

On the Measures of the Dike Project’s Risk-elimination and REinforcement

【作者】 李曙光

【导师】 蔡敏;

【作者基本信息】 合肥工业大学 , 水利工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 该文结合安徽省淮河干流蒙洼蓄洪区堤防工程中防渗、滑坡处理等工程实践过程,针对堤防工程常见的渗透破坏和边坡失稳两种破坏型式进行了成因分析,并对不同成因下所对应的的除险加固方案有较为系统的研究和详细的阐述。对其它类似工程如何在满足经济、合理、实效等各种因素后选择除险加固方案进行处理提供了有益的理论经验,具有一定的指导作用。

【Abstract】 The article, based on the project practice to prevent the seepage and treat the landslide during the dike project of Mengwa flood storage area in Huaihe River main current, Anhui Province, analyses the causes of two kinds of destruction patterns—the seepage failure and the slope instability, commonly happening in the dike project. Also, the paper systematically researches into and elaborates the corresponding measures of eliminating risks and reinforcing the dike under the different causes. For other similar projects, the article provides the useful theoretical experience in how to choose a program for the risk-elimination and the reinforcement with meeting a variety of factors such as economy, rationality, effectiveness and so on. In addition, it can play a certain guidance role.

  • 【分类号】TV871
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】226

