

Research on Ethics Problem of Shanxi Coal Industry Policy

【作者】 付庆华

【导师】 李红岩;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 山西煤炭产业政策是我国公共政策的重要组成部分,山西煤炭产业伦理研究是我国煤炭产业政策研究不可缺失的向度。本文突破以往政策分析视角而对我国建国以来山西煤炭产业政策实践进行伦理审视,从哲学伦理学的维度对我国煤炭产业政策研究进行了一种新的尝试,试图寻找山西煤炭产业政策的一般的伦理标准,得出“以人为本”是公共利益与个体利益的高度自洽,并对这一标准进行哲学伦理学的证明。虽然山西煤炭产业政策是由政府所作出的策略性选择,但构建“以人为本”的政策伦理还需要加强政策主体伦理、客体伦理及程序伦理的建设。首先本文从山西煤炭产业政策伦理的理论概述入手,分析了山西煤炭产业政策伦理的缘起、内涵和特征。山西煤炭产业政策伦理的内涵包括四方面内容:一是煤炭产业政策自身所蕴含的道德性;二是贯穿于整个煤炭产业政策活动过程之中的伦理规范与道德原则的系统总和;三是本质上体现了煤炭产业政策伦理体现的是不同社会群体之间关乎以矿业权为核心的涉煤利益的冲突与协调;四是合伦理的煤炭产业政策既应有利于满足个体的涉煤利益需求,也应有利于实现国家与社会整体涉煤利益的需求。基于对内涵的分析得出山西煤炭产业政策伦理具有政治性、公共性、合法性特征。其次,本文对建国以来山西煤炭产业政策实践的发展历程从伦理视角进行审视,得出山西煤炭产业政策不同时期的伦理取向虽具有深刻的历史合理性,但也凸显了一系列社会矛盾:矿难频发、资源浪费、环境问题、两极分化,问题的核心就是煤炭产业政策的利益失衡、观念冲突和民主程序的缺失。这些问题开始让我们深刻反思当前我国煤炭产业政策的伦理取向问题。“以人为本”要求以人作为目的,以最大数人的根本利益为核心要求,因而是公共利益与个体利益的高度自洽,是山西煤炭产业政策伦理核心的必然性要求。公共性与合法性是煤炭产业政策最根本的伦理精神,这种伦理精神植根于煤炭产业政策的公益性取向之中。“以人为本”的政策伦理不以整体主义的要求而牺牲个体利益,也不以个体利益要求的满足而否定集体利益的要求,而是在这二者之中寻求理性的平衡。“以人为本”作为山西煤炭产业政策应然的伦理核心,必须通过制度的建设得以实现。加强山西煤炭产业政策主体的伦理建设,有利于政策主体在政策活动中通过道德自律做到提高效率与促进公平之间的综合平衡;加强山西煤炭产业政策客体的伦理建设,将会促使政策客体能够理性地对待政策过程中利益冲突,实现利益平衡;加强山西煤炭产业政策过程中的?程序伦理建设,可以从决策程序上保证政策的利益相关者的平等表达渠道畅通,保障山西煤炭产业政策以民主化推动科学化的进程。今年“两会”温家宝总理“公平和正义比太阳还要光辉”的经典言论迫切呼唤山西煤炭产业政策的伦理关怀。只有以“以人为本”的伦理精神加以构建,山西煤炭产业政策才会更加凸显社会的公平和正义。

【Abstract】 Shanxi Coal industry policy is an important part of public policy, the ethics of the coal industry is vital to Shanxi’s coal industry policy. This article breaks through the perspective of policy analysis and has an ethical review for today’s coal in Shanxi. Then, have a new attempt for Shanxi’s coal industry policy research from a philosophical ethical dimensions, trying to find the general ethical criterion of Shanxi’s coal industry policy which reach the conclusion that "people first" is the high self-consistent of the public interest and individual interests, and have a proof of the philosophical ethics. Although Shanxi’s coal industry policy is the strategic choice made by the Government, but the building of "people-oriented" policies also need to strengthen the construction of the main ethical ethics, object ethics and procedures ethics.First of all, from the analysis of Shanxi’s coal industry policy and ethics, this text agreed that interest is the links of it. And then points out the ethical content of the coal industry policy includes four aspects: Firstly, the coal industry policy contains its own morality; Secondly, the coal industry throughout the process of policy activities of ethical norms and moral principles of the system total; Thirdly essentially coal industry policy reflects that between different social groups, to mining rights core of the conflict of interest involved in coal and coordination; Fourth, ethical, coal industry policy should be meet the demand both to meet individual interests and should also contribute to the achievement of national and community interests. Based on the analysis of content we obtained that the ethics in Shanxi’s coal industry policy has political, public, legality features.Secondly, form the ethical perspective for the review of Shanxi’s coal industry policy development process and the current practice of Shanxi’s coal industry policy which since the founding of Shanxi this paper conclude that the development of Shanxi’s coal industry policy has a profound history of rationality, but also highlighted a series of social contradictions: mine disaster, waste of resources, environmental issues, polarization, the core problem is the policy making process lack of democratic procedures, the imbalance of the implementation process of the interests, the concept conflict of the evaluation process. These issues begin to make us deeply reflecting on the ethical orientation of Shanxi Coal Industry policy."People First" requires the individual as a purpose, use the fundamental interests of the greatest number of people at the core is the requirements of the Shanxi’s coal industry policy ethics. ?Public and legitimacy is the ethical spirit of the coal industry, and this spirit is rooted in the coal industry ethics policy among the public welfare oriented. "People first" policy is not to sacrifice the whole doctrine of the requirements of individual interests, not to satisfy the requirements of the individual interests of the collective interests to deny the request, but that to seek a rational balance between the two.As the core ethics of Shanxi’s coal industry policy, "People first" should be achieved through institutional building. Strengthen the main construction of the ethics of Shanxi’s coal industry policy help the main activities achieved balance between efficiency Improvement and fair promote through moral self-discipline. Strengthen the ethics construction of Shanxi’s coal industry policy object will promote policy object treat the interest conflict of the process of policy rationally, and realize balanced interests. Strengthen the program ethics construction of Shanxi’s coal industry policy help ensure the Policy stakeholders’equal expression with open channels, and then to protect Shanxi’s coal industry policy to promote the scientific decision-making process of democratization.In this year’s National People’s Congress, Premier Wen Jiabao said, "fairness and justice have more brilliant than the sun”, this Calls for the ethical concern of coal industry policy. In order to make the coal industry policy become even more Fairness and justice, Shanxi’s coal industry policy is only to build the ethical spirit focusing on the People.


