

【作者】 刘成禹

【导师】 王富春;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:本研究是在综合古今医家捻转频率规律的基础上,固定其他针刺量学要素,通过红外热像仪测定针刺前后足三里穴位局部及经脉相关脏腑——胃的体表投影区皮肤温度变化,来确定不同频率捻转手法的量效关系,以确定捻转补泻手法的最佳操作频率,提出相对客观的捻转补泻频率操作规范建议,为临床应用提供可靠的实验依据。方法:选择年龄在19-23岁之间的健康志愿者20人作为受试对象,性别不限。按手法频率不同分成7个手法组:1组(频率30次/min)、2组(频率60次/min)、3组(频率90次/min)、4组(频率120次/min)、5组(频率150次及以上/min)、对照组(只针刺不行手法组)、空白组(不行针刺操作)。20人全部采用自身对照,每人分别接受上述手法各1次。双侧足三里为实验选穴,每次实验均用红外热像仪分别于针刺前、针刺得针感即刻(1-5s)、5min、10min、20min时测得穴位局部及胃的体表投影区皮肤温度变化,并将所测数据进行统计学分析。结果:1.实验结果表明不同频率捻转手法针刺双侧足三里对胃的体表投影区局部皮肤温度变化的影响有差异,其中1组(频率30次/min)与2组(频率60次/min)手法实施后表现为温度升高;4组(频率120次/min)与5组(频率150次及以上/min)手法实施后表现为温度降低,其中以2组(频率60次/min)的手法实施后升温效果最为明显, 4组(频率120次/min)的手法实施后降温的效果最明显,与空白组比较有明显差异(P<0.05)。2.不同频率捻转对足三里穴位局部皮肤温度变化有影响,并且对温度的影响也是有差异的,当中又以频率60次/min的手法操作升温的效果最明显,频率120次/min的手法操作降温的效果最明显。结论:1.针刺双侧足三里,对胃的体表投影区局部皮肤温度有明显的调节作用。2.实验结果表明:当捻转的角度、力度、作用时间等量学要素固定后,频率60次/min的捻转手法操作升温效果最明显,频率120次/min的捻转手法操作降温效果最明显,即当其他因素固定时频率60次/min的捻转手法“补”的效应最好,频率120次/min的捻转手法“泻”的效应最好。

【Abstract】 Purpose: It is on the base of integrating the traditional and present famose doctors’rotating frequency and stabling some other acupuncture quantity facters that the relationship of quantiy and efficiency can be settled through thermal infrared imager by rotating the acupucturing Zusanli and the organs connected with meridians. The best frequent operation of rotating reinforcing and reducing manipulations can be assured. Some normal rotating reinforcing and reducing frequent operation sugestions are proposed and some reliable experiment basis are provided for clinic application.Method: Twenty heathy vallenteers from 19-23 are selected as the objects and no mater what sex ti is. Seven different manipulation group are made according to different manipulation frequency and each group is made of twenty persons. Self-control is used for all of them, the first group ( frequency 30 times /min), the second group ( frequency 60 times /min), the third group ( frequency 90 times /min), the forth group ( frequency 120 times /min), the fifth group ( frequency over 150 times /min). Matched group(only acupunctured group without manipulation), groupa ( without acupucture). Each object accepts the above manipulation once seperately. Zusanli on both legs are selected as experiment and the thermal infrared imager is used each time before the acupucture and the time of getting the acupuncture sense(1-5s)、5min、10min、20min and test the changes in skin temperature of surface projection area of the local points and stomach. and statistical analysis is done.Result:1. The experiment result shows that different frequent rotating manipulation acupucture in Zusanli on both legs have different effect to the changes in skin temperature of surface projection area of the stomach, in which, for the first group ( frequency 30 times /min) and, the tempreture is raised after the manipulation is applied; for the forth group ( frequency 120 times /min) and the fifth group ( frequency over 150 times /min) the tempreture is lowered after the manipulation is applied, and the tempreture of the second group ( frequency 60 times /min) is raised obviously, the tempreture of the forth group ( frequency 120 times /min) is lowered obviously after the manipulation is applied. It is quite different compared with the groupa(P<0.05).2. The rotating of different frequencyhas different effect on the changes in skin temperature of surface projection area of the local points of Zusanliand it also has different effct on tempreture, in which , the tempreture is raised obviously for the frequency 60 times /min and the tempreture of the frequency 120 times /min is lowered obviously after the manipulation is applied.Conclusion:1. It has obvious regulating effect on the the changes in skin temperature of surface projection area of the stomach to acupucture Zusanli on both leg.2. The result of the experiment shows that when the rotating facters such as the angle, force and the operating time are fixed, the tempreture of the second group applied to rotating manipulation ( frequency 60 times /min) is raised obviousl; the the reducing of the rotating manipulation for the frequency 120 times /min has the best effect.

  • 【分类号】R245
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】244

