

Economic Effect Analysis of Utilization of Foreign Direct Investment in Shanxi Province

【作者】 余琴

【导师】 孟铁;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对于一个区域经济来说,对外开放程度是影响经济发展的一个重要因素,而外商直接投资又是反映对外开放程度的最主要指标。改革开放三十余年来,外商直接投资对山西经济的全面发展起到了强有力的推动作用。然而,如何科学评价山西省利用外商直接投资的经济效应,人们的认识不一。科学准确地评价山西利用外商直接投资的经济效应就成为目前亟待解决的问题。本文试图利用国际直接投资的理论模型对山西省利用外商直接投资的经济效应以及利用外资过程中的问题和不足进行较为全面、系统地分析,为山西省制定利用外商直接投资政策提供重要参考,这一课题的研究也具有重要理论与普遍的现实意义。本文首先介绍了FDI的相关理论,对国内外学者的相关理论、学术研究进行了汇总、分析与剖析。然后,阐述了山西省利用外商直接投资的发展状况和吸引FDI的现状,在此基础上结合前文的理论利用大量数据并建立数学模型,从理论和实证两个方面来分析、论证外商直接投资对山西GDP增长、产业结构升级、对外贸易和技术溢出四个方面的经济效应。最后,在总结了山西省在利用外商直接投资中存在的不足和问题之后,得出了几点山西提升利用外商直接投资的政策措施。根据模型计算出的结果,本文得出主要结论并给出建议:外商投资企业对山西省GDP的增长起到了一定的促进作用;FDI对第二产业的贡献大于对第一和第三产业的贡献,对山西省第三产业的作用不明显,但有利于促进山西省产业结构向第二产业转化;FDI与山西省对外贸易之间存在着明显的互补效应;山西省FDI技术溢出效应较小。因此,今后山西省在利用FDI的过程中,在资金的利用上要注意内、外资并重,加快产业结构优化升级步伐,加快政府职能转变,营造高度竞争的市场环境,引进关联性强的产业,实行技术创新。

【Abstract】 For a regional economy, openness to the outside world is an important factor for the economic development level. While Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is the most important indicator to reflect the degree of openness. Over the past 30 years, FDI has played a powerful role in promoting the overall economic development in Shanxi Province. However, different people are holding different understanding on how to scientifically evaluate the economic effects of the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province, what has become an urgent problems to solve. This paper attempts to provide an important reference for the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province by using the theoretical models of FDI to conduct a more comprehensive and systematic analysis on economic effects, problems and deficiencies of utilization of FDI in Shanxi Province. The research projects have important theoretical and universal practical significance.Firstly, this article introduces the relevant theories of FDI which summary and analyze the relevant theories and academic research of scholars at home and abroad. Then, the article describes the developments and situations of the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province, by what it analyzes and demonstrates the economic effect of the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province about GDP growth, upgrading of the industrial structure, foreign trade and technological spillover effects by using large amounts of data and building mathematical models. Finally, a number of policy measures about how to enhance the utilization of FDI in Shanxi Province have been proposed after summarizing deficiencies and problems about the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province.According to the calculated results of the model, the main conclusions and recommendations are given:Foreign-invested enterprises have played a certain role in promoting to the growth of GDP in Shanxi Province; The contribution of FDI to the secondary industry is larger than the primary industry and tertiary industry, which is conducive to the transformation of industrial structure to the secondary industry in Shanxi Province; There is a clear complementarity between the utilization of FDI and the Foreign Trade in Shanxi Province; There is a certain degree of constraints in technological spillover effects of the utilization of the FDI in Shanxi Province. Therefore, the Shanxi Province should lay stress on equality on the national and foreign capital, accelerate the pace of upgrading of the industrial structure, speed up the transformation of government functions, create a highly competitive market environment, introduce some industries with strong associations and implemente the technological innovation in future.


