

An Analysis of Turn-taking in TV News Interview from CCTV Program Top Talk

【作者】 党辉

【导师】 白树勤;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 外国语言学与应用语言学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 话语是人们语言交流的基本形式。随着对语言研究的不断深入,研究者们发现话语同语境密切相关。会话分析是研究话语在不同语境中具体运用的学科。社会学家萨克斯等人开创了会话分析学派,他们从社会语言学的观点出发运用民俗方法论的研究方法,在研究了一系列自然发生的会话之后,指出会话中存在着制约人们谈话的某种机制─话轮转换机制(即人们在会话时按照一定的原则,轮次发话)。本文运用萨克斯的话轮转换理论,选取央视新闻访谈栏目《高端访问》的十期节目,采用会话分析的研究方法,试图回答以下问题:1.话轮转换原则是否适用于《高端访问》这种双方对话式的新闻访谈语体,如果不,哪些方面需要做出修正?2.节目中访问者和被访问者分别运用了哪些不同的话轮转换技巧来获取及出让谈话权?他们是如何运用这些技巧?研究表明,萨克斯等人提出的这一理论基本适用于访谈节目这种语体,但在话轮构成及话轮分配方面情况有所不同,笔者就此做出了修正和补充。就话轮转换技巧,访问者和被访问者使用了诸如打断,插入,指定等方式来获取或放弃话轮。本文研究的意义在于能完善话轮转换理论,同时可以丰富不同语境下对话轮转换的研究,也有助于此类节目的编导及主持人掌握更多的话语技巧。

【Abstract】 Utterance is the basic part of human language communication system. With the constant deepening of language research,linguists have begun to pay attention to the utterances in different contexts. Conversation Analysis (CA) is a method for studying naturally occurring conversations. It is first introduced by U.S. sociologist H.Sacks, Schegloff, G.Jefferson, etc. who used inductive method to explore the principles of social interaction in daily conversation through a large number of real analysis of the recording materials. They believe that there should be a system existing in daily conversation. That is turn-taking system. It has been applied to a variety of contexts (classroom, courtroom, TV media discourse etc.)TV news interview is a new type of conversation. Previously, many researches on it have been done from the perspective of Sociology, Media Communication, Psychology, Linguistics, etc, but there is little in-depth linguistic study on two-party TV news interview by using turn-taking system. This thesis tries to supply this gap.The data analyzed in this research cover 10 news interviews from CCTV’s program Top Talk. Based on the research method of conversation analysis, turn-taking system is adopted to analyze how the system works in the interview. This paper attempts to answer the following two research questions:1. Whether the turn-taking system fits the two-party interview program Top Talk. If not, which ones should be revised?2. What kinds of turn-taking strategies do the interviewer (IR) and the interviewee (IE) use to claim and yield turns? How do IR and IE use these different strategies to manage the whole program?The research shows that this system basically applies to the setting of TV news interviews but differentiates in the aspects of turn construction component and turn allocation component. In the interview, a turn can be constituted not only by words, phrases, sentences but also by verbal backchannel items. Compared to the interviewee, mostly the interviewer prefers to use the turn constituted by verbal backchannel item to show agreements or make comments on the interviewee’s utterances. Both the interviewer and the interviewee’s turn are more composed by the group of complex sentences. Turn allocation component means that if IR selects IE to speak, IE will take the turn; If IR does not select IE to speak, IR will continue the present topic. If IE self-selects to allocate the turn, then IR will get the turn by leading a new topic; If IE does not self-select, then IR will continue by repeating the topic; IR gets the turn to continue the topic by which all the interviews will go smoothly following this model through which IR and IE keep exchanging the speaking chance so that the interview is able to continue.In the setting of the news interview, the interviewer is the controller of the program and the interviewee is the focus of program. For turn-taking strategies, both the interviewer and the interviewee would like to use interruption, overlap, insertion or nomination to claim or yield turns. In the turn-claiming, insertion is used with highest frequency. It is a moderate way to show the different opinions. Interruption is a little impolite, therefore it is used less frequently and mainly used by IR to control the program; IE uses it because of the wrong prediction of transition relevance place (TRP) or being eager to put forward his opinions before IR has finished his questions or statements or when he finds a problem in IR’s expression. Overlap appears with the least frequency and it happens mostly because of the wrong prediction of possible transition place in the current speaker’s utterance. Once overlap appears, the disorder will happen in the interview. In the turn-yielding, the interviewer yields his turn more often through nomination while the interviewee more through self-selection which indicates relatively less power than nomination. In the interview, IR uses self-selection for only 91 times, which is much less than nomination. This shows IR’s highly control over the development of the interview. As to IE, he uses self-selection for 436 times which shows that they are in a comparatively powerless status in turn allocation.The present study may have implications for the study of turn-taking and help to gain deeper insights into the nature of interactions in TV news interviews. It is also hoped that the investigation into the turn-taking operation in TV news interviews may benefit the chief editors, especially the host and the guests in similar programs.


