

【作者】 周磊

【导师】 许春香; 程南清;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和Web技术的发展和广泛应用,远程教育发展到了基于Internet网络的第三代远程教育。当前,远程教育已经成网络研究和应用的热点之一。近年来,远程教育系统的应用在国内外取得了长足发展,很多大学和一些教育企业都建立了基于web的远程教育站点。现有的Web远程教育站点基本上都是静态的,学习资源很少更新。参加远程教育的学生具有不同的个性和层次,目前大部分远程教育站点内容单一、知识深度一致,没有依据学生个人的实际情况量身订作、因材施教,缺少针对学生个性的服务。Web课件的设计和教学依据原有的传统面授教学规律,没有考虑远程学生个体的差异性和远程教育特有的网络环境。然而,现在大部分远程教育站点都积累了大量的有用信息,但是,这些信息没有被充分地利用。本文在对Web挖掘的概念和过程作了详细研究的基础上,将Web挖掘技术应用到远程教育中,建立基于Web挖掘的智能化个性化远程教育模型和学习环境,并给出了实现过程。本文首先分析了现代远程教育的特点,对数据挖掘领域中的概念和算法进行了探讨,提出了基于Web挖掘的个性化远程教育模型。对Web挖掘的最新技术和发展方向作了全面的分析,详细讨论了Web挖掘的概念和处理过程;然后本文提出了应用多维数据立方体对Web日志进行多维关联规则挖掘的算法和在Web站点中自动发现那些存储位置同用户期望的位置不同的Web页面的算法,并将Web日志分析和挖掘中获得的规则和模式应用到宁波电大远程开放教育系统网站中,优化网站的效率。最后分析和展望了Web挖掘技术的发展和在远程教育中的应用前景。

【Abstract】 With further development and application of computer technology and Web technology, Distance Education has also developed into a third generation. And Web Based Distance Education is currently one of the hottest areas on Web research and application. During these years, the application of Distance Educational System has made great achievements at home and abroad. At the same time, more and more universities and educational enterprises have now created their own Distance Education websites.At present, many Web-based Distance Education systems are usually static and the study resources are also seldom updated. Moreover, these systems do not personalize the interaction or customize the learning materials to meet individual student’s needs, since the students are of different levels and have different learning habits. And the design and teaching of the course materials for these systems are directed by the traditional class experience too, without the consideration of the learning differences between individual learners and Distance Education environment. However, a lot of information about student learning has been accumulated in most Distance Education websites, but it is not efficiently used. Therefore, based on the careful research of Web Mining and its procedures, in this paper we try to apply the Web Mining technology for Distance Education and also manage to present an intelligent and customized Distance Education model with suitable learning environment as well as all the realization process.The thesis is organized as following. First, the features of modern Distance Education and its characters are presented, and the concept and algorithm of Data Mining is also discussed so as to introduce the Web Mining based intelligent and customized Distance Education Model. Afer the analysis on the web mining techniques and new trends as well as the detailed discussion about the concept and process of Web Mining, the author proposes an algorithm to apply the Multi-Dimensional Data Cube for mining of Multi-Dimensional Association Rules, and an algorithm to automatically find pages in a website whose saving location is different from where visitors expect to find. Meanwhile, the paper uses the rules and patterns obtained from the Web Log analyzing and mining into the building of NBTVU Open Education Website to optimize it’s efficiency. Finally, the paper also analyzes the development of Web Mining Technology, and gives the perspective of the Intelligent Distance Education model.

  • 【分类号】TP311.13
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】168

