

A Study of China’s Regional Sporting Goods Industrial Cluster Upgrading Mechanism Based on Global Value Chain

【作者】 谢洪伟

【导师】 王德平;

【作者基本信息】 集美大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以来,在全球化和市场经济改革的双重推动下,作为国民经济重要载体的体育用品产业集群,凭借其丰富的自然资源和劳动力成本低等比较优势,承接体育用品产业国际转移,迅速登上了世界舞台,推动着我国经济的发展。随着我国国力增强和经济深度发展引发的资源控制和成本上升,国外市场应对贸易逆差和本国产业保护而抑制进口等现象的出现,以及“低碳经济”的理念逐渐深入人心,使得我国区域体育用品产业集群的低成本优势弱化极为明显。因此,区域体育用品产业集群升级的研究逐渐被提上议事日程。文章研究我国体育用品产业集群如何调整发展模式,通过创建和把握核心竞争力来实现产业升级,对我国体育用品产业集群长远发展具有重要的现实意义。文章分为以下五大部分:第一部分,梳理了全球价值链理论和产业集群理论,认为区域体育用品产业集群是在国际产业转移背景下,为获取比较利益而嵌入全球价值链低端的。全球价值链下的产业集群升级既要强调本地联系又要注重外部联系。第二部分,首先从内、外两个层面研究我国区域体育用品产业集群的升级机制:内部层面是指集群网络结构如何影响体育用品产业集群创新活动,首先参照博弈论中“复制动态博弈”和“公共物品的私人投入博弈”对集群核心网络成员竞争与合作创新问题进行了分析,之后分析了集群辅助网络对企业创新活动的影响机制;外部层面则是指基于全球价值链上的升级机制,通过全球价值链价值分析、价值链驱动力和价值链治理三步走来分析集群的升级机制。接着对内、外部升级机制作用下的产业集群升级能力作了详细的分析。这种内、外结合来研究我国区域体育用品产业集群升级机制的方法避免了仅讨论其中之一所造成的不完整性。第三部分,结合区域体育用品产业集群的自身特性及指标体系构建的原则,构建了一套适合体育用品产业集群升级能力评价的指标体系,并对体育用品产业集群升级能力评价方法的选择、方法介绍和评价步骤等作了详细阐述。第四部分,以晋江运动鞋产业集群为例,对晋江运动鞋产业集群升级机制进行了分析和集群升级能力进行了综合评价,并对评价结果进行了深入的分析,最后提出了促进晋江运动鞋产业集群升级发展的对策。这充分验证了该研究所提出的理论框架的可行性和应用性。第五部分,文章在理论梳理、框架构建和实证分析结果之上,主要从企业发展层面、中介机构层面和政府政策层面等三个方面提出中国区域体育用品产业集群升级发展对策。

【Abstract】 Since the Open Policy, with the dual promotion of Globalization and Market economy reforms. Sporting Goods Industrial cluster,as an important carrier of national economy, based on the richness of both nature and labor resource, undertake the international transfer of Sporting Goods Industry and rapidly appearing on the world stage, have vigorously promoted China’s rapid economic development. However, as our internal resource usage control is increasing and foreign countries are taking more policies such as suppress import to protect domestic industries and the Low-carbon economy concept has been widely accepted; China’s regional sporting goods industrial clusters are losing their advantage of low-cost. As a result, research on Regional Sporting Goods Industrial cluster upgrading has been put on the agenda. This paper research how to adjust the development by creating and grasping the core competitiveness to achieve industrial upgrading have profoundly influenced the future development of China’s Sporting Goods Industrial cluster. There are five main parts of research content, which are as follows:Firstly, through combing the global value chain theory and the theory of industrial cluster, this paper consider that Regional Sporting Goods Industrial cCluster embedded in global value chain is in order to gain comparative interest under the background of the international industrial transfer. The prospective of global value chain of industrial cluster upgrading, it should emphasize the local connection but also pay attention to the external links.Secondly, analyze the upgrading mechanism of China’s regional sporting goods industrial clusters from both internal & external aspects: In terms of internal-mechanism, which is about how can the sporting goods industrial clusters gain innovative and competitive advantage base on clusters network structure, here we firstly refer to the game theory to analyze how the enterprise carry out competitive and cooperative innovation, then analyze the relationship among members of local network structure. In terms of external-mechanism, which is about how to upgrade along the global value chain to gain value globally, here we analyzed the value component, driven-power and management model of global value chain. Then combine internal and external upgrading mechanism analysis industrial cluster upgrading capacity detailed. With considering both internal and external aspects of the upgrading mechanism, we can avoid partial research result. Thirdly, combining with their own characteristics of the Regional Sporting Goods Industrial Cluster and the principles of index system, the thesis establishes an index system which is adapt to the evaluation of upgrading capacity of Regional Sporting Goods Industrial Cluster. Further more, expounding the process of the method chosen for evaluation, method’s introduction and the evaluation’s steps.Fourthly, taking Jinjiang athletic footwear industrial cluster for example, using the upgrading mechanism analysis framework and the index system which are established, analysis its upgrading mechanism analysis and evaluation of its upgrading capacity. At last, according to the result of evaluation carried out in-depth analysis, and made some countermeasures to upgrade. This fully verified the theoretical framework of its feasibility and applicability.The last part, based on former theoretical and empirical analysis, this paper end up with some practical policy recommendations for improving the development of China’s Regional sporting goods industrial cluster, which are as follows: enterprise development level, intermediaries level and government policy level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 集美大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

