

A Cognitive Linguistics Approach to the Differences in Lexical Representation of Nominal Concepts in Chinese and English

【作者】 吴小芳

【导师】 肖坤学;

【作者基本信息】 广州大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究所关注的名词性概念主要涉及我们日常生活中的基本概念,相当于Leech所提出的七种意义中的概念意义。名词性概念词汇表征主要指不同文化背景的语言在词汇层面赋予同一基本名词性概念以俗名的语言现象。在对同一名词性概念进行词汇表征时,不同文化背景的语言之间有着许多共同之处。这主要是由于人类具有基本相同的生理结构以及与基本相似的客观世界进行互动而产生的结果。同时彼此之间也存在许多差异。这些差异及其理据吸引了国内外众多研究者的注意。然而,目前可得到的文献显示,少有研究者以认知语言学为视角对名词性概念汉英表征差异进行系统的探讨。鉴于此,本论文主要从认知语言学的视角对名词性概念汉英表征差异进行较为系统和全面的分析并试图实现以下三个研究目的:(1)对名词性概念汉英词汇表征差异进行较为全面的调查;(2)从认知语言学的角度为这些差异提供一种新的解释;(3)在以上研究结果的基础上提出汉英普通名词的翻译策略。认知语言学作为一种新兴的语言研究方法,其本质是解释性的。它不仅对语言事实进行描写,而且力图为解释相关语言现象及揭示隐藏在这些语言现象背后的人类认知规律提供具有说服力的方法。作为其主要理论之一的识解理论在本研究中被尝试性地用于解释名词性概念汉英词汇表征的差异。该理论主要包括框架、突显、视角、隐喻和转喻五个识解方式。对差异进行解释之前,本研究在对从三本词典及过往相关研究中收集的约1655个语料进行分析的基础上对这些差异进行了分类:内在差异和外在差异。而其又可进一步被分为7个小类,用大写字母A、B、C和D分别表示为AB/BA, AC/BC, AB/CD, AB/B, A/AB, A’B’/C’D’和A*B*/C*D*。其中,AB/BA型差异主要从视角和框架两方面进行解释;AC/BC型差异主要从突显和视角两方面进行解释;AB/CD型差异主要归因于突显、视角、框架和转喻四种识解方式以及这几种方式之间的相互作用;AB/B和AB/A型差异主要归因于转喻识解方式;A’B’/C’D’和A*B*/C*D*型差异分别是识解方式即隐喻和转喻所致。通过分析得出的结论是:名词性概念汉英词汇表征差异主要是由于同一概念在汉英两种语言中所采取的识解方式不一样而导致的结果。结合当代翻译研究的主流观点,以上研究结果对表征名词性概念的名词翻译的启示是:译者应力求在目的语中同时实现源语的概念内容和识解方式,如果两者不能兼顾,则舍弃源语的识解方式,采用与目的语一致的识解方式。基于这一基本原则,作者提出了两种具体名词翻译策略,即传承性翻译策略与参照性翻译策略。传承性翻译策略是指源语名词所表征的概念为两种语言所共有且此概念在目的语中也有体现相同识解方式的词汇,翻译时源语名词所表达的概念与体现的识解方式在目的语中同时获得再现。参照性翻译策略则指源语名词所表征的概念为两种语言所有,但源语名词表达的概念在目的语中是以不同识解方式得以表征的,翻译时则采用符合目的语识解方式的词语。

【Abstract】 Nominal concepts in question are mainly restricted to the basic concepts in our daily life which are equivalent to the conceptual meaning in Leech’s seven types of meaning. Lexical representation of nominal concept is a linguistic phenomenon that the same nominal concepts are to be commonly designated on the lexical level between languages of different cultures. In these popular designations, languages of different cultures share great commonness because human beings possess the similar physical structures and interact with the similar real world. In a meanwhile, there also exits certain differences. The details and motivations of these differences have drawn the attention of researchers at home and abroad. However, literature available indicates that few of them examine the issue systematically in the case of Chinese and English and from the perspective of cognitive linguistics. This thesis therefore focuses on a relatively systematic and comprehensive analysis of the differences in lexical representation of nominal concepts in Chinese and English (DLRNCCE) from the perspective of cognitive linguistics and attempts to achieve three purposes: (1) to make a comparatively comprehensive investigation into DLRNCCE; (2) to provide a relatively comprehensive explanation for DLRNCCE from the perspective of cognitive linguistics; (3) to explore translation strategies for nominal words between Chinese and English on the basis of research achievements obtained .As a newly-developed approach to the study of language, cognitive linguistics is explanatory in nature. It not only provides a description of the language facts, but supplies a set of convincing methods for interpreting relevant linguistic phenomena and revealing human cognitive law underlying them. One of its important theories—construal theory, encompassing five major construal means: frame, salience, perspective, metaphor and metonymy—is tentatively adopted as the theoretical framework in this thesis to explain DLRNCCE. Before interpreting the differences, a classification of them has been conducted according to the semantic principle on the basis of analysis of 1655 linguistic data collected from three dictionaries and the previous studies. Two major types of differences are envisaged: intrinsic and extrinsic, which is further divided into seven subtypes. They are represented with the capital letters of A, B, C and D as AB/BA, AC/BC, AB/CD, AB/B, A/AB, A’B’/C’D’and A*B*/C*D*. The AB/BA difference is interpreted mainly from the construal means of perspective and frame; the AC/BC difference is motivated mainly by the construal means of perspective and salience; the AB/CD difference, mainly from the construal means of frame, perspective, salience and metonymy as well as the interactions among these means; the AB/B and A/AB differences, mainly from the construal means of metonymy; the A’B’/C’D’and A*B*/C*D* differences, respectively from metaphor and metonymy. On the basis of analysis above, the conclusion has been made that the differences in lexical representation of nominal concepts in Chinese and English arise mainly due to the diversified means of construal.In light of the above findings and the mainstream view of contemporary translation studies, the principle for translating nominal words designating nominal concepts is proposed: translator should try to realize both conceptual content and construal means of source nominal word in target language; and if this endeavor fails, s/he should discard the construal means of the source language and adopt the one consistent with that of the target language. According to this basic principle, two translating strategies are thus put forward: inheritance and reference. By inheritance it is meant that if the concept that the source nominal word designates is shared by both languages and has the word embodying the same construal means in the target language, both conceptual content and construal means of the source nominal word are reproduced in the translation. Reference is a translation strategy that if the concept that the source nominal word denotes is shared by both languages but represented by a different construal means in the target language, the word in line with the construal means of the target language is adopted.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 广州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 05期

