

【作者】 文路

【导师】 徐利梅; 陈华英;

【作者基本信息】 电子科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着国民经济实力的不断增强,我国民航事业发展迅速,国内各航空公司规模不断扩大,对飞行员数量的需求猛增。据民航总局统计,我国的民航飞行员培训规模已名列亚洲第一。飞行员训练是一类特殊的培训工作,在飞行训练过程中产生的人员信息、训练时间、飞行科目等各种数据,对于保证训练安全、追溯培训过程、分析培训效果十分重要,需要对其进行详细的记录和分析。传统的飞行训练数据管理通常采用手工记录方法,这种方法存在记录差错率高、统计效率低、数据共享困难等问题。鉴于此情况,飞行训练机构急需开发适用于飞行训练基本数据管理的计算机管理信息系统。为满足提高国内民航飞行员培训质量、加强培训管理等需求,提高飞行训练基本数据管理的准确性、时效性和数据共享性,本文开发了“基于B/S架构的飞行训练基本数据管理系统”。系统采用Browser/Server体系结构,选取SQL Server2000作为系统的后台数据库,具有飞行学员基本信息管理、飞行教员基本信息管理、飞行时间管理、飞行科目管理、系统管理等功能。飞行训练主管部门可以通过本系统实现对飞行训练基本数据的准确管理和快速分析,并能以此为依据调整飞行计划、发现潜在隐患,达到提高培训质量、加强安全管理等目的。其他相关管理部门也可应用本系统完成对飞机利用率、航线利用率、可飞天数等信息的统计,起到科学调配资源、改善管理的作用。目前,本系统已在民航某飞行学院成功上线运行。经实际应用表明,本系统设计合理、功能完善、使用方便,显著提升了飞行训练基本数据管理的技术水平和工作效率,推进了飞行训练管理工作的数字化、现代化进程,对扩大飞行培训

【Abstract】 With the growing economic strength and the rapid development of China’s civil aviation, domestic airlines have been expanding continuously and its demand for pilots is surged. According to the statistics of Civil Aviation Administration of China, the scale of the China’s civil aviation pilot training has been ranked first in Asia. As pilot training is special, the data produced during the training such as the personnel information, training hours, flight subjects are vital for ensuring training safety, tracking training process and analyzing training quality. The detailed record and analysis of the data are needed. Traditional flight training data management is manual recording, whose characteristics are high error rate, low efficient and difficult for data sharing. In view of this situation, the organization for flight training urgently needs to develop a computer management information system for flight training basic data management.As the current status of flight training volume is increasing rapidly, with the purpose of improving accuracy, efficiency and level of data sharing of the flight training basic data management, the discussion group has developed "B/S structured flight training basic data management system". The system utilizes Browser/Server architecture and select SQL Server 2000 as the back-end database. Its functions includes basic information management of student pilots, basic information management of flight instructors, flight hours management, flight subjects management and system management. The flight training department can accurately manage and timely analysis the flight training basic data, then serve it as the basis to adjust the flight plan and identify the potential risks. It can improve the quality of training and strengthen safety management. Other relevant administrative departments can also apply this system to collect statistics such as the utilization of aircraft, route utilization and suitable training days to improve management manner and allocate resources reasonably.Currently, the system has been successfully launched and operated in a flight training school. The practical application shows that the system is reasonably designed, functional and easy to use. It greatly enhanced the skills and efficiency of flight training basic data management, carried forward the digitalization and modernization process of flight training management work, and played a positive part in expanding flight training capability, enhancing flight teaching quality and promoting flight training safety level.

  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】154

