

Research on Improving the Core Competence of the College Students

【作者】 吴蓓蓓

【导师】 宋东风;

【作者基本信息】 山西财经大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会主义经济体制的逐步建立和改革开放的不断深入,我国经济基础和上层建筑的各个领域发生了剧烈的变化,我国高等教育的国际化、大众化进程加快,高校人力资源配置方式也由过去国家统一分配的方式逐步转变为自主择业,这必将导致人才的竞争更加激烈,近来大学生群体的问题层出不穷,大学生的就业难已经上升为社会问题。所以在当前大学生就业困难的现实状况中,研究这一群体的核心竞争力的构成及影响因素是非常有意义的。本文围绕这些问题展开论述和探讨,主体分五大部分。第一部分探讨了大学生核心竞争力的基本理论、影响因素和研究意义;第二部分构建了大学生核心竞争力的评价体系,并得出评价指标所占的权重大小:价值观念>学习能力>实践能力>创新能力>其他能力;第三部分通过理论分析,阐述了大学生核心竞争力与其各评价指标之间的关系:1)价值观具备成为大学生核心竞争力的内在资源和能力的基本条件,2)学习能力是大学生核心竞争力的核心,3)实践能力是检验大学生是否具有核心竞争力的标准,4)创新能力是提升大学生核心竞争力的关键,5)其他能力是大学生核心竞争力形成的保障;第四部分通过正反两方面的案例分析,得出大学生核心竞争力是各评价指标之间相互作用下形成的有机整体;第五部分得出提升大学生核心竞争力的建议与对策。

【Abstract】 With the gradual establishment of a socialist economy and the further reform and opening up, the economic base and superstructure drastic changes have taken place in various fields in our country. The process of the Internationalization and popularization of Higher education is speeding up in China. The way of human resources allocation have changed from the distribution of national unity to self-determination, And it must result in the more fierce in talent competition. Recently, there are more issues of undergraduate groups, and the issues of employment have become a society subject. So it is a significative research on the composition and influence factors of the core competence about this group. There are five parts in this paper.In the first part, we discussed the basic theory, the influence factors and the importance in this subject. Then we construct the evaluation system of the core competence of the college students. And the weighing of evaluating indicator have also been conclude.(values>learning capacity>ability of practice>the ability of innovation>others) In the third part, the relationship between the evaluating indicator and the core competence have been discussed by using the analysis of theory.1)The inner resource and basic condition of the core competence is the sense of worth;2)The learning ability is the key factor;3)The capacity of practice is the standard of core competeence;4 ) Innovation ability to raise university students is the key to the core competitiveness;5) Others is the guarantee in the process of the core competence. In the forth part,we conclude that these factors and the Students core competence are the various indices of interaction between the organic whole.Finally, we conclude the suggestion and the countermeasure on improving the core competence of college students.


