TAN和NO-2-N的去除效果差异不显著,但对NO-3-N和活性磷的去除效果存在差异,其中养殖污水日处理量为480m3工况,养殖污水处理系统对NO-3-N和活性磷的去除效果最好,去除率分别为19.3±14.6%和42.7±21.2%。循环水养殖系统启动后,对养殖污水处理系统在仅上行生物膜池曝气,下行生物膜池和上、下行牡蛎壳滤池均曝气,仅上行牡蛎壳滤池曝气,上、下行生物膜池和下行牡蛎壳滤池均曝气四种曝气工况下的水处理效果进行了比较研究。结果显示,在仅牡蛎壳滤池上行池曝气工况下,养殖污水处理系统对养殖污水中的TAN、NO-2-N、NO-3-N、活性磷的去除效果最好,去除率分别达到76.7±7.5%、94.9±3.6%、12.2±38.7%、17.8±17.4%。对生物膜池中浮游生物调查发现,循环水养殖系统启用前期,生物膜池浮游植物生物量为9.76×105个/L,以硅藻门和绿藻门为主,中后期生物膜池中浮游植物生物量依次降低,分别为6.74×105个/L和3.08×105个/L,且硅藻门逐渐成为优势种群。生物膜池在循环水养殖系统运行的前中后三个时期浮游动物的种类、数量均较少。紫外消毒器对鳗鲡育苗养殖污水进行杀菌试验,在养殖污水流量为10m3/h,紫外消毒器灯管距离水面2cm条件下,4cm、6cm、8cm三种水层厚度的养殖污水经过紫外照射80s均能杀灭水体中的100%的细菌,30s即可杀灭100%的弧菌;紫外消毒器对循环水养殖系统商品鳗养成中的养殖污水进行了杀菌试验,在养殖污水流量为28m3/h,紫外灯管距离水面2cm条件下,水层厚度为10cm的养殖污水经过紫外消毒器77s照射后,能够杀灭97.9%的细菌和100%的弧菌。对欧洲鳗鲡和日本鳗鲡两种鳗鲡进行了循环水养殖模式的商品鳗养成试验,并与池塘精养模式进行对比。结果显示,在循环水养殖模式下,欧洲鳗鲡的生长率、饲料转化率和成活率分别为41.4%、77.0%和95.7%;日本鳗鲡的生长率、饲料转化率和成活率分别为67.9%、61.3%和97.2%,均优于池塘精养模式。循环水养殖模式不仅有很好的防病能力,而且与池塘精养模式相比,节约电能25.4%-37.9%,养殖污水重复利用率为88.1%,具有较好的经济效益和生态效益。

【Abstract】 China has cultivated the most quantities of eel in the world. Eel as the main exported aquaculture specie has been widely cultivated in Fujian, Guangdong and Jiangxi provinces. And the main models were eel cultivating in intensive pond and earthern pond. The intensive pond model needed to exchange a lot of water, costs a lot of fresh water and results in serious environmental pollution, and the earthern pond model needed to take up large areas of land, stocks low density and yields low output. To save water and energy, and reduce pollution effluent, the experiments on the both imported and self-designed water circulating fish farm system cultivating eel were implemented.The fry of Anguilla anguilla was stocked in the double big tank (1.89m3 per tank) and double small tank(1.14m3 per tank)water circulating fish farm system imported from USA, at the density of 8256 and 10320 individuals per cubic water respectively, in the Aquaculture Facilities of Jimei University. The trial period was 96 days. The results showed that the average size of fingerlings yielded was 5.2±2.4g (big tank) and 5.0±2.4g (small tank) respectively, and the total number of fingerlings yielded was 240471, and the average survival rate was 94.0%. The feed conversion efficiency was 17.0% (big tank) and 16.1% (small tank) respectively, and the average survival rate was 95.0% samely, during the period of being fed by red worms. The feed conversion efficiency was 55.3% and 52.3% respectively, and the average survival rate was 99.0% samely, during the period of being fed by formula feeds. If cultivating the same number of Anguilla anguilla fry, the water circulating fish farm system could save 97.0% water, 88.0% land and 40.0% cost than the traditional eel cultivating model. After the trial, the fingerlings yielded were moved to the national eel aquaculture demonstration base in Fuqing.The self-designed water circulating fish farm system in the national demonstration base in Fuqing was consisted of pool system and wastewater treatment system. The total area of the pool system was 1066m2,which had 2 large pools (153m2 per pool) and 8 small pools (95m2 per pool).The eel culture wastewater flowed into the sedimentation pool and carried out preliminary sedimentation, then water was pumped to flow through the downstream biofilm pool, upstream biofilm pool, downstream oyster shell biofilter pool and upstream oyster shell biofilter pool, which purified by microorganism , at last, flowed into the eel culture pools after disinfected by UV not necessarily.Aeration of the pool system was provided by air pump .one set of air pump (2.2kw.h-1) aerated the 456m3, 532m3, 608 m3, 730m3and 853m3 water volume in the case of no-load of fish . The results showed that the 532m3 water volume have the best aeration effect, where DO was 10.0±0.1mg.L-1 and the saturation rate of DO was 97.6%. In comparison with the effects between the air pump aerating water in