

【作者】 陈焱

【导师】 邢莉;

【作者基本信息】 南京艺术学院 , 艺术学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 艺术起源问题属于艺术发生学的研究范围,它不仅是艺术史研究的对象之一,更是艺术原理研究的重要内容之一。有关艺术起源论的探讨,学术界观点不一。目前国内学术界已逐渐开始对以往的艺术起源论进行反思,并基本否认了“艺术起源于××”某种单一的艺术起源理论,而认为艺术发生的原因与多方面因素有关,它的研究应具有多元性和开放性。鉴于此,本文将以生命母题(生殖与食物主题)作为研究对象,运用文化人类学等学科的理论及方法对中国史前视觉艺术作品中生命母题的基本内容、主要的艺术呈现方式、频繁出现的原因、及其与生命主体之间的关系等问题作深入的分析,以此试图对艺术发生问题作尝试性探讨,并得出本文的基本结论:艺术的发生至少与两个决定性因素密切相关:第一,内因(基础因素)——原始本能需求(人类自身生命的产生与基本的延续);第二,外因(动力因素)——在原始思维的指引下,在劳动实践的基础上,以满足原始本能需求为目的而充分发挥主观能动性所采取各种手段和方法。其中,艺术形象的塑造过程是史前人在原始世界观(主要是巫术思维)引导下,自主选择和运用符号的过程,史前艺术作品最初是实现目的的媒介。

【Abstract】 The problem of the origin of art belongs to the Art Occurrence, it is not only the object of the art history study, but also is the one of the most important problem of art theory study. On the origin of the art, there are different opinions from the academics. Currently the domestic academics has gradually started to reflect on the origin of art in the past, and denied the single art origin theory that is the“art originated in XX”, and they think the reason of the origin of art is related to many facts; the research should be diversity and openness. In view of this, the research object of this article is about the life motif (reproduction and food themes), it is focused on using cultural anthropology theory to do the deeply analysis about the basic life motif content of prehistoric visual art in China, the main artistic presentation, the reason of frequently appearing and the relationship between each life subject, and try to do the discussion on the occurrence of art, then we can get the basic conclusion of the article. There are two determining factors closely related to the occurrence of art: first, internal factors (fundamentals)——the needs of original instinct (the biopoiesis of human and the basic life extension); Second, external factors (power factor)——under the guidelines of the original thinking, based on labor practice, human give full play to take various means and methods from the subjective initiative to meet all kinds of original demand. Among them, the shape process of the artistic image is guided by the original outlook of the preman (mainly the witchcraft), it is the process of self-selection and the symbol usage, the prehistoric art is the media for achieving the intention.

  • 【分类号】J110.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】354

