

The Design and Research of Tire Capsule Three-station One-step Injection Molding Vulcanizer Equipment

【作者】 吕贤滨

【导师】 吕柏源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛科技大学 , 机械制造及自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国轮胎工业的发展,特别是我国子午线轮胎的快速发展,轮胎工业对胶囊的需求量也越来越多,而且对胶囊的生产技术和品质也提出了更高的要求。目前,国内规模大的轮胎企业都有自己的胶囊生产分厂,但随着我国集约化经济的发展,又有好多专业的胶囊制造商生产胶囊供轮胎厂商用。现在,全国专业的胶囊制造厂商有20多家,基本上能满足现在轮胎厂对胶囊的需求。在胶囊的制造工艺中,95%的制造厂商采用的模压生产工艺,少数的制造厂商采用的是液压注射法。传统的模压方法存在的缺点是:胶囊质量难以提高,生产效率低,工艺过程复杂,能源浪费度大等。传统的液压注射法是经过先塑化、再定量的两步工作过程,存在的缺点:注射装置结构复杂、加工困难、造价高;注射量少,不适合大规格胶囊注射。针对以上存在的问题,青岛科技大学挤出工程研究室吕柏源教授对胶料注射成型技术进行了深入研究和探讨,提出了一步法注射成型技术——将传统的注射工艺中的塑化、注射两步动作简化为塑化和注射一步完成。一步法注射成型优点:成型制品质地均匀、致密性好;所需要的设备简单、投资费用少,而其能适合大容量制品注射。现在把这种注射方法引进到轮胎胶囊制造企业中,并对原有模压注射平板硫化机进行改造,以解决胶囊生产企业现在面临的实际生产问题。在此背景下,我们设计研究对了三工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射成型硫化技术与设备。在《三工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射成型硫化技术与设备》课题中,重点所做工作和获得成果如下:1、将三工位一步法注射成型技术应用到轮胎胶囊制造中去,并对企业现有平板硫化设备进行技术上的改造,重点解决了企业用传统成型法生产的胶囊质量不足的问题,并且推进了企业设备资源的可持续利用,同时使胶囊的生产工艺水平处于世界领先位置。2、在本设计中,将世界领先的一步法注射工艺应用到企业胶囊生产中。我们采用与胶囊垂直注射的方法,只需对原有模压胶囊模具增加下流道板及流道装置,而原有模压模具上下模结构及其芯模结构保持不变,就样就由模压模具改造成注射模具。这种模具改造方案适应性广,即适用于型号A、B的斜交胎模压胶囊模具的改造,又适合型号为RA、RB、RC、RAB的子午线模压胶囊模具的改造。3、在本设计中,对传动装置的结构进行合理设计。采用自冷式直流电动机与减速器直联的方法,减速器采用平面二次包络环面技术。这样的传动系统具有体积小、承载能力大、运转平稳、噪声低、寿命长、传动效率高等优点,是橡胶注射机传动系统发展中的一次重要技术革新。4、在本设计中,通过对螺杆各参数性能的理论分析,并对其进行整体设计,使胶料在螺杆挤出段的压力满足一步法注射工艺所需要的要求。5、在本设计中,注射机的喂料段采用了螺旋啮合喂料装置:一方面能保证胶料的连续喂入喂料装置中去;另一方面能把胶料强制拖拽到机筒中,同时能给胶料强有力的推力。这样能有效的增加胶料的注射压力。6、在本设计中,将胶料的机械式注射定量方式该变为信息定量方式。在注射机头位置加上压力传感装置,能实时检测胶料的注射压力信息,并将检测信息及时反馈给驱动压合电机,当注射压力达到设定参数定值时,注射机停止注射。7、在本设计中,成功运用了CAE技术——有限元法,结合有限元分析软件ANSYS对注射机筒的重要冷却——加热温度控制系统进行温度场分析。根据分析结果,有针对性的对注射装置机筒的结构做了合理的改进和优化,从而提高了设计方案的可靠性和可靠度。8、本设计采用二维设计软件AutoCAD和三维设计软件Pro/E相结合方法,对胶囊注射成型硫化机设备进行结构设计,能直观、简捷表明设计思想。最后运用三维动画模拟软件3DS MAX对整套设备进行运动过程模拟,以此验证整套设备设计的合理性。综上所述,三工位轮胎胶囊一步法注射成型硫化设备具有广泛的开发和应用前景,相信将会带来明显的社会效益和经济效益。

