

The Regulation of Exogenous Salicylic Acid on Physiological of Alternanthera Philoxeroides under Perchlorate Stress

【作者】 张千千

【导师】 谢寅峰;

【作者基本信息】 南京林业大学 , 植物学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了探讨外源水杨酸(SA)对高氯酸盐(ClO4-)胁迫下水生植物影响的调节作用,本文以喜旱莲子草为试材,在水培及可控条件下,研究不同浓度(0.05、0.1、0.2、0.4 mmol/L)的SA对高氯酸盐胁迫下喜旱莲子草生长生理及结构的影响。结果表明:(1)SA处理不同程度的缓解了ClO4-胁迫对喜旱莲子草生长的抑制作用。与同期ClO4-胁迫组相比,SA处理的喜旱莲子草植株的相对生长量、相对株高、相对根长和根茎叶鲜重相对较高,外观形态观察的结果也表明了SA的缓解作用,其中以0.2mmol/L的SA处理效果最好。(2)与同期ClO4-胁迫组相比,SA处理的喜旱莲子草叶片细胞结构相对完整,其保护酶活性(SOD、POD和CAT)、可溶性蛋白含量(Pr)、脯氨酸含量(Pro)和相对叶绿素含量都得到不同程度提高,丙二醛的含量(MDA)得到不同程度的降低。其中0.2mmol/L的SA处理的效果最好。(3)喜旱莲子草叶片不同时期的叶绿素荧光参数、叶绿素荧光诱导曲线、ETR-PAR响应曲线和非光化学猝灭三组分的测定结果表明,在整个试验期间,各浓度的SA处理能不同程度地缓解ClO4-胁迫引起的各荧光指标的变化幅度,提高受迫植株利用光能和适应强光的能力。其中0.2mmol/L的SA处理的效果较明显。(4)SA处理不同程度地缓解了ClO4-胁迫对喜旱莲子草根系细胞结构的伤害程度,其根系活力、保护酶活性(SOD、POD和CAT)和Pr含量均不同程度的得到提高,MDA含量得到不同程度的降低,对ClO4-的吸收有一定的抑制作用。其中0.2mmol/L的SA处理的效果较明显。

【Abstract】 In order to explore the regulatory effects of salicylic acid(SA) on the response of aquatic plant under perchlorate stress(ClO4-), a water culture experiment was conducted with the experimental materials of Alternanthera philoxeroides to study the effects of different concentrations of exogenous salicylic acid(0.05、0.1、0.2、0.4mmol/L)on growth and physiological characteristics and ultra-structure under the condition of perchlorate stress. The results showed as follows:(1) The SA treated groups could alleviate the growth inhibition effects of Alternanthera philoxeroides under ClO4- stress. Compared with the ClO4- stress group, the relative growth yield, relative stem length, relative root length, leaf fresh weight, stem fresh weight and root fresh weight of the SA treated groups were increased in different degrees,the observation of appearance shape also showed the regulatory effects of SA. It was considered that the optimal concentration of SA in alleviating perchlorate stress was 0.2mmol/L.(2) Compared with the ClO4- stress group, the SA treated groups alleviated the damage degree of the cell structure of Alternanthera philoxeroides leaves, increased the protective enzyme activities(SOD,POD,CAT), soluble protein content(Pr), proline content(Pro) and chlorophyll relative content, decreased malondialdehyde content(MDA) to some extent. The treatment of 0.2mmol/L of SA was the optimal concentration.(3) Through analyzing the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of different periods, the chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics, ETR-PAR curve and the dark relaxations of non-photochemical quenching, the results showed that SA treatments reduced the change range of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of Alternanthera philoxeroides, improved the ability of Alternanthera philoxeroides to use of light energy and adapt to high light. The treatment of 0.2 mmol/L of SA was the optimal concentration.(4) Compared with the ClO4- stress group, the SA treated groups alleviated the damage degree of the cell structure of Alternanthera philoxeroides roots, increased the root activity, the protective enzyme activities(SOD,POD,CAT) and the Pr content, decreased the MDA content to some extent, inhibited the ClO4- absorption in root.The treatment of 0.2 mmol/L of SA was the optimal concentration.


