

【作者】 王冰

【导师】 王洪峰;

【作者基本信息】 长春中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:通过针药结合对格林-巴利综合征经典动物模型——实验性变态反应性神经炎(EAN)家兔周围神经病理形态学及神经电生理功能影响的研究,揭示了针药结合的切入点及对格林-巴利综合征的治疗作用及干预机制。方法:取12ml提取的牛髓鞘碱性蛋白II(P2)与等量的完全弗氏佐剂(CFA)充分混合后免疫家兔制备EAN动物模型。16只正常健康家兔作为正常组,正常组以12ml生理盐水代替牛P2与等量的CFA进行免疫作为对照,另外取造模成功的64只EAN家兔随机分为模型组、通经益髓方组、针药结合组、免疫球蛋白组,每组各16只。通经益髓方组给予通经益髓方鼻饲治疗;针药结合是电针五脏俞与通经益髓方合用;免疫球蛋白组给予免疫球蛋白400mg/(kg·d)腹腔注射治疗。分别于发病后的第7天及第14天检测各组实验动物坐骨神经运动传导速度和F波出现频率,并对实验动物取材,应用电镜观察坐骨神经病理形态学超微结构的变化,及光镜结果。结果:1本实验成功的复制了EAN家兔模型,无论从病理、神经电生理都与相关报道相一致,证明了本实验研究中的动物模型制备是成功的。2针药结合组能很有效地改善有髓神经纤维有空化、粗大迂曲及线粒体肿大,使脱髓鞘改变不明显,鞘层清晰程度增强。光镜下见炎细胞浸润减少。3神经电生理方面,针药结合组能使运动神经传导速度明显增快,F波的异常率明显减少,明显改善神经传导阻滞现象。结论:1针药结合可以明显改善有髓神经脱髓鞘改变及炎细胞浸润现象;2针药结合可以增加运动神经的传导速度,改善传导阻止现象;3针药结合是以经髓理论为指导,寻求治痿的最佳切入点。

【Abstract】 Purpose: Through needle medicine combined on the Guillain-Barre syndrome classic animal model - experimental allergic neuritis (EAN) in rabbit peripheral nerves and nerve pathomorphology electrophysiological function study.Method: 12ml extract of bovine myelin basic protein II (P2) with the contour of complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) to fully prepare a mixture of immune rabbit animal model of EAN. 16 normal, healthy rabbits as a normal group, normal group to 12ml with normal saline in place of P2 with the cow equivalent CFA immunization as a control, another successful model from 64 EAN rabbits were randomly divided into normal group, model group, Tongjing Yisui side group, needle medicine combined group immunoglobulin group, 16 in each group. Tongjing Yisui side group Tongjing Yisui side nasal feeding treatment; needle medicine combined pass through electric acupuncture to Shu-points of the five-organs and Tongjing Yisui side;immune globulin group immunoglobulin 40mg / (kg ? d) treatment by intraperitoneal injection. In the 7th days and the 14th days we separately examined each group of experimental animal sciatic nerve movement conduction velocity and the F wave appearance frequency, and selected the material from the experimental animal, and used the electricity to observe the change of the peripheral nerve pathology morphology ultrastructure, application of electron microscopy the ultrastructure of sciatic nerve pathological changes, and optical microscopy.Result: 1 The success of this experiment replicated EAN rabbit model, in terms of pathology, neuro-electrophysiology is consistent with the relevant reports to prove that this experimental study in the animal model is successful.2 Needle medicine combined group can improve very effectively has the marrow nerve fiber to have the cavitation, the thick in and out and the line plastochondria is tumescent, causes to escape the myelinic membrane change not to be obvious, sheath level readability enhancement. Under the light microscope sees the phlogocyte infiltration to reduce.3 In neural electrophysiological, the needle medicine combined group can motor nerve conduction velocity increased significantly faster, F-wave abnormalities were significantly reduced, significant improvement in nerve conduction block phenomenon. Conclusion: 1 Needle medicine combined can significantly improve the myelinated nerve demyelination and inflammatory cell infiltration.2 It can increase the motor nerve conduction velocity to improve the conduction block phenomenon after needle medicine combined.3 Needle medicine combined is based on combining the theory as a guide through the pulp, the best starting point for governance atrophy.

  • 【分类号】R277.7
  • 【下载频次】36

