

About the Study of Ethics of Peasant’s Family of Moutain Area

【作者】 暴水平

【导师】 柴晓霞;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 马克思主义中国化, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 家庭伦理是协调家庭成员之间关系的规范和准则,是家庭和谐和社会稳定的重要因素。农民家庭应建立怎样的伦理观与时代要求相适应,以促进社会主义新农村建设?毫无疑问,关于家庭伦理问题有好多大家和学者对之进行了深刻的研究,有古代的孔子、孟子及程朱理学,近代的费孝通等老一辈。尊敬的陈瑛、唐凯麟、焦国成等老师及诺贝尔奖金获得者阿马蒂亚·森等,他们对家庭伦理都进行了深刻的研究并取得了具有深远意义的成果。但他们主要研究了发达地区的家庭伦理和农村家庭伦理问题,并没有对山区的农民家庭这一特殊的,处于社会弱势地位群体的家庭伦理作深入的研究。传统的观点认为:经济基础决定上层建筑,也就决定了家庭伦理,但是我通过对在改革开放前后的山区农民家庭伦理的变迁调查研究发现,山区农民家庭伦理的形成和构建,事实上外部信息的冲击也起了一定的决定性作用。这是本文的主要创新点。笔者认为,该发现对现时山区农民家庭伦理的形成和构建研究具有重大的理论和实践意义。在此基础上提出了构建以“出则和,入则谐”为核心的山区农民的和谐家庭伦理观。当前,我国要构建社会主义和谐社会,进行社会主义新农村建设。对中国这个处于发展中的多L¨的国家而言,大部分的山区农民家庭正属于由贫困向小康过度的这个阶段。他们接受信息的渠道又很有限,要提升中国共产党的执政能力,构建社会主义和谐社会,就必须先占领山区农民的信息传播阵地,将先进的、正确的信息及时准确地传播下去,使山区农民家庭伦理观能在一个健康的、先进的信息环境中形成和构建,进而为构建社会主义和谐社会奠定一个坚实的基础。

【Abstract】 Family’s ethics is to coordinate norm and criterion of the relation betweekinsfolks. it is the important factors of the family andharmonious social stability. It isconformity with requirement of times what kind of ethics peasant’s family should set up, in order to promote the new rural construction of socialism? No doubt, there is everybodmany and scholaring will carry on deep research to it about family’s ethics problem, there are ancient Kongzi, Menzi and Zhu -ConfucianiCheng,oldergeneration such amodern Fei Xiaotong. It is inferior and full of trees that dear teacher and the Nobel laureate AMARTYA ? SEN such as Chen Ying, Tang KaiLin, Jiao GuoCheng, they have carried on deep research and made the achievement with far-reaching significance to family’s ethics.but the ethics of family of the developed area of their main research andfamily’s ethics problem, have peasant family a special one this in mountain area, in socialweak tendency status ethics of family of colony make deep research.The traditional view thinks: Economic base determine superstructure, determine family ethics just,’ through investigate, discover to family changes of ethics, peasant of mountain area, in front and at the back of reform and opening-up I, the forming of the ethics of peasant’s family of mountain area was constructed, in fact the impact of external information has played certain decisive function too. This is clicked by main innovation herein. I think, should find, study, have great meaning of theory and practice to current family forming and construction of ethics, peasant of mountain area.lt propose on this basis construct with " it is since appear with.is it in harmony , it is for mountain area the family ethicses harmoniouses of the peasants central to enter."At present, our country should construct the socialist harmonious society, build socialist new countryside .This piece in developing many country but speech of mountain to China, most family, peasant of mountain area, belong to from poor to well-to-do level excessive the stage. The channel that they accept information is very limited, promote the ability of administration of the Communist Party of China, construct the socialist harmonious society, must capture the information dissemination position of the peasants of mountain area first, advanced, correct information will travel accurately in time, will make the ethics of peasant’s family of mountain area can be constructed and transformed among a healthy, advanced information environment into, and then establish a solid foundation for constructing the socialist harmonious society.