【Abstract】 With the development of tire industry, especially the rapid development of meridian tire in China, more and more capsules are wanted in the tire industry, which raises higher requirements for the tire capsules on the quality and production technology. Currently, the domestic large enterprises have their tires capsule production factory. However, with the intensification of economic development in China, many professional capsule manufacturers start to provide capsule for tire manufacturers. At present, there are more than 20 national professional capsules manufacturers, which can basically satisfy the demand for tire capsule factory. In the capsule manufacturing process, 95% of them adopt the Compression Moulding production process. Few manufacturers use the Hydraulic Injection. There are many shortcomings in the traditional Compression Moulding molding method: difficult to improve the quality; with low production efficiency, complex process and energy-wasting. There are two-step processes in the traditional Hydraulic Injection molding method—first plasticizing and then rationing. The shortcomings are as follows: the injection device is complex with difficult processing and high cost; it injects so less that it is not suitable for large size capsule injection.Professor Lv Boyuan, Extrusion Engineering Research Laboratory of Qingdao University of Science and Technology, have made great effort and further study on the extrusion of the rubber injection molding technology. To solve the problems above, Professor Lv proposed one-step injection molding technology– merging two step plasticizing and injection in the traditional process into a single one. Advantages of One-step Injection Molding: Molded production is homogeneous and compact; the required equipment is simple with low investment, and its products can be suitable for large-capacity injection. This method is now introduced to the tire capsule manufacturing company. The original injection molding flat-type vulcanizing machines are rebuilt, so that the production problems with which manufacturers now faced can be solved. In this context, we have designed three-position tire capsule one-step injection molding vulcanizing technology and equipment.In the issue—"three-position tire capsule one-step injection molding techniques and equipment ", we have done lots of important researches and finally got the following results:1、The three-station one-step injection molding technology is applied to the tire capsule manufacture for the first time at home and abroad. What is more, we rebuilt the original vulcanizing equipment of which the enterprises are now in possession, thus improving the low quality in traditional molding capsules producing. In addition,we realize the sustainable use of equipment resources, while drive the technology of capsule production to the world’s leading level.2、In the design, one-step injection process, the world’s leading technology, is applied to capsule production. We adopt a method of the vertical injection, just plus underlying flow-channel plates and device to the original capsule mold, with the original mold structure of the upper and lower die and the core model remaining the same; then the Compression Mould can be transformed into a Injection Mould. Such a method is generally or universally applicable: it is not only available to the reconstruction to the type A and B in the bias tire, but also the type RA, RB, RC, RAB in the meridian capsule mold.3、In this design, the structure design of the transmission is rational. Self-cooled direct current motor and speed reducer with Double Enveloping Arc Surface join together directly, with characteristics like small in size, large loading, steady operation, low noise, long life and high efficiency. It will be an important development in technological innovation for rubber injection machine drive system.4、In this design, The Theoretical Analysis on the various performance parameters of the screw is discussed and its overall design is studied, which make the screw section meet the pressure required for the one-step injection process.5、The design adopt a helical gear feeding device in the injection molding machine. On one hand, it can ensure the rubber feeding continuously and effectively; on the other hand,it forces the rubber feeding into the barrel, which can push the feed forward powerfully and increase the injection pressure effectively.6、The design will turn mechanical quantificational rubber injection approach into a informational one. A pressure sensor is installed in the head to detect injection pressure information real-timely, and inspect the information back to the lamination machine instantaneously. When the injection press reaches the parameters set value, the injection machine will stop injecting.7、The design make a successfully application of CAE technology—Finite element method. By using finite element analysis software ANSYS, We provide a cooling - heating temperature field analysis on the important control system for injection machine. According to the results, we made a reasonable improvement and optimization for the injection barrel structure in pertinence, thus improving the reliability of design.8、The design offers a structural design of the capsule injection molding vulcanizing set and integrates two-dimensional design software—AutoCAD and 3D design software—Pro / E approach, which is intuitive, simple. Finally, we adopt three-dimensional animation and simulation software 3DS MAX and set up a full set of equipment process motion simulation, thus making sure of the rationality of the full set of our design.In a word, three-location tire campus one-step injection of vulcanizing equipment possesses widespread prospect in the development and application, I am sure that it will bring obvious social efficiency and the economic efficiency.


