

Analysis of Photosynthesis Specificity of Transgenic Poplars with PEPC Gene

【作者】 王小平

【导师】 诸葛强;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 林木遗传育种, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国杨树人工林面积已达700万hm2,位居世界首位。利用基因工程技术培育高光效杨树新品种对我国杨树人工林产量的提高具有重要意义。本研究以转磷酸稀醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPC)基因南林895杨(Populus×euramericana cv.‘Nanlin895’)为材料,对转基因植株与对照(未转基因杨树)在苗期生长、叶绿素含量、PEPCase和RuBPase活性、光合作用相关参数指标和植株光合作用过程中保护性酶活力等方面的进行比较分析。为选育高光效转基因杨树新品种提供了依据。主要研究结果如下:(1)苗期观察分析结果显示,转PEPC基因植株生长状况优于对照,如大部植株系如PE68、PE33、PE30、PE28、PE84等株高高于对照,最高较对照增高达21.5cm;分析表明各转基因株系叶绿素含量变化不大;(2)磷酸稀醇式丙酮酸羧化酶(PEPCase)是C4植物CO2同化途径中的关键酶,本研究结果显示:转基因杨树的PEPCase酶活性比对照增加显著,最高达22.3%;(3)光合作用相关参数测定,并对转C4植物PEPC基因杨树光合特性进行分析,结果表明:转基因杨树表现出较强的光能利用能力,其光饱和点比对照提高约10%15%,饱和点时的光合速率也比对照高,且光补偿点低于对照,表明转基因杨树利用弱光的能力也较强;(4)转基因杨树CO2饱和点与CO2补偿点均较低,其光饱和点比对照减少,有利于光合形成有机物积累;羧化效率也比较高,比对照增加最高达36.4%,表明转基因杨树利用CO2的能力较强;(5)分析结果也显示转PEPC基因杨树在光合作用过程中,光氧化保护性酶活性比对照显著增加,表明转基因杨树具有较好的耐光氧化等能力。

【Abstract】 Poplar plantation area has reached 7 million hm2 in China, leading the world’s first .Using genetic engineering of poplar cultivation of new varieties with high photosynthetic efficiency of poplar plantations is important to increase the yield in China. In this study, Transgenic poplar with PEPC gene for materials with the control transgenic plants (non-transgenic poplar) in the seedling growth, Carried out a physiological analysis of transgenic plants, transgenic poplar leaves photosynthetic enzyme activity in transgenic poplar, the process of plant photosynthesis and other aspects of the protective enzyme research, and photosynthesis relevant parameters of a preliminary comparative analysis of high efficiency for selection of transgenic poplar provide the basis for new varieties. The main findings are as follows:(1)After Seedlings were observed analysis showed that, the seedling growth of transgenic poplars was better than the control. Height of transgenic poplars was higher than the control such as PE68, PE33, PE30, PE28, PE84 and other plant were higher than the control, The highest compared with the control by up to 21.5cm; But analysis showed that the strains the contents of chlorophyll varied small.(2) PEPCase is a C4 plant CO2 assimilation pathway key enzymes, the study showed: PEPC activity increased significantly as high as 22.3%.(3) After determination of photosynthesis-related parameters, and C4 plants PEPC gene transfer combined characteristics of anoplophora analysis shows that: Transgenic poplars have strong capacity for using high light intensity ,and its light saturation point increased than the control by about 10% to 15%.The photosynthetic rates of transgenic poplars in light saturation point were higher than that of the control ,and the light compensation points of transgenic poplars were lower than that of control, and the light compensation points of transgenic poplars were lower than that of control. Also, the ability of transgenic poplars to use low light was stronger than the control.(4)CO2 saturation point and CO2 compensation point of transgenic poplars were lower than the control. The photorespiration of transgenic poplars was lower than that of control, which is favorable to photosynthetic formation and organics accumulation. In addition, the transgenic poplars had higher efficiency of carboxylation, the highest of which was higher than that of the control by 62.3%, indicating that transgenic poplars have the ability to use more CO2.(5) Under photosynthesis, antioxidant enzymes activity in the transgenic poplars were higher that of control. It showed that the transgenic poplars enhanced tolerance to photo oxidation.

【关键词】 杨树C4光合途径PEPC转基因光合作用
【Key words】 PoplarsC4 photosynthetic pathwaysPEPCTransgenicPhotosynthesis
  • 【分类号】S792.11
  • 【下载频次】83

