

The Legal Rules and Regulations of Coke Export

【作者】 陈桂莲

【导师】 薛建兰;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 经际法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 中国的焦炭出口在世界市场上占据着巨大的比例,出口量的浮动变化直接决定了世界市场上焦炭的价格,正是由于这种影响力使得中国在世界焦炭市场上的作用越来越重要。多年来,随着我国的焦炭出口量快速增长,价格不断上扬,中国焦炭企业在获得高额利润的同时也带来了诸如恶性竞争、资源浪费、环境污染、频繁的贸易摩擦等不良的后果,给焦炭行业的发展制造了很多障碍。为了给焦炭行业造就一个有利的出口环境,在保证获得最大利益的同时,能保证国家的经济安全和自然环境的可持续发展,并且能够有效减少出口中的贸易争端,有必要针对焦炭出口环节和制度中所存在的各种问题,从国家调控的角度出发,结合理论和实践两方面,提出今后阶段调控焦炭出口的解决对策,建立完善的焦炭出口法律规制制度。鉴于这种现状,本文主要从四个部分进行阐述:第一部分主要分析当前我国焦炭出口所面临的国际出口环境以及加强对焦炭出口进行调控的必要性。我国作为世界上出口焦炭最多的国家,在当代工业发展迅速的时期,其重要性不言而喻,而由于大部分发达国家出于对本国环境的保护,不断关闭境内的焦炭企业,致使国际焦炭价格持续走高,焦炭所带来的利润吸引了国内大量的企业蜂拥而起,造成了中国焦炭行业整体性的产能过剩,并由此所带来的严重的环境破坏与贸易纷争对国家加强焦炭出口宏观调控的呼声越来越高。第二部分是针对国家现有的法律规制制度进行分析,指出其不足之处。为了调控焦炭市场,我国现在已经出台了一些相关法规和部门规章,如《焦化行业准入条件》、《焦炭进出口配额管理办法》等。现行宏观调控法律制度对焦炭行业的调控只是一般性的调控的手段和方式,在面对日益变化的市场时也表现除了其不足的一面。例如,政策性法律引导的缺失、出口定价制度的缺乏、出口许可和配额制度的不完善、市场准入制度存在的缺陷、焦炭出口市场规制制度的软弱性以及没有一个对出口企业环境评价制度等等,这都对现行的焦炭出口市场法律规制提出了挑战。第三部分从比较法角度剖析主要是美国和欧盟的发达资本主义国家在相关产品进行出口时的法律制度以及对我国相关制度的构建的借鉴意义。但欧美在自然资源保护,环境保护等方面的法律和措施,政府对原材料出口的调控政策,各种合理有效的规章制度,仍然值得我们去借鉴。第四部分提出了完善我国焦炭法律制度的对策。要明确国家对于焦炭出口的政策,积极引导该行业发展。对于国内,在制定政策时要倾向于满足国内市场,遵循产业分工明确、有利于形成竞争优势的原则进行结构调整,坚决淘汰落后生产设施,促进资本融合,延伸产业链条,组建大型企业集团并对整个产业进行全面规划,统一引导;在出口中,要建立焦炭贸易战略,争取在中国建立起国际焦炭交易中心,掌握焦炭价格的“话语权”;对现有制度,要健全焦炭出口的行业准入制度和配额制度,建立企业环境评价制度和出口企业奖惩制度。通过这些分析,本文得出唯有在国家实施合理有效的法律规制制度的条件下,保证焦炭的合理有序出口,才是当前的正确选择。

【Abstract】 China’s coke export occupies a huge proportion in world markets so the volume of its export directly determines the coke price in the world. It is precisely because this influence makes China becoming a more and more important role. For many years, with the rapid growth of coke export, the price of coke continued to rise. While the Chinese coke enterprises obtain high profit, they also brings some disadvantages such as blinding competition, waste of resources, environmental pollution and trade frictions and so on. All of these made many barriers to the coke profession’s development. In order to create a suitable coke export environment, it is necessary to propose the solution ways of these problems at the next stage and establish a perfect coke export legal regime to guarantee our nation’s economic security, the natural environment development and reduce the trade conflict with we gain the maximum benefit.This paper set out from four parts:the first part of the main analysis of the current face of China’s coke exports international export environment and to strengthen the need for coke export control. China’s export of coke as the world’s largest country in the contemporary period of rapid industrial development, but as most of the developed countries cut their own protection in order to protect environment, resulting in an international coke Prices continued to rise, the profits arising causing the integrity of China’s coke industry overcapacity, serious environmental destruction and trade disputes on the countries.The second part is for the country’s existing macro-control system for the analysis, pointing out its shortcomings. To control the coke market, China has now introduced a number of related laws. The current macro-control legal system of the coke industry, regulation is only a general macro-control means and methods in the face of an ever-changing market, it in addition to its lack of performance side. For example, the policy guidance of the lack of laws, export pricing system, market access system defects, coke export market regulation system, the weakness of the export enterprises and the lack of an environmental assessment system, which are the current macro-control coke export market, presented a challenge. The third part of the analysis from a comparative law point of view of the United States and the European Union developed capitalist countries. Europe and the United States in natural resource conservation, environmental protection laws and measures, the Government’s regulation of export of raw materials policy, a variety of reasonable and effective rules and regulations, are still worthy of us to learn from. The fourth section presents a perfect legal system of China’s coke. It is necessary to have a clear national policy for the export of coke, and actively guide the development of the industry. In the formulation of policies a clear division of labor is conducive to the formation of the principle of competitive advantage for structural adjustment, resolutely eliminate backward production facilities, extend the industrial chain, unified guidance; on the existing system, to improve the coke export industry.The establishment of corporate environmental assessment system and export enterprise reward and punishment system. Through these analyses, this paper obtained the national implementation of rational and effective macro-control under the conditions of the legal system to ensure the rational and coke exports is the correct choice.

【关键词】 焦炭出口市场法律规制完善
【Key words】 CokeExport marketLegal RegulationPerfection

