

The Sustainable Development of Chinalife Property and Casualty Insurance Company Shan Xi Branch

【作者】 张超

【导师】 杨俊青;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 教育经济管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 伴随着经济的发展,保险行业的竞争日益加剧,如何在日益激烈的竞争中取胜,实现企业的可持续发展,已成为业界关注的焦点。本文使用自己所学的经济学、管理学及教育经济与人力资源管理理论,结合自己在中国人寿财产保险山西分公司人力资源部的实习,采集了公司业务发展数据和教育培训体系构建的相关数据,从当地的保险监管机构搜集了其它行业数据。在此基础上对该公司开业三年来的发展情况进行纵向分析,与两家同业公司同期情况进行横向比较,发现该公司业务发展迅速,市场拓展快,而发展的可持续性则受到业界的质疑。针对此问题随机选择系统员工进行了问卷调查,共发放问卷300份,回收299份,其中有效问卷299份。通过问卷调查发现中国人寿财险山西分公司员工对于公司教育培训的满意程度低,员工对于教育培训工作的不满意主要集中在培训方法和培训效果跟踪这两个方面,其中83.3%的员工认为实现公司的可持续发展有必要加强教育培训工作。鉴于此,本文选择了以教育培训体系构建为视角对企业的可持续发展进行分析。对于企业的可持续发展,本文通过引申可持续发展的定义,提出了企业可持续发展的定义和企业可持续发展的要素,并以此为基础,对中国人寿财产保险股份有限公司山西分公司的可持续发展要素进行具体分析。发现制约该企业可持续发展的瓶颈是教育培训体系的不完善。接下来本文分析了中国人寿财险山西分公司教育培训的现状,指出了其中存在的问题:缺乏培训需求分析,缺乏统一的培训教材,讲师队伍不足,教育培训形式单一,缺乏培训效果评价和效果转化。进一步分析问题产生的原因:对教育培训的重要性认识不足,教育培训工作缺乏战略性,以及教育培训投入不足。并且分析了教育培训体系不健全对公司可持续发展的影响。针对这些问题,分别从评估培训需求,制定培训计划,确定教育培训内容,选择教育培训方法,评价教育培训效果以及转化教育培训效果的角度,有针对性的提出了该企业的教育培训体系的建立。并在此基础上,结合企业实际,具体的提出了该教育培训体系在中国人寿财产保险山西省分公司的具体实方案。主要从该企业现有培训资源整合,教育培训管理组织设计,以及年度、季度具体教育培训计划的制定,和教育工作的具体实施步骤等角度进行了细化。为满足企业发展构建了教育培训体系,从而实现人力资本的增值,从而更好的为公司可持续发展服务。

【Abstract】 With the development of economics, the competition in the insurance industry becomes more and more intensive. How to develop well,fast and sustainably , is focused by the industry. By using the theories of Economics, Management, Education Economics, and Human Resources Management, aim on the sustainable development of it, combined with the author’s internship, this article studies the development of Chinalife Property & Casualty Insurance Company Shan Xi Branch from the perspective of the building of education and training. For the investigating in the staff, the author gives of 300 papers, and gets 299. It finds the problems of the education and training system.The author also collects the development data of this company and the data of the market. By the analysis of the enterprise’s data form its open, comparing with two other similar companies, it proposed this company developed fast at first 3years, and how to develop well and fast is the target of this article. Then the article gives the further analysis.First, this article gives the definition and the factors of the enterprises’sustainable development. Based on this, the article analyses the development factors of Chinalife Property & Casualty Insurance Company Shan Xi Branch. And it proposed the problem with this company’s development is the imperfect of education and training, system.Then this article studies the status of the company’s education and training, system, points out the problems: lack of the demands analysis lack of training materials, teachers, and the lack of the transformation of the training effects. It also gives us the reasons for these problems: lack of awareness of education and training’s importance, lack of education and training strategy, and lack of investment.Focus on these problems, this article gives the education and training system on the points of the training demands, the training plan, the education content, the training way, the training results evaluation, the transformation of training effects. At last, this article proposes the implementation of education and training system. It refines the education and training work of this company. The analysis in this article constructs the education and training system, and increases the value of human capital, in order to serve the sustainable development of Chinalife Property & Casualty Insurance Company Shan Xi Branch.