round cement pools and the waterwheel aerators aerating water in square cement ponds, where Anguilla anguilla was cultivated using mountain stream water, the trial results showed that the water quality in round cement pools was poor than the square cement ponds, but the former daily variation of water quality was more stable than the latter. The feed conversion efficiency and the survival rate of the former were 49.56% and 99.9% respectively, but the latter’s were 32.78% and 91.4% respectively.After the water circulating fish farm system startup, the wastewater treatment effects were compared under three kinds of daily wastewater treatment capacity condition, which were 240m3, 480m3 and 672m3 respectively. The results showed that the wastewater treatment system had significantly different removal rates on NO-3-N and reactive phosphorus and no significantly different removal rates on TAN and NO-2-N among three kinds of daily wastewater treatment capacity conditions. On the 480m3 daily wastewater treatment capacity condition, the wastewater treatment system had the highest removal rates of NO-3-N and reactive phosphorus, which were 19.3±14.6% and 42.7±21.2% respectively.During the water circulating fish farm system running,the effects on wastewater treatment were studied by wastewater treatment system under four different set aeration conditions, which aerating upstream biofilm pool only, or aerating downstream biofilm pool and oyster shell biofilter pool only, or aerating upstream oyster shell biofilter pool only, or aerating biofilm pool and downstream oyster shell biofilter pool only. The results showed that the highest removal rates of TAN、NO-2-N、NO-3-N and reactive phosphorus were gotten under the condition of aerating upstream oyster shell biofilter pool, which were 76.7±7.5%, 94.9±3.6%, 12.2±38.7% and 17.8±17.4% respectively.During the initial stage of water circulating fish farm system running, the biomass of Phytoplankton in the biofilm pool was 9.76×105cells/L and the main populations were Bacillariophyta algae and Chlorophyta algae. Then, during the middle stage and later stage, the biomass of Phytoplankton decreased, which was 6.74×105cells/L and 3.08×105cells/L respectively, and Bacillariophyta algae was being become the main population gradually. Both species and quantities of zooplankton were few in the biofilm pool.In the test of sterilizing the effluent of cultivating eel fry by UV sterilizer, at the effluent flow rate of 10m 3 / h, UV irradiation distance 2cm, and three kinds of water layer set 4cm, 6cm and 8cm deep respectively, the results showed that total bacteria were killed at 100% by UV irradiating 80s, and Vibrio was killed at 100% by UV irradiating 30s. However,while at the effluent flow rate of 28m3/h, UV irradiation distance 2cm, water layer set 10cm deep, the results showed that total bacteria were killed at 97.9% and Vibrio was killed at 100% by UV irradiating 77s,at the stage of self-designed water circulating fish farm system running.In comparison with the traditional intensive pond eel culture model, the trial of cultivating Anguilla anguilla and Anguilla japonica eel in water circulating fish farm system was implemented. The results showed that the growth rate, feed conversion efficiency and survival rate of cultivating Anguilla anguilla were 41.4%, 77.0% and 95.7% respectively, and those of cultivating Anguilla japonica were 67.9%, 61.3% and 97.2% respectively in water circulating fish farm system. The eel culture effects of self-designed water circulating fish farm system model were better than those of the traditional intensive pond eel culture model. Furthermore, water circulating fish farm system model not only had better disease control capability, but also could save 25.4%-37.9% electric energy and 88.1% water quantity than the traditional model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

